Posts Tagged ‘holidays’

“Women’s Day” – Why do we Celebrate Soviet Holidays?

International Women’s Day  ( March 8) is a longtime Communist propaganda tool. What does it say when an official Soviet holiday is enshrined in our mainstream culture? Clearly, Communism isn’t dead; it has just morphed into other forms like Feminism. It confirms Norman Dodd’s famous claim that Ford Foundation President Rowan Gaither told him, in […]

Vape Your Way Through the Holidays With PAX’s Huge Black Friday Sale

In a world where Snoop Dogg claims to be giving up “smoke” and Dead & Co. have possibly played their actual final show, 2023 has been a bit of a harshed vibe for fans of ~*letting loose*~. And current events? Bro, it all feels Certified Uncool these days. Like, it’s rad that Harold and Kumar […]

Holidays 2023: What to Buy and Not to Buy? Privacy Aware Shopping Tips

November 15, 2023 It’s the season for gift buying once again and as you get saturated with ads on what to buy, I will give you the knowledge to choose wisely. Be aware of the privacy implications of what you’re buying. In this age of overreaching technology, you must learn that not all technology is […]

The Best Jewish Food Cookbooks (for Noshing Your Way Through the Holidays)

Contrary to what pop culture seems to think, Jewish cuisine is a lot more than pastrami on rye, hummus, and bagels with lox. (That’s only like 90% of it—there’s also latkes.) For real, though, nailing down what Jewish food is can arguably be a much more difficult task than defining, say, French or Italian cuisine. […]

Noruz holidays: Shiraz tours to take travelers to ancient neighborhoods

TEHRAN – Shiraz is set to hold special tours of historical neighborhoods of the ancient Iranian city during the two-week Noruz holiday, which officially commences on March 21. Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Happy Holidays

Dalton Clodfelter declares that the phrase “‘Happy Holidays’ is satanic Jewish bull shit.” Self-proclaimed “prophet” and QAnon conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor is now targeting Kenneth Copeland and his Victory Channel network with conspiracy theories. David Lane celebrates that “three of the 13 freshmen elected to the NC State House on Nov. 8 are pastors. Three […]

Financing for your Rolex just in time for the holidays

With Halloween behind Thanksgiving just around the corner, we’re now preparing to enter the year’s final stretch and enter the holiday season in full swing. That means it’s time to start thinking about what gifts you’re giving in December. Whether you’re shopping for someone else or buying a gift for yourself, we have a solid […]

Maria Sakkari recommends Santorini for holidays and pastitsio for food

Maria Sakkari is one of the hottest names in world tennis and occupies the media, not only for her skills on the courts, but also for her life and preferences. She was asked by WTA a host of questions, including her favourite foods and where one must visit in Greece. Q: where should i visit… […]

Australians Face Chaos in Sydney Airport as Easter Holidays Kick Off

Sydney International Airport has been in chaos as the reduced staff numbers are unable to handle the number of Aussies hoping to get away during the Easter holidays, with the queues for check-in and security ending outside. For many Aussies, it would be the first time they have flown since the borders opened after almost […]


Castellammare di Stabia.What I remember about Castellammare di Stabia in Italy – Young lads threw stones at me.  The police advised me to go elsewhere in Italy. Castellammare is famous for being a base of the Mafia group known as the Camorra. The Police Station. Castellammare di Stabia, explosion in the Police Station ‘An explosion […]

Nation’s Libertarians Renew Push For 365 Federal Holidays A Year

U.S.—After the passing of Juneteenth as a federal holiday, the libertarians of the nation are renewing their push for 365 federal holidays a year. “We’re glad the federal government will not be working one more day — but it’s not enough,” said local libertarian man Jake Fluglehorn of Idaho. “We will not rest until the […]

Holidays, “Happy Days,” Superheroes, Mayonnaise!

Esther D. Kustanowitz is a Contributing Writer at the Jewish Journal. She previously was the Founding Editor at She is an experienced freelance writer and consultant specializing in social media, pop culture, grief and Jewish community conversation. She is frequently sought-after as a source on social media engagement and culture, and is known as […]

Seychelles Opens For Holidays… But Only For The Vaccinated

A plurality of people in Britain support giving the government powers to spy on people’s movements via cellphone tracking to enforce lockdown, according to a new poll. The YouGov poll asked people in multiple different countries if they supported, “The Government in [country name] using the mobile phone data of individuals to ensure they are […]

Campus Palestine Battles Didn’t Slow Down During Holidays

Editor’s Note: This latest installment of The Shift was written before the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. For more on that, including responses from Israeli leaders who have been perhaps Donald Trump’s greatest allies, see this article by Phil Weiss. A Setback at Fordham Fordham Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) have been […]

‘Viruses do not take a break during holidays,’ Japan’s PM says, amid third wave of Covid infections

Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga called on citizens to spend the holiday season “quietly,” as the country started banning non-resident foreign nationals from entering amid record-high new coronavirus cases. As Japan faces its third wave of coronavirus infections, Suga urged the public to continue exercising precautions. “Viruses do not take a break during the year-end […]

‘Jewish-American’ Streaming Service Jewzy.TV Launches in Time for the Holidays

Streaming services are booming in 2020 especially when the movie theater experience is nonexistent because of the pandemic. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and HBOMax will now have to make room for Jewzy Cinema & TV (Jewzy.TV), the newest Jewish streaming service. Founded by former Reuters and CBS-TV Senior Producer Jeremy Wootliff, Jewzy.TV aims to bring […]

Shaun Attwood’s Free Books To Read During the Holidays

In the run up to Xmas, I’m making at least 1 book free every week on Amazon Kindle.  For 5 days only, I’ve made my Pablo Escobar’s Story Box Set free, which you can read on any device with the Kindle app FREE to download from Oct 26 to 30 at these links: AMAZON USAAMAZON UKWORLDWIDE NOTE: To get a FREE book, you […]

Court allows New York COVID restrictions in hotspots amid Jewish holidays

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Health minister: No chance lockdown will end after holidays

Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said Tuesday that he expects the national lockdown to last beyond when it is currently set to end — in a week and a half — and that in contrast to the first wave, the strict regulations will be lifted slowly. “There is no chance that the lockdown will be lifted […]

Stuck in second grade for the holidays

Based on what I learned in second grade, and have had reinforced annually ever since, here’s how the heavenly court determines what kind of year you’re going to have. Wait, wait, wait – heavenly court? What is that? God and the angels? The devil as prosecuting attorney? Never mind, let’s put the heavenly court aside. […]

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