Posts Tagged ‘wealthy’

US postpartum mortality rate 395 percent higher than other wealthy countries

A recent report from The Commonwealth Fund reveals that the United States continues to have the highest rate of maternal deaths among high-income nations. The findings show that, despite improvements since the pandemic, the U.S. maternal mortality rate remains alarmingly high, with significant disparities affecting Black women. The report highlights that, in 2022, the U.S. […]

WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

Over a dozen Jewish billionaires working secretly in concert with the Israeli government were part of a private WhatsApp group chat which conspired to push New York City Mayor Eric Adams to crackdown on pro-Palestine protests at Columbia University, according to bombshell leaked chatlogs obtained by the Washington Post. The Post’s shocking report reveals how […]

Wealthy Detroit Neighborhood Shaken: Family Held Up At Gunpoint In Own Driveway

Wealthy Detroit Neighborhood Shaken: Family Held Up At Gunpoint In Own Driveway Lawlessness continues spreading into America’s wealthy neighborhoods as criminals are emboldened by leftist rogue prosecutors, progressive bail reform laws, defunding the police policies, and other soft-on-crime policies in crime-ridden Democrat-run cities. A recent incident in Chicago highlights the concerns why law-abiding taxpayers should […]

MI Sheriff Warns Residents in Wealthy, Majority Democrat-Voting County: “Organized Transnational Gangs” Are Breaking Into Exclusive Homes… Here’s What He Says They’re Stealing…

MI Sheriff Warns Residents in Wealthy, Majority Democrat-Voting County: “Organized Transnational Gangs” Are Breaking Into Exclusive Homes… Here’s What He Says They’re Stealing… Source

Wealthy demand unvaxxed pilots

By Sally Beck August 29, 2023 PILOT deaths are in the news again as three more have ‘died suddenly’ this month. IndiGo Captain Manoj Subramanyam, 40, suffered a cardiac arrest boarding at the gate at Nagpur airport. He died on his way to hospital. Qatar airlines lost a ‘very fit’ senior pilot aged 51 who died while travelling as a […]

The Guardian: Avoid Using The Term ‘Wealthy Elite’ And Instead Say ‘The Powerful Few’ to Not ‘Trigger Antisemitism’

Reframing Race has put together a report titled Contains Strong Language to equip anti-racism and racial inequality campaigners with the words that have proven most effective in persuading people of the “harm and structural nature of racism”. Source

How the wealthy save billions in taxes by skirting a century-old law

Goldman Sachs and others have helped billionaires like Steve Ballmer see huge tax savings by selling stocks for a loss and then replacing them with nearly identical investments. Source

Sexual harassment by wealthy men Who Rode Private Polluting Jets at WEF is “so common” that female guests are advised not to attend events alone, an Austria outlet reported

Prostitution “Escort” agencies booked solid for Davos forum. The Swiss escort agencies near Davos are already fully booked ahead of this year’s World Economic Forum, the elite gathering that brings together heads of state, corporate executives, and influential non-profiteers, Austrian outlet Exxpress reported on Sunday, citing a missive purportedly sent from one such agency. In […]

YCP – Wealthy Immigrants Subverting America

The post YCP – Wealthy Immigrants Subverting America appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Right Wing Round-Up: The Wealthy Prophets

Media Matters: Tucker Carlson instructs Republicans to run on replacement theory in the midterms. Ed Mazza @ HuffPost: Rudy Giuliani Cooks Up Bonkers New Excuse For Trump’s Hoard Of Sensitive Docs. Eric Neugeboren @ Salon: Louie Gohmert leaves Congress having passed 1 law and spread countless falsehoods. Emily Singer @ The American Independent: Antisemitic Oklahoma […]

The Shattered Glass Or America’s War Crimes For the Greedy Wealthy; Secret Society Criminals Love WARS

February 8 2005 THE SHATTERED GLASS ( … and the milk it spilled) What if what we thought was healthy was actually killing us? By John Kaminski The only sound in the darkness was the voice of a woman on the phone outlining her plans to awaken a sleeping citizenry with an accurate video version of […]

New Report Exposes Years of Human Rights Abuses by Wealthy Nigerian Governor

Governor El-Rufai is not who he tries to make the world believe he is  12/02/2021 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) – Human rights watchdog group International Christian Concern (ICC) released a report earlier today profiling Nigerian Governor Nasir El-Rufai and analyzing his years-long pattern of punishing Christian communities in Kaduna State. While militant groups contribute to religious persecution in Nigeria, No […]

Wealthy Liberal Arts Colleges Are Exploiting International Students

Such practices are widespread across the United States. Left Voice spoke to a teacher at Grinnell College about the working conditions of the severely underpaid “language assistants,” student workers who teach for-credit classes. Teaching college has the odd social position of being a job with high prestige but, in the vast majority of cases, very […]

Wealthy Americans get paid leave. Shouldn’t the rest?

Image Credit: Common Dreams For Ruth Martin, the fight for paid leave is both professional and personal. As Senior Vice President of MomsRising, she’s helped mobilize more than 870,000 calls and emails to lawmakers advocating for paid leave and other pro-family benefits in the Build Back Better legislation. As the daughter of a cancer patient, […]

Our Gov’t & Political Establishment Have Impoverished the Working Class For The Benefit of the Wealthy Elite

Comment: They are pretty much almost 100% Secret Society members representing super wealthy as all secret societies DO. Same for Hollywood crowd. The surging cost of living and the class struggle Gabriel Black19 hours ago The price of goods and services used by US households increased 6.2 percent over the past year, according to […]

Now That the American Dream Is Reserved for the Wealthy, The Smart Crowd Is Opting Out

Clueless economists are wringing their hands about the labor shortage without looking at the underlying causes, one of which is painfully obvious: the American economy now only works for the top 10%; the American Dream of turning labor into capitalis now reserved for the already-wealthy. As a result the Smart Crowd is opting out of […]

Wealthy Countries Weigh Boosters; Fewer Than 2% Of Africans Vaccinated

Above Photo: Luke Dray/Getty Images. While Global North Weighs Booster Shots Against Covid-19. Wealthy countries around the world are preparing to offer a third shot of Covid-19 vaccines to their populations. Meanwhile, vaccination remains out of reach for the vast majority of Africans. The highly infectious Delta variant of the coronavirus is sweeping Africa in a deadly […]

Some COVAX Supply Sent To Wealthy Countries As Charity Only Goes So Far

LONDON (AP) — An international system to share coronavirus vaccines was supposed to guarantee that low and middle-income countries could get doses without being last in line and at the mercy of unreliable donations. It hasn’t worked out that way. In late June alone, the initiative known as COVAX sent some 530,000 doses to Britain […]

Under the Cover of Covid 15,000 Wealthy Foreigners given Australian Visas!

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