Posts Tagged ‘debunked’

Israel’s Newest Mistranslated Hamas Hostage Video Debunked

On Wednesday, Israel released a heavily edited video that depicted the moments when Hamas fighters captured female Israeli soldiers from the Nahal Oz military base, apparently on the request of the families. As the video went viral on social media, Arabic speakers quickly pointed out the deliberate mistranslations of what was being said, to which […]

The Shocking Origins Of The Debunked Claim That The UN “Revised” Gaza Death Toll

Fox News published an article on May 13, which they have failed to retract and that ended up going viral on social media, falsely claiming that the United Nations had decreased its recorded Gaza death tolls by around 50%. Another claim has been that the death toll was revised down by 10,000. Both are blatant […]

Israel Says “There’s No Humanitarian Crisis In Gaza” & More Debunked Israeli Propaganda

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/20/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Brigitte Gabriel distinguishes Christians as non-Arabs: Debunked

October 14, 2023 Source: Myriam Charabaty By Al Mayadeen English Islamophobe and “Israel”-apologist Brigitte Gabriel wants to push forward rhetoric against Islam during Operation Al Aqsa Flood to absolve “Israel” of its crimes and denounce the Resistance, but her rhetoric gets debunked. Brigitte Gabriel, who claimed that “The difference, my friends, between Israel and the […]

Unindicted Co-Conspirator John Eastman is Unrepentant, Still Promoting Debunked Election Claims

On the day former President Donald Trump was appearing in court to face federal charges for his effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election, an ally of Trump lawyer and unindicted co-conspirator John Eastman released the third segment of an interview that was clearly meant to allow Eastman to portray his actions on […]

Global Earth Agenda debunked

Global Earth Agenda debunked

A legend that debunked a myth: Scenes from the 2006 July War

July 12, 2023 In the last days of the war, a tank was destroyed in the vicinity of the village of Ayta Al-Shaab with an RPG-29 rocket Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ali Jezzini In this article, scenes from the July War and its battles would be presented in an attempt to highlight the Lebanese […]

Israel’s 8 Points About Al-Aqsa Mosque Assault Debunked

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, tweeted out a video that was produced by the Israeli Ministry of Public Diplomacy, which outlines 8 points that the Israeli premier claims to be “the truth” that the mainstream media won’t show you about Israel’s assaults on Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque. Robert Inlakesh goes through each of the […]

‘Havana Syndrome’ Has Been Debunked, But Will Lessons be Learned?

    When the first “case” was discovered in the Cuban capital in 2016, American diplomats have been dying of unexplained ailments and strange auditory sensations called “Havana syndrome” for seven years. Several people have incurred expensive medical expenditures as a result of these mysterious ailments, forcing some of them into early retirement. Before an […]

‘Politically Motivated Fraud’: Economist Slams ‘Fact Checkers’ Who ‘Debunked’ Him For Saying US Is in Recession

A senior economist has been “fact checked” by Facebook after he stated that the US has now entered recession. Phil Magness, a researcher and educator with the American Institute for Economic Research, reacted to the […] The post ‘Politically Motivated Fraud’: Economist Slams ‘Fact Checkers’ Who ‘Debunked’ Him For Saying US Is in Recession appeared […]

Another Zelensky Lie Debunked

Yesterday I mentioned the burning shopping center in Kremenchuk, Ukraine, of which the Ukrainian president Zelensky falsely claimed that thousand people had been inside. I asked: Satellite pictures show that the shopping center is right next to the large Kredmash machine plant. Was that the real target of the attack with the shopping center being an […]

In Defense of the West: ‘White Supremacy’ and ‘Anti-Asian Attacks’ Debunked

The “white man bad, muh white supremacy” narrative is out of control. It is ultra-simplistic, tribalistic, and panders to the lowest-common-denominator. Source

Ukraine’s NEXTA Live is Mostly but not entirely FAKE NEWS, here’s just a few posts Debunked

    Ukraine’s Telegram channel NEXTA Live is mostly full of FAKE NEWS, so anything and almost everything posted there, take it with a grain of salt or with a bag of salt if you will. Normally nobody wouldn’t even care about a random channel some random people made on Telegram, YouTube and Twitter. This […]

Iran’s balanced position debunked Western narrative of Vienna talks

Iran’s balanced position debunked Western narrative of Vienna talks – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Despite Western propaganda campaign in the run-up to Monday’s Vienna talks, Iran adopted a carefully crafted position during the talks amid muted hopes for a good, swift agreement. Diplomats from Iran the P4+1 group of countries -China, Russia, France, and the UK […]

Democrat Terry McAuliffe Recycles Debunked Claim to Attack Glenn Youngkin over School Funding

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) has reverted to a debunked claim he used in his 2013 gubernatorial campaign to attack his current opponent, Glenn Youngkin, over Youngkin’s tax plan. McAuliffe asserted in the most recent Virginia gubernatorial debate, as well as in a campaign ad he released on Friday, that Youngkin’s tax plan would […]

Jimmy Kimmel Returns to Amplify Debunked Ivermectin Story, Attacks Alex Jones

Jimmy Kimmel returned to the airwaves last night to amplify the debunked claim that poison control centers are reporting huge ‘spikes’ in calls from people taking ivermectin, despite the Associated Press having to publish a retraction admitting that this is not true. “People are still taking this ivermectin, you know the poison control centers have […]

Decades Of Incorrect ‘Stride’ Assumptions Have Been Debunked

For many years evolutionary scientists have taught that early humans evolved ‘longer’ strides than other primates. It turns out this was a highly-inaccurate assumption. A new study on chimpanzees shows the human stride is relatively ‘much shorter’ than all of our primate cousins, and it also reveals insights about why we walk as we do. […]

Paranthropus “Nutcracker” Teeth Theory Debunked in New Study

Living approximately between 2.6 million years ago and 0.6 million years ago, the  Paranthropus genus is closely related to our genus,  Homo sapiens , serving as a long-standing close fossil relative to our species. They lived from the end of the Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene, and both these genera are believed to have evolved from […]

The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative, Debunked in 10 or 26 Minutes

30/06/2021 By Dr Thomas Binder MD, Dr Binder is specialised in Cardiology and Internal Medicine, with a thesis in Immunology and Virology, and 32 years experience in diagnosis and treatment of Acute Respiratory Illness. This text is largely based on his presentation (German text / German video) held at the press conference of ‘Aletheia – Medicine and Science for Proportionality’, […]

Reason’s Matt Welch Confronts Alex Marlow with Debunked Charlottesville Hoax on C-SPAN

Matt Welch, editor at large for Reason, said he did not understand the “Charlottesville hoax” in an interview with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on C-SPAN’s After Words about the latter’s book, Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption. Democrats, their news media allies, and the broader left regularly repeat the false […]

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