Posts Tagged ‘outlet’

Local news outlet confirms Israel ordered the “Hannibal directive” on Oct. 7, as IDF forces proceeded to kill Israeli civilians en masse

Local news outlet confirms Israel ordered the “Hannibal directive” on Oct. 7, as IDF forces proceeded to kill Israeli civilians en masse The “Hannibal” protocol is a procedure where Israeli forces unleash a lethal force that kills their own people. This was what happened when Israel responded to Hamas’ October 7 attack, as confirmed by […]

Klaus Schwab Brags WEF Has ‘Infiltrated’ Every MSM Outlet In The World

Mainstream media journalists are “intellectual prostitutes” who are as easily bent over as Poland in World War 2, according to World Economic Forum co-founder Klaus Schwab, whose off-colour remarks shared by a WEF insider reveal the extent of globalist control over the mainstream media in the United States, Europe and the western world. According to […]

Billionaire oligarch George Soros buys Polish media outlet to stop oligarchs from controlling media

George Soros’ fund recently bought a major stake in Polish media publisher Gremi Media, leaving Polish conservatives to criticize the move as national elections gear up in October. However, the fund justified its move in a statement by claiming it bought the media to stop “oligarchs” from buying up independent media. The Soros Economic Development […]

Nobel Winner Maria Ressa, News Outlet Cleared Of Tax Evasion

Human Rights Watch said the acquittal of Ressa and Rappler “is a victory for press freedom in the Philippines.” Source

Scott Armstrong Interview – Creating A New Outlet In The Age Of Technocratic Censorship

Joining me today on Moving Target is, co-founder of the upcoming Pirate Stream Media, host of Rebunked, and new addition to the TLAV family, Scott Armstrong. Scott is here to discuss the trials and tribulations he has endured while fighting through the overwhelming suppression and censorship of today to establish Rebunked, what he has learned […]

Hong Kong police raid pro-democracy news outlet, arrest 6

Hong Kong police raided the office of an online pro-democracy news outlet on Wednesday after arresting six people for conspiracy to publish a seditious publication, the latest moves in a crackdown on dissent in the city. Those arrested were affiliated with Stand News, one of the most vocal pro-democracy news outlets in the city after […]

Every Media Outlet Is Speaking About War Or Is It Just Propaganda Again?

9 DECEMBER 2021 By Sonja van den Ende Source Every regular media outlet in the world is speaking about the upcoming war, Russia will invade Ukraine they say, without mentioning the other threats or wars still going on. It seems the whole world is focused again, on Russia and the threat, that they might invade […]

Left-wing Midwest media outlet launching with backing from Dem donor

Last month, Courier Newsroom, a local news group with a progressive slant, relaunched under a new media company, Good Information Inc., backed by Democratic megadonors Reid Hoffman and George Soros. The Pod Save America hosts, all Obama administration alums, built a podcasting empire during the Trump era, and Crooked Media now employs 70 people. Conservative […]

China Delists Leading Investigative Media Outlet From Approved News Sources

A leading Chinese financial news outlet has fallen out of favor with Beijing, as China has banned its online content—well known for its investigative reporting—from any republishing. The country’s top internet regulator unveiled an updated list on Oct. 20 of internet news providers whose content can be republished. The list, with over 1,300 news sites […]

Why’s The EU’s Infowar Outlet Implying A Conspiracy About US Policy Towards The Taliban?

14 SEPTEMBER 2021 By Andrew Korybko Source American officials should investigate what’s really going on with this infowar outlet, even if they do so discretely considering how sensitive this provocation is. The EU is generally regarded as subservient to America’s grand strategic interests, but one of its infowar outlets just surprisingly implied a conspiracy about […]

Media Outlet Files Lawsuit to Challenge FAA Ban on Drone Footage at Texas Border

Questions continue to swirl over why some social media platforms like Twitter are giving the Taliban, a terrorist organization under U.S. law, a public platform having permanently banned American dissidents and the President of the United States himself. After Facebook and YouTube moved to ban any accounts associated with the Taliban following their takeover of […]

ABC News Crime Special Cites Outlet that Counts Self-Defense Shootings as Gun Violence

ABC News is running a crime special this week focused on guns, and they are relying on an outlet that counts self-defense shootings as gun violence. Breitbart News reported that the week-long special is framed as a focus on gun violence across the country. However, in the midst of coverage, ABC News admitted they “dug” […]

Proekt: Russia outlaws investigative media outlet and labels journalists ‘foreign agents’

Russian authorities have outlawed an investigative online media outlet and listed its journalists as “foreign agents”. The US-based publisher of Proekt was declared an “undesirable” organisation on Thursday by Russia’s Prosecutor General’s office. The move to effectively ban the outlet’s activities is seen as the latest in a series of steps to raise pressure on […]

Belarus Government Blocks Media Outlet, Detains Reporters

KYIV, Ukraine—Belarusian authorities blocked the website of a leading online media outlet, detained several of its journalists, and conducted searches involving three other media organizations Thursday, the latest moves in a sweeping clampdown on dissent and independent media in the ex-Soviet nation. Belarus’s Information Ministry said it has blocked Nasha Niva’s website after the prosecutor […]

Washington Post Becomes Latest Media Outlet to Walk Back “Debunked Conspiracy Theory” Wuhan Lab Leak Coverage

Over the weekend Senator Rand Paul and former CIA director and secretary of state Mike Pompeo both warned that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is still up and running, and that evidence points to involvement with the Chinese military in bioweapons research. Appearing on Fox News, Paul told Jeanine Pirro that he is worried US […]

Chinese State Media Outlet Throws Support Behind Black Lives Matter

A new Associated Press poll finds that there has been a massive 15 point swing and that most Americans are now hostile to Black Lives Matter protests. “The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that 44% of Americans disapprove of protests in response to police violence against Black Americans, while […]

Facebook censors Palestinian news outlet

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 26 March 2018 Israeli justice minister Ayelet Shaked signs a statement with three European counterparts pledging further government control of online speech, at a conference in Jerusalem, 20 March. The event was attended by a senior Facebook official days before the social network intensified its crackdown on Palestinian journalists. (via […]

Rothschild-Controlled Media Outlet: ‘Get Ready for a World Currency by 2018’

The Economist magazine published an article almost thirty years ago, discussing the prospect of a world currency that should be expected around the year 2018.  The 1988 article foreshadows a methodical movement towards a centralized world currency that we have, in many ways, seen play out over the past few decades. One must also keep […]

Rothschild Controlled Media Outlet — “Get Ready for a World Currency by 2018”

July 10, 2017 By Jay Syrmopoulos The Economist magazine published an article almost thirty years ago, discussing the prospect of a world currency that should be expected around the year 2018. The 1988 article foreshadows a methodical movement towards a centralized world currency that we have, in many ways, seen play out […]

Fake news outlet New York Times forced to retract ‘Russian hacking’ story

The New York Times has finally admitted that one of the favorite Russia-gate canards – that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies concurred on the assessment of Russian hacking of Democratic emails – is false. On Thursday, the Times appended a correction to a June 25 article that had repeated the false claim, which […]

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