Posts Tagged ‘financing’

Russia investigating Ukrainian firm linked to Hunter Biden for financing terrorist attacks

Russia investigating Ukrainian firm linked to Hunter Biden for financing terrorist attacks Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian firm linked to the Biden family, is currently being investigated by Russian authorities for financing terrorism. The name has been a regular fixture in news stories about the Biden family’s corruption. The Ukrainian energy firm placed Hunter Biden and […]

Jewish Tranny Billionaire Financing Tranny Terrorism in America

Just further proof of what we already knew, which is that jews are using “transgenderism” as a weapon to subvert the West and destroy our people. Source

More Than 50 Heads Of State Met In Paris For The “Summit For A New Global Financing Pact”

On June 22 and 23, President Emmanuel Macron welcomed 50 heads of state, representatives of NGOs and civil society organizations to Paris for the “Summit for a New Global Financing Pact“. Although the summit received little to no reporting from the American media, it was the latest effort to reset the international financial system as […]

Russia Accused Of “Supporting & Financing” Ukraine’s Nazi Problem That Moments Ago Did Not Exist

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/13/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Financing for your Rolex just in time for the holidays

With Halloween behind Thanksgiving just around the corner, we’re now preparing to enter the year’s final stretch and enter the holiday season in full swing. That means it’s time to start thinking about what gifts you’re giving in December. Whether you’re shopping for someone else or buying a gift for yourself, we have a solid […]

French prosecutors probe alleged illegal election financing

A leading French newspaper reported that the probe targets President Emmanuel Macron’s winning election bids. Source

Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs Demand Royal Bank Stop Financing Pipeline

Unceded Gidimt’en territory, so-called Smithers, British Columbia, Canada – On Friday, February 25, Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs met with Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and City National Bank (CNB) executives demanding the bank withdraw financing for the Coastal GasLink pipeline by March 11. The meeting marked the first-ever meeting between RBC leadership and Indigenous land defenders, […]

Biden Administration’s Energy Policies Financing Putin’s Actions in Ukraine: Larry Kudlow

The United States is effectively financing President Vladimir Putin’s aggressive actions in Ukraine due to the Biden administration’s “stupid energy policies,” according to Larry Kudlow, one of former President Donald Trump’s top economic advisers. Russia has been hit with a string of sanctions from the West in recent days following its invasion of Ukraine, with officials targeting the country’s […]

World Leaders Make Mild Pledges On Climate Neutrality, Coal Financing At G-20

ROME (AP) — Leaders of the world’s biggest economies agreed Sunday to stop funding coal-fired power plants in poor countries and made a vague commitment to seek carbon neutrality “by or around mid-century” as they wrapped up a Rome summit before the much larger United Nations climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland. While Italian Prime Minister […]

Canadian company financing Israel-UAE collaboration

In June of this year, the story of how Dubai Ports World was helping to squash opposition to the Israeli Zim shipping company in a small Canadian town caught the interest of many progressives worldwide. Lest anyone think this was an isolated incident, Canadian media recently highlighted another saga of Canada-UAE-Israel partnership. This time around, […]

France’s Sarkozy Sentenced To Year Of House Arrest In Campaign Financing Case

PARIS (AP) — French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy was convicted and sentenced to a year of house arrest Thursday for illegal campaign financing of his unsuccessful 2012 reelection bid. The court will allow him to serve the sentence at home by wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet. Sarkozy, France’s president from 2007 to 2012, had vigorously denied […]

Global Call On Banks To Stop Financing Fossil Fuels

Above Photo: An oil rig and wind farm in Texas. Aneese / iStock / Getty Images. NOTE: is a coalition of groups working to stop banks from investing in fossil fuel infrastructure. They have a sign on global call to action and a campaign of actions focused on the UN COP meeting in Glasgow, […]

HSBC to phase out coal financing after shareholder vote

Shareholders at HSBC have voted overwhelmingly to end financing of the dirtiest fossil fuel, coal. Preliminary voting results showed that 99.7 percent of the bank’s shareholders voted in favor of the management-backed climate resolution at HSBC’s annual general meeting. This means the banking giant will be legally bound to phase out financing for all coal-fired […]

CBI, Urban Development Ministry discuss financing housing plan

TEHRAN – The Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Abdolnaser Hemmati and the Transport and Urban Development Minister Mohammad Eslami discussed ways of financing the National Housing Action Plan in a meeting on Tuesday. In this meeting, which was also attended by the managing directors of some of the country’s banks as well […]

‘Efforts paid off’: Pakistan thwarts US bid to put it back on terrorist-financing watch list

Asif tweeted on Tuesday that the country would not be put back on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) watch list – which it had been on from 2012-2015 – despite US efforts.     “Our efforts paid [off], FATF Paris 20 Feb meeting conclusion on the US-led motion to put Pakistan on watch list… No […]

China Is Financing Petrochemical Hub In Appalachia

China Is Financing Petrochemical Hub In Appalachia Above Photo:  U.S. President Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and West Virginia Commerce Sec. Thrasher join in the Great Hall in Beijing for MOU signing in November 2017. Credit: West Virginia Department of Commerce Note: When we stories like this where China is purchasing land or corporations in the United States involved in activities that […]

S. Korean credit line tapped for financing Iran refinery project

SHANA – A project to optimize Iran’s Isfahan Refinery will be financed by a South Korean credit line. South Korea will provide €1.9 billion worth of credit for upgrading and optimizing the refinery. “A contract for improving process and optimizing Isfahan Refinery was signed and sealed in March 2017, based on which, it was envisioned […]

World Bank to stop financing oil and gas exploration and extraction in 2019

(Natural News) While most know it as one of the scariest and most influential organizations on Earth, the World Bank is a tremendous force for good. At least, it’s actively trying to be, as evidenced by its latest move to announce that it will be cutting the money supply to oil and gas exploration projects […]

Iran Parliament okays $50bn in financing for next year’s budget bill

IFP- Iranian parliamentarians have given the go-ahead to “financing” sources of income proposed by the government in next fiscal year’s budget bill. Iranian Parliamentarian Mohammad Hosseini says lawmakers have approved a higher ceiling for “financing” than the one proposed by the government to be incorporated into the annual spending package for the next Iranian fiscal […]

‘Global Britain” is Financing Terrorism and Bloodshed in Syria and Calling it ‘Aid’

BBC Panorama’s “Jihadis We Pay For” (Photo: Screenshot) Vanessa Beeley21st Century Wire Boris Johnson preached to the UK State choir, in the Foreign Office, on the 7th December. In Churchillian tones, Johnson announced “when in the course of a prolonged, ambitious struggle, you eventually record a success, it is essential, with due humility and caution, […]

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