Posts Tagged ‘retirement’

‘We Got To Reign Her In’: Behind The Scenes Of Nuland’s Early Retirement

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern in a new interview has speculated over the reasons behind Victoria Nuland stepping down from her high-ranking position as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, the number three top official in the State Department. Her retirement was announced by her boss Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday. But […]

BREAKING: Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy Announces Retirement at End of Year

BREAKING: Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy Announces Retirement at End of Year Source

Lance Wallnau Sees Gold in Fearmongering About ‘Confiscation’ of Retirement Funds

Commentary Trump supporter and self-promoter Lance Wallnau, an ardent advocate for Seven Mountains Dominionism, is promoting shameful fearmongering that financial “elites” are preparing to “confiscate” Americans’ retirement accounts. Wallnau’s letter to Christian Post readers arrived in email inboxes this week with the subject line, “World-Renowned Preacher Warns Americas to ACT NOW Before Elites Confiscate Retirement […]

Manchin’s retirement a buzzkill for Senate Democrats’ 2024 hopes 

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin (D) on Thursday made official what his colleagues had privately suspected for months, that he won’t be returning to Washington as a senator in 2025, putting Democrats on an uphill path to keeping their Senate majority in next year’s election.   The news that Manchin will walk away from the… […]

Romney retirement sets off Utah GOP scramble

Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-Utah) decision to not seek reelection is setting off a scramble among Utah Republicans to fill his seat in 2024.  A moderate Republican and an outspoken critic of former President Trump, Romney announced on Wednesday that he’ll retire when his first term in the upper chamber ends in 2025, calling for a “new generation… […]

Working longer ‘not a viable solution’ to US retirement crisis, economists say

Right-wing lawmakers’ preferred method for dealing with the United States’ looming retirement crisis—telling older workers to keep toiling until they’ve saved enough to stop—is “not a viable solution,” says a report published Wednesday. “Millions of people are entering their retirement years with insufficient savings to cover basic expenses and medical bills,” the new analysis from the Economic Policy […]

Protests Erupt In France Over Push To Increase Retirement Age

PARIS (AP) — Protesters disrupted traffic in Paris on Friday as angry critics, political opponents and labor unions around France blasted President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to force a bill raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 through parliament without a vote. Opposition parties were expected to start procedures later Friday for a no-confidence vote […]

Morocco mulls raising retirement age to 65

The Moroccan government has begun reviewing a major reform plan to the country’s pension systems, including raising the retirement age to 65. A study conducted at the end of 2022 at the Moroccan government’s request, recommended raising the retirement age to 65 years in the public and private sectors.  It currently stands at 63 years […]

Biden Administration’s Climate Agenda Will Damage Two-Thirds Of US Retirement Accounts


Ron Paul Issues an Urgent Warning to Retirement Savers

The following article by Ron Paul is sponsored content by Birch Gold. If you are nearing your retirement age, all of the hard-earned money you have put away for your future could now be in danger. Why? Because the worst financial disaster in history is unfolding before our eyes. Call it the “everything bubble.” Call […]

Within hours of Debbie Stabenow announcing her retirement, Dems are scrambling to replace her

Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s decision to not run for reelection jolted national Democrats on Thursday, setting off a mad scramble for a newly open battleground seat in 2024. At least two prominent Democrats — Reps. Elissa Slotkin and Debbie Dingell — are seriously considering a run, according to people familiar with their thinking. But several […]

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package August 26, 2022Dr. John Reizer Dr. John Reizer How much money are the world eugenicists willing to pay the American frontman who managed the plandemic operation in the United States? Anthony Fauci is stepping down from his position at NIAID in December of 2022. He will be […]

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package August 26, 2022Dr. John Reizer Dr. John Reizer How much money are the world eugenicists willing to pay the American frontman who managed the plandemic operation in the United States? Anthony Fauci is stepping down from his position at NIAID in December of 2022. He will be […]

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package August 26, 2022Dr. John Reizer Dr. John Reizer How much money are the world eugenicists willing to pay the American frontman who managed the plandemic operation in the United States? Anthony Fauci is stepping down from his position at NIAID in December of 2022. He will be […]

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package August 26, 2022Dr. John Reizer Dr. John Reizer How much money are the world eugenicists willing to pay the American frontman who managed the plandemic operation in the United States? Anthony Fauci is stepping down from his position at NIAID in December of 2022. He will be […]

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package

Fauci will receive a $350,000 per year retirement package August 26, 2022Dr. John Reizer Dr. John Reizer How much money are the world eugenicists willing to pay the American frontman who managed the plandemic operation in the United States? Anthony Fauci is stepping down from his position at NIAID in December of 2022. He will be […]

Fauci’s Retirement Pension Will Be More Than The President’s Salary

Dr. Anthony Fauci is set to net the largest federal retirement package in US history. This week, Fauci who is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and President Biden’s Chief […] The post Fauci’s Retirement Pension Will Be More Than The President’s Salary appeared first on News Punch. Source

F#cki’s Retirement Pension Will Exceed President Biden’s Salary

There is a simple cost cutting solution. Hang his ass till his neck snaps and he s#its his pants. Mass murder is a hanging offense. The killer jabs have mass murdered at least tens of thousands of people. He purposely violated the Nuremberg Code. Thats a hanging offense. Hang his ass and he will need […]

Survey: Inflation to Delay 25 Percent of Americans from Retirement 

President Joe Biden’s inflation is set to delay 25 percent of Americans from retirement, a Tuesday BMO Real Financial Progress Index survey revealed.

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