Posts Tagged ‘scenes’

‘We Got To Reign Her In’: Behind The Scenes Of Nuland’s Early Retirement

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern in a new interview has speculated over the reasons behind Victoria Nuland stepping down from her high-ranking position as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, the number three top official in the State Department. Her retirement was announced by her boss Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday. But […]

‘The Bear’: Behind the Scenes of the ‘Fishes’ Christmas Episode

“There's degrees of messiness,” The Bear’s prop master Laura Roeper tells me over the phone from Chicago. “Chris [Storer, the series creator] is like, ‘no, [it has to be] chaotic craziness’… So we’re in the kitchen, and we got to throw spaghetti sauce over everything, because the mess wasn’t big enough for Chris. He goes, […]

‘There were bodies everywhere. Horrific scenes, enough to make a stone cry’: one family’s harrowing journey out of Gaza City

Zakaria Baker and his family were forced from their home in Al-Shati refugee camp by Israeli bombs on November 7. As they traveled south over 15 kilometers they witnessed incredible horrors and not everyone survived the journey. This is their story. Source

Video| Exclusive Scenes from Hezbollah’s Op in Shebaa Farms

October 9, 2023 Al-Manar TV broadcasts an illustrative video showing the details of the Islamic resistance attack on three Israeli posts in occupied Shebaa Farms and other important data about the targeted sites. Hezbollah announced on Sunday it had targeted three Israeli posts in occupied Shebaa Farms, Radar, Zibdin and Ruweissat Al-Alam, in a clear message […]

A legend that debunked a myth: Scenes from the 2006 July War

July 12, 2023 In the last days of the war, a tank was destroyed in the vicinity of the village of Ayta Al-Shaab with an RPG-29 rocket Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ali Jezzini In this article, scenes from the July War and its battles would be presented in an attempt to highlight the Lebanese […]

Interview 1803 – Nick Cave and the Bad Scenes – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: all hell breaks loose in Pakistan as Imran Khan is arrested; Ehud Barak joins Noam Chomsky, Woody Allen and others on the defensive as Epstein revelations continue; and Nick Cane and the other phonies show their true colours at the king’s coronation. The post Interview 1803 – […]

Inside Chicago’s intense, behind-the-scenes effort to secure the DNC

Democratic officials eager to score the 2024 party convention for their city learned pretty quickly that there was one method above all others to win the bid: appeal to President Joe Biden’s sense of nostalgia. Over the course of several weeks, organizers in Chicago, Atlanta and New York did just that. One party official said […]

Soros has been exposed as major player behind the scenes in possible Trump indictment

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Far-left billionaire George Soros funneled $40 million dollars into district attorney campaigns nationwide, and now his beneficiaries represent around 20 percent of Americans, a new report suggests, and that includes Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is reportedly preparing to indict former President Donald Trump … [Read More…] Source

Scenes from CPAC 2023

Despite the emerging field of Republican presidential candidates willing to take on former President Donald Trump, this year’s CPAC was more unabashedly MAGA than ever. At the multi-day conference held just outside Washington, D.C., there were few signs the crowd wanted anyone but Trump in 2024. Many attendees wore coordinated T-R-U-M-P t-shirts. Vendors sold Trump […]

Actor Penn Badgley Asked for ‘Zero’ Sex Scenes in Netflix’s ‘You’ Out of Respect for His Marriage

Actor Penn Badgley revealed on Friday that he asked for “zero” sex scenes in Season 4 of Netflix’s You, out of respect for his marriage. “Fidelity in every relationship, and especially in a marriage, is important to me,” he said. Source

Claim: Angry Joe Biden Erupts Into Fits Of Rage At Scenes Of Overwhelmed Southern Border

Joe Biden hates seeing scenes of illegal immigrants flooding across the Southern border and regularly explodes into fits of rage in front of aides when shown the footage, according to senior officials quoted in a new book. The claim is made in the upcoming book The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House by […]

Scenes from a celebration of the same-sex marriage law — at Mar-a-Lago

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Hundreds of guests in tuxedos of all styles — sequined, quilted, velvet — and colorful gowns sipped on Trump-branded champagne and martinis. Between courses of steak and bite-sized Key lime pie, they danced to “YMCA” and “Macho Man,” the disco anthems at Trump rallies. Thursday night’s Log Cabin Republicans’ “Spirit of […]

Trees, nativity scenes and markets: People start to celebrate Christmas season

From Christmas trees at the Vatican to nativity scenes in Bethlehem, holidaymakers are starting to celebrate the Christmas season. Source behind the scenes data collection

One of the most important metrics in data collection is that of your identity or your device’s identity which can then be used to identify your ‘person’. Corporations want or rather need you use apps for their online content (also classified as ‘entertainment’) in order to profit from you. In the case of Rupert Murdoch’s […]

Weekend Meeting Between Venezuela And The US: What’s Behind The Scenes?

Above Photo: Greg Groesch / Washington Times. On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced to the world a meeting held over the weekend with a small negotiating team sent by the White House According to official sources from both countries, the main topics of the mini-summit were energy and prisoners. It is the first high-level […]

Josefina Holmlund’s Swedish Scenes

Lovisa ‘Josefina’ Holmlund (1827 – 1905) was most known for her landscape paintings, heavily influenced by the Dusseldorf School, though she later developed an outdoor painting style that more accurately depicted nature. From Facebook: Josefina is known for her landscape paintings influenced by the Dusseldorf School. During the 1850s, she studied to become a painter […]

Chaotic Scenes in Athens as Greeks Protest Tyranny

    On Sunday, protesters in Athens clashed with police against mandatory vaccination measures that go into effect on Sept. 1. Police estimate about 8,000 people attended the rally in Syntagma Square, the central square of Athens, chanting anti-vaxx slogans and demanding government officials reverse mandatory vaccinations for all health workers that begins Wednesday. At […]

The Talks in Vienna: What is Going On Behind the Scenes?

The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has called on the US President, Joe Biden, to cancel the sanctions against Iran and on Tehran to reopen talks on the full implementation of the nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). He also presented his (incomplete) report on the implementation of the deal […]

Behind the Scenes of Gaza Battle: Hezbollah in Full Coordination, Sanaa Offers Help

 May 31, 2021 Members of Al-Qassam Brigades, military wing of Hamad Resistance group, during military parade at Gaza (photo from May 2014). During the last confrontation between Israeli occupation and Palestinian Resistance full coordination was between powers of the Axis of Resistance, especially Hezbollah, Al-Akhbar Lebanese reported on Monday. In lengthy articles, Al-Akhbar elaborated on […]

Hour-by-hour: Biden’s behind-the-scenes push for cease-fire

The diplomatic flurry was over and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu was on the phone telling President Joe Biden that it appeared the furious fighting between Israel and Hamas was about to end. But Biden remained wary even after the afternoon phone call. Things still could go crosswise with hours to go before the cease-fire took effect, […]

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