Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

How to avoid big tech (privacy)?

9 june 2022 (updated july 25, 2024) Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta and Google are known to be systems that spy on people, keep all the information and even sell it for profit without their users’ knowledge. In addition, many are talking about the implementation of a social credit system that these people will use to […]

Privacy For Billionaires VS. Privacy For You

While the richest of the ruling class can easily pay to secure their own privacy, the rest of the citizenry are not afforded such luxuries. Instead having their private information encroached upon by every big government agency and mega corporation around. THE FREE THOUGHT PROJECT JUN 11, 2024 (Take Back Our Tech) Billionaires understand the value […]

THE ‘Privacy Policy’ that exposes Google’s corrupt business dealings

Google, contrary to their earlier motto is ‘evil’, but is that against the law? Google is a corrupt global behemoth, period. Google is the epitome of corporate scum.  Google, is the world’s largest copyright breacher, yet governments do nothing about this, whereas a ‘person’ who would act in a similar fashion would have the heavy […]

Jeff Bezos, Facebook LINKED to DARPA’s data gathering and privacy invasion program

(NaturalNews) Amazon founder and Executive Chairman Jeff Bezos was linked by a report to the United States Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research… Source

The TRUTH about Bank Privacy

The truth is that we (the people) do not have privacy any more. It’s been thrown under a bus, gone out the door or whatever other metaphor you like. The sad reality is that people LET it happen. And once it’s ‘lost’ you’re NEVER getting it back again, period. People, the herd/serfs/plebs are really asleep […]

A new wave of wearable devices will collect a mountain on information on us – we need to get wise about the privacy implications

Web and mobile services try to understand the desires and goals of users by analysing how they interact with their platforms. Smartphones, for instance, capture online data from users at a large scale and low cost. Policymakers have reacted by enforcing mechanisms to mitigate the risks inherent in tech companies storing and processing their citizens’ private information, such as […]

71% of drivers consider buying older cars due to data privacy concerns

Data privacy within the automotive industry was analyzed in a recent report by Kaspersky. According to the report, 72% of drivers are uncomfortable with the idea of automakers sharing their data with third parties. Eighty-seven percent of survey participants said automakers should be required to delete their data upon request, and 28% said they have some idea […]

EV SPY: Electric vehicles’ privacy policy indicates they monitor drivers’ verbal conversations to COLLECT and SELL information to buyers (which may include the government)

(NaturalNews) People are aware that the top selling points of electric or robo cars are convenience and their environmental and economic benefits, making everyone… Source

Holidays 2023: What to Buy and Not to Buy? Privacy Aware Shopping Tips

November 15, 2023 It’s the season for gift buying once again and as you get saturated with ads on what to buy, I will give you the knowledge to choose wisely. Be aware of the privacy implications of what you’re buying. In this age of overreaching technology, you must learn that not all technology is […]

iPhone Privacy ‘Lies’ Exposed Again: Apple Analytics not Anonymous

Apple has been caught lying in a privacy policy. So say the now-notorious security researchers at Mysk. Apple promised that the “device analytics” sent to its servers were anonymous. But it turns out that’s not true, according to the researchers. Everything you do in Apple apps, such as the Store, transmits an analytics row, containing a […]

5 Ways To Prepare for the Online Privacy Crackdown

The internet is about to change. In many countries, there’s currently a coordinated legislative push to effectively outlaw encryption of user uploaded content under the guise of protecting children. This means websites or internet services (messaging apps, email, etc.) could be held criminally or civilly liable if someone used it to upload abusive material. If […]

Five Ways Your Privacy Is Under Attack – And How To Protect It

“There’s a way to look at digital communications in the past. I can’t go into detail of how that’s done or what’s done, but I can tell you that no digital communication is secure.” Those were the startling words shared by former FBI Counter Terrorism agent Tim Clemente just over a decade ago on CNN […]

Hunter Biden sues IRS whistleblowers for BREACH OF PRIVACY over tax probe

(NaturalNews) Presidential son Hunter Biden has sued two Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblowers for allegedly violating his privacy rights.The 27-page… Source

Automakers failing privacy test: study

Major automakers are failing at privacy because cars collect substantial personal data on drivers that can frequently be sold or shared, according to a new analysis from the Mozilla Foundation. Every major car company examined by researchers received a privacy warning label in the Mozilla Foundation’s latest “Privacy Not Included” study released Wednesday. “Car makers… […]

Every New Car Is a ‘Privacy Nightmare,’ Mozilla Researchers Conclude

Modern cars are a “privacy nightmare” that collect vast troves of personal data and demand owners allow manufacturers to share or sell highly sensitive information such as disability status, genetic information, facial templates, and even sexual activity, according to a Mozilla Foundation analysis of car company privacy policies. The Mozilla Foundation spent 600 hours of […]

List of free, open source and privacy respecting services and alternatives to privative services

13 aug 2023  Important note Anonymity, Privacy, and Security are often used interchangeably, but they actually represent distinct concepts. It is important to understand the differences between them. Read more in this section below. The primary focus of this list is to provide alternatives that prioritize privacy. These alternatives give you control over your data and […]

The Impending Privacy Threat of Self-Driving Cars


Kenya Bans Worldcoin and World ID as Other Nations Push Back on Privacy Concerns

Kenya Bans Worldcoin and World ID as Other Nations Push Back on Privacy Concerns Scanning eyes to create a World ID. Image source. Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News It’s good to see countries push back against Sam Altman’s Worldcoin and World ID universal basic income plans due to privacy concerns. But don’t […]

Commissioner Johannson’s response to scientists’ online privacy concerns goes after straw men

The Commissioner’s failure to answer the issues we raise shows she knows the European Commission’s regulation on Child Sexual Abuse Material cannot succeed. Instead, the post responds to statements we never made, Carmela Troncoso and Bart Preneel write. Source

Binance is delisting privacy tokens in France, Spain, Poland and Italy

(Natural News) Cryptocurrency is poised to become a lot less private in several European countries as a top crypto exchange is planning to delist “privacy tokens”. Starting June 26, Binance users in Spain, France, Poland and Italy will no longer be permitted to buy and sell enhanced anonymity crypto assets (CAE). The platform identified 12 […]

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