Posts Tagged ‘justices’

The role of Justices of the Peace.

The role of a Justice of the Peace has changed significantly over time within Australia, from sitting in judgement in the inferior courts of the State to the witnessing of documents the history of JPs is presented in the document below and covers the States and Territories of the Commonwealth.     88 pages. The […]

Justices’ Grave Error in Murthy v. Missouri

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Along with my co-plaintiffs, I was at the Supreme Court last week for oral arguments in our Murthy v. Missouri case, in which we are challenging the federal government’s alleged censorship on social media. The Supreme Court will likely rule in June whether to uphold, modify, or strike down the Fifth Circuit […]

3 Conservative Justices Dissent As Supreme Court Refuses To Reinstate Florida Drag Show Law

Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The Supreme Court turned away Florida’s request to reinstate its law regulating drag shows, which has been blocked by the lower courts. Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas, Nev., on Oct. 28, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The […]

Durbin: Justices hitting Supreme Court’s reputation with ‘wrecking ball’

Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) on Friday said the Supreme Court “is in a crisis of its own making” as justices “continue to take a wrecking ball” to the court’s reputation. Durbin made the comments in a Friday statement criticizing Justice Samuel Alito’s decision not to recuse himself from a case involving an… […]

Alito: Dobbs Leak Made Supreme Court Justices ‘Targets of Assassination’

Leaking the draft Dobbs opinion overruling the infamous Roe v. Wade made Supreme Court justices “targets of assassination,” Justice Samuel Alito told the Wall Street Journal in a rare interview published Friday. Source

Supreme Court says justices ‘actively cooperated’ in leak probe

The Supreme Court official who conducted an inconclusive investigation into the disclosure to POLITICO of a draft majority opinion spoke with each of the court’s justices during that process, but did not demand that any justice sign an affidavit, according to a new statement. A 20-page report the court released Thursday from Supreme Court Marshal […]

Leftists Offer Reward for Whereabouts of Justices Who Voted to Overturn Roe v. Wade

A leftist group is offering rewards for people to report the whereabouts of specific Supreme Court Justices, according to the New York Post. Source

Two SCOTUS Justices Moved To Safe Locations Following Assassination Threats From the Left

At least two US Supreme Court Justices have been moved to “safe locations” following credible assassination threats, Red State editor Jennifer Van Laar reported citing federal law enforcement sources. Leftist rage has exploded following the […] The post Two SCOTUS Justices Moved To Safe Locations Following Assassination Threats From the Left appeared first on News […]

Scalise: ‘Supreme Court Justices Are Still Under Threat’

Tuesday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) pushed for the passage of the Senate bill to bolster security for Supreme Court justices.

FNC’s Karl Rove: Arrest Protesters at Justices’ Houses or ‘It’s Open Season on Judges’

Fox News analysts Karl Rove said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that unless protesters were arrested outside the houses of Supreme Court Justices, it is “open season on judges.”

Dem Rep. Omar Calls for Expanding SCOTUS — ‘The Number of Justices Is Not Given to Us in the Constitution’

During a Friday interview with ABC News’ “GMA3,” Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) called for the expansion of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Poll: Most Americans Disagree with Protests at Supreme Court Justices’ Private Homes

Most Americans disagree with activist calls to protest at the private homes of Supreme Court Justices in light of the leaked draft SCOTUS opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Tuesday found.

Right-wing Supreme Court justices ‘just further poisoned your water’

Image Credit: Flickr Environmental advocates and other critics of the right-wing U.S. Supreme Court were outraged Wednesday by a 5-4 decision reviving a Trump administration policy that undermines the power of states and tribes to protect water quality from energy infrastructure projects. The Supreme Court “just further poisoned your water,” journalist Jordan Chariton tweeted in response to the unsigned decision, […]

USA High Court (THE SUPREME COURT IS RUN BY GOD & IS NOT LOCATED ON THIS ROCK) “justices” Are Ether Village Idiots Legally Speaking, Or Intentionally Trying To Mass Murder Humans With Killer Jabs

The Bull S#it coming out of the Pie Holes of several USA High Court minions is either the fault of the Zionist Zombie Virus having eaten their souls and brains, or they are purposely trying to force on Americans killer jabs which are not vaccines, not approved even by the whored out FDA, a violation […]

Warren: SCOTUS ‘Has Lost the Respect of the American People’ — We Need More Justices

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that the American people had lost respect for the Supreme Court. She argued it needed to be expanded. Warren said, “The problem we’ve got is first, that Mitch McConnell hijacked this court. He stole the Supreme Court seat so that President Obama didn’t get to […]

Why do Supreme Court justices keep saying they’re not hacks?

Image Credit: Khalil Bendib/ Ralph Waldo Emerson once told about a guest who came to dinner and spent the entire evening prattling about his own integrity: “The louder he talked of his honor,” Emerson wrote: “the faster we counted our spoons.” Today, America has not one, but six guests in our national home babbling about […]

An inequality even conservative justices can’t swallow

College football coaches normally don’t pay much attention to U.S. Supreme Court decisions. College football coaches normally don’t pay much attention to much of anything outside their coaching lanes. They’ve become notorious for their single-minded focus on the gridiron. But coaches have been paying attention to the nation’s High Court this week because the Supremes […]

Rosanna Arquette: ‘Our Supreme Court Justices Are Literally Members of the KKK’

Hollywood actress Rosanna Arquette declared on Monday that U.S. Supreme Court “judges” are likely to be members of the Ku Klux Klan. “I wonder how many Supreme Court judges are members of the kkk,” Arquette tweeted her 189k Twitter followers. I wonder how many Supreme Court judges are members of the kkk — ✌🏼rosanna arquette (@RoArquette) […]

Democrats Propose Packing Court With Illiterate Justices To Make Sure There’s No Chance They’ll Be Influenced By The Constitution

Democrats Propose Packing Court With Illiterate Justices To Make Sure There’s No Chance They’ll Be Influenced By The Constitution WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Joe Biden has a lot of ambitious, Marxist goals for government, such as installing full Communism and making Christianity illegal, but he faces one problem: His plans are against the Constitution, because they’re evil […]

Israeli justices wait for the army to weigh in on drafting women to elite units

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