Posts Tagged ‘weigh’

Lawmakers weigh in on Jacksonville shooting

Lawmakers weigh in on Jacksonville shooting lead image Source

Not a ‘magic bullet’: military experts weigh in on how western tanks could help Ukraine’s defence

As Russia’s war in Ukraine rages on, the focus is increasingly on the need to provide Kyiv with Western tanks. While thousands of the armoured vehicles have been destroyed on both sides, Ukraine overwhelmingly uses older Soviet-era tanks, and is gradually running out. Source

Dems weigh a GOP shutout in Maryland redistricting

“We’re looking at the numbers and whether it’s going to make sense politically, and whether we can hold the seven seats that we have,” Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) said in an interview last week. “Because, remember, this is for 10 years.” And then there’s Harris himself, a firebrand conservative doctor known for nearly starting a […]

Wealthy Countries Weigh Boosters; Fewer Than 2% Of Africans Vaccinated

Above Photo: Luke Dray/Getty Images. While Global North Weighs Booster Shots Against Covid-19. Wealthy countries around the world are preparing to offer a third shot of Covid-19 vaccines to their populations. Meanwhile, vaccination remains out of reach for the vast majority of Africans. The highly infectious Delta variant of the coronavirus is sweeping Africa in a deadly […]

Olympic Committee Confirms Women’s Medals Will Only Weigh 78% As Much As Men’s

TOKYO, JAPAN— A fresh round of controversy over the gender wage gap arose Sunday after a spokesman for the International Olympic Committee confirmed that the medals awarded to female participants only weigh 78% as much as those given to the men.  For its part, the IOC says the measure isn’t intended as a slight to […]

Doctors Weigh Prescribing Controversial Alzheimer’s Drug

Pros and cons of an expensive new drug with questionable value put doctors in difficult situation As physicians and health policy experts debate the merits of Aduhelm, the first new drug approved for Alzheimer’s disease in 18 years, patients want to know: “Will this medication help me—and how much?” Doctors explaining the pros and cons […]

Netanyahu, Gantz said to weigh fresh partnership; all sides strongly deny notion

A television report Monday said that representatives of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader and Defense Minister Benny Gantz have again discussed a potential coalition partnership after the conflict with Gaza is over, due to the apparent collapse of the possibility of a coalition led by Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett. The […]

After Purim Breaches, Health Ministry Said To Weigh Delay In Easing Restrictions

The Health Ministry is considering recommending that the next phase of lifting coronavirus restrictions be delayed, according to Hebrew media reports Sunday, amid concerns that illicit mass gatherings over Purim could fuel a spike in COVID-19 cases. Health Minister Yuli Edelstein is expected to meet with senior officials in the coming days to discuss the […]

US attack in Syria: Why now? What can be learned? Experts weigh in

“The administration understood that it had to show the militias would pay a price” when the country directed US military airstrikes in eastern Syria against facilities belonging to what the Pentagon said were Iran-backed militia, said Ambassador Dennis Ross. The attacks were a calibrated response to rocket attacks against US targets in Iraq.  According to […]

Lawsuits Expose FCC’s Failure to Weigh Evidence of Health Impact of Wireless Technology

Lawsuits Expose FCC’s Failure to Weigh Evidence of Health Impact of Wireless Technology Children’s Health Defense » Feed / Aerowenn Hunter Two separate health advocacy organizations have sued the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over its complete dismissal of evidence of serious health impacts from wireless technology devices and infrastructure, such as cell phones and cell […]

Three Writers Weigh In On Official Report on Diplomat Microwave Injuries, and Censorship of 5G Discussion Continues

Three Writers Weigh In On Official Report on Diplomat Microwave Injuries, and Censorship of 5G Discussion Continues Activist Post / Activist Post By Patricia Burke Three different writers published articles this week addressing the December 2020, “Consensus Study Report: An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and Their Families at Overseas Embassies, Standing Committee […]

Koch network pledges to ‘weigh heavy’ lawmakers’ actions in riots

Seidel’s statement follows months of the network working to operate more independently of the Republican Party. Billionaire Charles Koch has become increasingly dissatisfied with the tactics and policies of President Donald Trump and did not support him during his 2016 or 2020 election bids. The Koch move comes after numerous corporate PACs began suspending their […]

The end of the ‘virgin wars’? Streamers & viewers weigh in after Twitch announces ‘SIMP’ BAN

Simp, a term used to describe lonely men who shower women on the internet with attention (and cash), will soon be banned by Twitch when used as an insult, prompting colorful analyses regarding hate speech and greasy virgins. The popular streaming platform revealed that the terms “simp,”“incel,” and “virgin” would all be prohibited as derogatory […]

Israeli justices wait for the army to weigh in on drafting women to elite units

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The Morbid Legacy Of The Doctor Who Tried To Weigh The Human Soul

The fascinating legacy of the controversial American physician who weighed the human soul and determined dogs don’t have one is an incredible story. And, like in many areas of life, what one believes and one’s beliefs have a huge influence on outcomes. Speculating upon, and fighting over, the existence, functions and restrictions of the human […]

Heavyweights Weigh In On Assange “Show Trial”

And its threat to journalists. Former NYT Vice Chairman and General Counsel, James C Goodale, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Chris Hedges, Pentagon Papers Whistleblower, Dan Ellsberg to Speak. Zoom Online Event Wednesday, September 9, 1:00 EST. Register here. Washington, DC – An online Zoom call will take place for members of the press this Wednesday, […]

US-North Korea Relations: Experts Weigh in on Future Course

Iran, Iraq weigh plans to facilitate Arbaeen pilgrimage

Tasnim – Officials from Iran and Iraq explored avenues in a meeting in Tehran to simplify travel for the many Iranian pilgrims going to the Arab country every year on Arbaeen, a major Shiite occasion marking the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS). In a meeting at Iran’s Interior Ministry on […]

Astronomers Just Did What Einstein Said Was Impossible: Weigh A Star With Gravity

Society has come to respect Albert Einstein for his astonishing intellect, particularly after he mapped out his famous theory of general relativity. However, one of his predictions, which he never thought would be directly observed, has recently been proven correct. Astronomers have now taken Einstein’s prediction of the light of a distant star being warped and magnified […]

Fluorine-Based Toxins Accumulate In The Body & Cause Multiple Health Problems

When you bake muffins in a non-stick tin, do you think about how the non-stick coating is going to affect your health? There has been enough publicity around damaged Teflon that some reading this will likely think about the harm that can come from chipped non-stick coating. After all, who wants to eat that stuff? […]

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