Posts Tagged ‘propose’

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 124: Hamas propose 135-day truce to exchange captives and end war

Potential ceasefire deal still at discussion stage, as U.S. President Joe Biden calls Hamas counter-proposal “a little over the top.” Israel continues to bomb Rafah and Khan Younis in Gaza, as Israeli forces raid the West Bank, killing one teenager. Source

Scientists propose a Category 6 as hurricanes gain in intensity with climate change 

A pair of climate scientists are proposing a sixth category for hurricanes as climate change increasingly intensifies these storms, according to a new research study. In a study, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the two scientists argued the “open-ended” Saffir Simpson hurricane wind scale is becoming increasingly “inadequate” as… […]

Physicists Propose Way to Harvest Incredible Energy From Black Holes In Wild Paper

Image: MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via getty Images ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs. Researchers from Tianjin University in China have proposed a way to turn tiny black holes into batteries and nuclear reactors. They published their calculations in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Review D.  In their out-there study, […]

Exclusive — Rep. Warren Davidson, Sen. Mike Lee Propose Bill to Define Ukraine ‘Proxy War’ Strategy to End ‘War Hawk Regime’s Latest Obsession’

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) introduced legislation to define America’s strategy with Ukraine and avoid “endless war.” Source

Democrats Propose Bill to Establish DOJ Office for Missing and Murdered Black Women

Democrat Representatives Ilhan Omar and Bonnie Watson Coleman have introduced a bill to establish a national Office for Missing and Murdered Black Women and Girls within the Department of Justice.  The Brittany Clardy Missing and Murdered Black Women and Girls Act, named after an 18-year-old Minneapolis woman who went missing in 2013 and was later […]

Missouri legislators propose bill to mandate labeling of meat, food products derived from mRNA-vaccinated animals

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) With the help of Ohio-based attorney Thomas Renz, Rep. Holly Jones (R-Mo.), Renz’s business manager, has crafted and filed a new legislative bill that would require meat and other food producers to label their products as having been gene-edited in the event that the animals and plants they were produced from got […]

Lawmakers Propose Letting Massachusetts Prisoners Donate Organs for Reduced Sentences

A new bill proposed on Beacon Hill would allow Massachusetts prisoners to donate their organs for reduced sentences. Source

Democrats Propose Another Inflation Reduction Act To Combat Inflation Created By First Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — With inflation and consumer prices continuing to skyrocket, Democrats in Congress have proposed a brand new Inflation Reduction Act to combat the inflation brought about by the first Inflation Reduction Act. “We are so proud of what we accomplished with the Inflation Reduction Act, but now it’s time to address the runaway […]

Senate Dems propose blatantly unconstitutional bill that would shatter the Second Amendment

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Apparently unfazed by the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down a New York law that put unconstitutional restrictions on residents seeking to obtain a concealed carry permit, Senate Democrats are moving to double down on the party’s war against the Second Amendment.According to Law Enforcement Today, Sens. … [Read More…] Source

Far-Left Democrats Propose ‘Transgender Bill of Rights’

Radical House Democrats introduced a bill on Tuesday that would enshrine “gender identity” into discrimination law and prohibit religious objections. The bill, named the “Transgender Bill of Rights” would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to outlaw discrimination on the basis of “gender identity” in public accommodations and federally funded programs and activities. The […]

Berkeley Officials Propose Taxing Landlords for Vacant Properties to Increase Rental Supply

Berkeley, California, hopes voters will approve levying a tax on landlords who have vacant properties in an effort to create more rentals.

Republicans Propose Bill to Fight Back Against Woke Capitalism

Senate Republicans on Wednesday introduced legislation aimed at curbing Wall Street’s largest asset managers’ woke capitalist activism.

Libertarians Propose Controversial New ‘Do Whatever You Want’ Mandate

CONCORD, NH—Pro-compliance activists are on high alert following a proposal by Libertarians that some have described as catastrophically reckless. The Libertarians’ inflammatory new proposal, ostensibly titled the “Do Whatever You Want Mandate” calls for the mandatory freedom to do whatever you want. “This forced liberty is appalling and un-American,” said a staffer for Senator Bernie […]

Op-Ed Authors Propose Financial Penalties for Refusing the COVID Vaccine

By B.N. Frank Vaccine side effects, injuries, deaths have been reported for decades (see 1, 2, 3).  They continue to be reported about the COVID vaccines as well (see 1, 2, 3, 4).  According to one attorney, this will eventually lead to a “tidal wave of lawsuits”.  Nevertheless, some vaccine proponents have recommended that health […]

Legal Experts Propose Common Carrier Regulation as Solution for Big Tech Censorship

First Amendment experts proposed using common carrier regulations to prevent “behemoth” big tech platforms from discriminating against users’ free speech, contending that these platforms exercise more control over public discourse than most people in history. The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy hosted a panel of “nationally renowned First Amendment experts” in June, including Eugene Volokh, […]

Republicans Propose Vaccination-By-Mail Program

WASHINGTON, D.C.—As COVID vaccine delivery continues to decline nationwide, Republican leaders have proposed a radical solution: a vaccination-by-mail program to cover all Americans. “Since voting by mail went so smoothly last year, we wanted to apply those same principles to our COVID vaccination program,” said Senator Mitch McConnell. “Mail-in vaccines will ensure that we have […]

Democrats Propose Taxing Treasures Laid Up In Heaven

WASHINGTON, D.C.—To fund the Biden Administration’s infrastructure spending bill, Democrats are proposing a new tax on the treasures Americans have laid up in heaven. “It has come to our attention that some Americans have chosen to lay up their treasure in heaven instead of here on earth,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “Americans who use heaven as a tax […]

Democrats Propose Packing Court With Illiterate Justices To Make Sure There’s No Chance They’ll Be Influenced By The Constitution

Democrats Propose Packing Court With Illiterate Justices To Make Sure There’s No Chance They’ll Be Influenced By The Constitution WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Joe Biden has a lot of ambitious, Marxist goals for government, such as installing full Communism and making Christianity illegal, but he faces one problem: His plans are against the Constitution, because they’re evil […]

Democrats Propose Requiring Vaccine Passports For Voting

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats have proposed a controversial new law that would require vaccine passports for voting. The bill currently under deliberation in Congress would ban all forms of ID for voting — because that’s racist — but require voters to show their COVID-19 vaccine passport at polling places. Republicans and Democrats alike were confused by the […]

North Dakota Lawmakers Propose Bill Requiring Student Athletes to Compete as Birth Sex

Photo Credit: Remaztered Studio/Pixabay BISMARCK, N.D. — 10 Republican lawmakers in North Dakota have proposed a bill requiring student athletes to compete as their birth sex in order to protect fairness in sports. “The state, a political subdivision of the state, or an entity that receives public funding from the state or from a political subdivision of […]

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