Posts Tagged ‘billionaire’

Billionaire-backed JD Vance claims working class support despite anti-labor record

Vance accepted the party’s vice-presidential nomination with promises to champion the interests of everyday Americans. Source

$8.5 trillion untaxed: The urgent call for a billionaire income tax

Recent analysis reveals that America’s wealthiest hold $8.5 trillion in untaxed assets, spotlighting the critical need for tax reform to address growing wealth inequality. Source

Meet George Soros: billionaire financier, political meddler, convicted criminal & population control advocate (Corbett)

This report is from James Corbett from 2010… Listen/read at the link By World Economic Forum – Flickr: George Soros – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2011, CC BY-SA 2.0, Share this: Like Loading… Source

Billionaire Heirs: The accelerating $5.2 trillion wealth transfer

Without robust wealth and inheritance taxes the children and grandchildren of today’s billionaires will dominate our future politics, economy, culture, and philanthropy.” Source

Billionaire Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Found Guilty of Sexual Assault in Toronto Trial

Billionaire Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Found Guilty of Sexual Assault in Toronto Trial Source

How The Billionaire Elite Manipulate The World

READ HERE: _billionaire_elite_manipulates_the_world.html   Source

Billionaire Bill Ackman Calls on Harvard to Release Names of Students Supporting Terrorism Against Israel

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is calling on Harvard to release the names of students that are members of groups that signed a pro-terror statement in response to the recent Hamas attacks against Israel, so that employers do not “inadvertently” hire pro-terrorist graduates in the future. Source

How to fight a president, please a billionaire and save a newspaper

Marty Baron ran The Washington Post’s newsroom for nine years. In that time, Marty clashed with then-President Donald Trump. He pacified rebellions from his younger and increasingly more ideological staff. And he partnered with Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos to take on arguably the biggest disrupter of all: technology. He’s written about all of this […]

Billionaire Mike Bloomberg to Joe Biden: Kill American ‘Xenophobia’ by Importing More Migrants

Joe Biden should smash opposition to migration by sending more migrants into Americans’ jobs, says billionaire media baron Mike Bloomberg. Source

Humanity has a very, VERY, serious billionaire problem…..

…and it can only be solved with a spiritual solution. Submitted by A Social Commentator SOTN Exclusive The Premise The current race of humanity has never had so many billionaires who, at the very same time, have access to the most powerful technologies and advanced sciences and corporate entities and destructive weapons in world history. […]

Biden Appoints Billionaire From CIA-Mafia Linked Family to Oversee Exploitation of Ukraine’s Economy by Multi-National Corporations

On September 14, President Joe Biden appointed former Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, an heir to the Pritzker banking dynasty whose net worth is around $3.3 billion, to be Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery. In a statement, Biden said that Ms. Pritzker would “drive the United States’ efforts to help rebuild the Ukrainian economy” by […]

Zelensky’s billionaire backer jailed, now facing $13.5 million in fraud and money laundering charges

(NaturalNews) One of Ukraine’s top five richest citizens, who is behind President Volodymyr Zelensky’s rise to fame and power was arrested recently by the nation’s… Source

Meet The Homosexual Jewish Billionaire Funding the LGBT Movement–Jon Stryker

  As the example of the Arcus Foundation shows, the LGBT civil rights movement of yore has morphed into a relentless behemoth, one that has strong ties to the medical industrial complex and global corporatists. By Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor – September 2, 2023 There is nothing spontaneous or grassroots about the LGBT movement. […]

Billionaire oligarch George Soros buys Polish media outlet to stop oligarchs from controlling media

George Soros’ fund recently bought a major stake in Polish media publisher Gremi Media, leaving Polish conservatives to criticize the move as national elections gear up in October. However, the fund justified its move in a statement by claiming it bought the media to stop “oligarchs” from buying up independent media. The Soros Economic Development […]

Billionaire Who Funded Zelensky’s Rise to Power Arrested in Ukraine

The billionaire oligarch who funded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s rise to power has been arrested, according to reports. Ihor Kolomoisky is among Ukraine’s top five richest citizens. Over the weekend he was arrested by Ukraine police on […] The post Billionaire Who Funded Zelensky’s Rise to Power Arrested in Ukraine appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Corrupt Billionaire Behind Zelensky’s Rise To Fame & Power Arrested

With an estimated fortune of just under $1.7 billion, Ihor Kolomoisky is among Ukraine’s top five richest citizens. Over the weekend he was arrested by Ukraine authorities on an array of fraud and money laundering charges, at a sensitive moment the government is trying to show the world it can tackle deeply rooted corruption. A Saturday statement […]

Four Billionaire Technocrats Are Creating An Alternate, Autocratic Reality

On your short-list for books this year: The End of Reality:How Four Billionaires are Selling a Fantasy Future of the Metaverse, Mars, and Crypto. Author Jonathan Taplin strikes the hammer to nail Technocracy and Transhumanism to the prime actors: Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Marc Andreessen. These billionaires represent the tip of the […]

Body Of Missing Crypto Billionaire Found Chopped Up In Suitcase

Police said the body parts were cleanly amputated, suggesting the work of a professional. Source

Jewish Tranny Billionaire Financing Tranny Terrorism in America

Just further proof of what we already knew, which is that jews are using “transgenderism” as a weapon to subvert the West and destroy our people. Source

The end of the line for the raunchy billionaire who set the stage for Donald Trump

But who set the stage for that billionaire? Source

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