Posts Tagged ‘windows’

Windows BitLocker Hacked in 43 seconds!

A security expert has managed to break Windows’ BitLocker encryption using a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller. It took him just 43 seconds to steal BitLocker’s master key and access a locked laptop. He claimed to have exploited a flaw in the TPM security standard. (For privacy and security, Microsoft products are not recommended.) See video: […]

Microsoft may replace the Start button with the Copilot AI in Windows 12

Windows 12 could see a substantial system redesign in order to include a more AI-centric user experience. The start button could thus be replaced with Copilot AI, which is already available as a preview version in the latest Windows 11 update. The next major version for the Windows operating system is expected to launch sometime […]

From October, Microsoft will check everything you do on your Windows computer

ByNorbert Häring September 22, 2023 From 30 September, new terms and conditions will apply to Microsoft customers. If you do not adhere to a vague code of conduct when using products of the quasi-monopolist, your account can be blocked and you can lose access to all paid or free services and your data stored there. Recourse is […]

Microsoft Installs MANDATORY AI Systems in All Windows Machines To Spy on Users

    Microsoft has made an announcement stating that it will be incorporating robust built-in artificial intelligence (AI) integration across its Windows 11 operating system, and already privacy experts and advocates are concerned. According to Microsoft, the inclusion of AI is intended to enhance the usability and speed of Windows 11. However, concerns have been […]

A deep dive into Windows spying from a new laptop

As the version numbers of Windows increase, so does Microsoft’s spying on you, and that’s before you even technically start using your personal computer. Mirosoft is subservient to the 5eyes global surveillance regime. If you truly value your privacy (and security) then this would be refelected in your action in not using Microsoft products at […]

Leftists Riot in Atlanta, Light Police Car on Fire, Break Windows

Far-left protesters rioted in downtown Atlanta on Saturday evening, lighting a police car on fire and breaking business windows.  Source

Photos of Hundreds Who Died From the Jabs Are Posted on Windows of the BBC

Photos of Hundreds Who Died From the Jabs Are Posted on Windows of the BBC by JVDW Music, Odysee channel uploaded January 15, 2023   <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> Video out of the UK shows people want answers regarding the deadly experimental COVID jabs. Footage shows hundreds of stickers […]

Windows 11 v 10 resource use

As time goes on Microsoft continues to data mine your computer use via its spyware tool marketed as an operating system called Windows. Telemetry, phone home, backdoors, keylogging, etc have become more prevalent as the numbers rise in the version of Windows. Here is a comparison of a version of Windows 11 that user’s computers […]

Windows 10 v Linux memory usage and privacy concerns

A personal computer installed with a current version of Windows 10, together with all the associated drivers for the personal computer to operate normally, i.e. video, audio, network, chipset etc consumes a certain amount of RAM, as indicated in the screenshot below: The amount of RAM used by the Windows operating system is 3.2GB. A […]

Windows 10 Processes Threads Handles too high!

Microsoft’s Window 10 operating system from the ‘factory’ or OOBE (Out Of Box Experience) is plain and simple spyware which stifle’s your computer’s performance. One can mitigate Microsoft’s data hoovering, but ultimtely in order to stop Windows from keylogging your keyboard moves and other things one does on a PC is to not use it, […]

Is Windows bad?

It’s what we know. Windows is a tool and has evolved over the years while dominating the PC Market since the 90s. So it begs the question, is it bad? What it does well There are certain things Windows does better than any other OS. The operating system itself has an amazing assortment of compatibility […]

Microsoft Windows keylogger enabled by default – disable it now!

Many Windows 10 users are unknowingly sending the contents of every keystroke they make to Microsoft due to an enabled-by-default keylogger. This function has been around since the beginning of Windows 10, and is a prime example of why you should never go through the default install process on any Operating System. Windows 10 privacy has […]

Microsoft preparing you for Windows as a ‘service’?

How to install Windows 11 WITHOUT a Microsoft account: It’s ALL part of the Nanny State Agenda. Source

Windows devices with newest CPUs are susceptible to data damage

Microsoft has warned today that Windows devices with the newest supported processors are susceptible to “data damage” on Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022. “Windows devices that support the newest Vector Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (VAES) instruction set might be susceptible to data damage,” the company revealed today. Devices affected by this newly acknowledged known […]

Hardening Microsoft Windows 10 according to the Australian Signals Directorate

If you’re running Microsoft Windows 10, it is a deliberately design data leaking platform, with privacy not on the menu. The way to deal with his is via a method called ‘hardening’ of the operating system. There are a variety of ways to do this, either via tutorials or privacy focused apps that do all […]

Chinese in Brutal COVID Lockdown Screaming They Are Starving from Windows, Couple Jumps — Bill Gates Met by “Arrest Gates” Protest Convoy

Image above: Couple jumps out window during total lockdown in China As world governments and media stand by and say nothing, people in Shanghai are even jumping to their deaths while facing starvation during a brutal lockdown in which people cannot leave their apartments for any reason, except medical emergency. The exercise of raw power […]

Bill Gates Had a Game Created for Windows Called ‘Omikron’ in 1999 About Demons Pretending to Be Human in Order to Harvest Their Souls

In 1999, a video game called Omikron: The Nomad Soul was released for Microsoft Windows and later Dreamcast. by Geoffrey Grider As if happening on cue from a Higher Power, (amen, brother, amen!) today comes the news that in 1999 Bill gates and Microsoft released a game called ‘Omikron’ that revolved around demons pretending to […]

Good Samaritans break car windows with strollers to save sick man

The scene appears to be playing out in slow motion: a truck rolls leisurely down an Atlanta highway as passing motorists get out of their vehicles and try to attract the driver’s attention. Inside, the driver is unconscious after suffering a suspected seizure. “The truck was still moving, but the driver’s head was leaned over […]

Windows broken at four synagogues in Bronx Jewish neighborhood

Four synagogues in the New York City neighborhood of Riverdale were vandalized as rocks were hurled through their windows and glass doors. The vandalism in the Bronx neighborhood, which has a large Jewish population, occurred overnight on Saturday. The vandalized synagogues are the Riverdale Jewish Center, Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale, Young Israel of […]

Police Search for Suspect Who Hurled Rocks, Smashed Windows and Doors at Two Bronx Synagogues

The smashed glass door of the Riverdale Jewish Center after the attack. Photo: provided New York police were still searching Saturday for a suspect caught on security footage throwing rocks at the glass doors and windows of two Bronx synagogues, including one that was previously the target of a foiled 2009 bomb plot. A man […]

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