Posts Tagged ‘holes’

Seattle Police Blast 2 Dozen Holes in 67-Yr-Old Pedophile Caught Trying to Rape 7-Yr-Old

Seattle police fatally shot a 67-year-old pedophile who arrived at a hotel suite to have a threesome with two young girls aged 11 and 7 years. Instead of meeting his child victims, the pedophile was […] The post Seattle Police Blast 2 Dozen Holes in 67-Yr-Old Pedophile Caught Trying to Rape 7-Yr-Old appeared first on […]

Physicists Propose Way to Harvest Incredible Energy From Black Holes In Wild Paper

Image: MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via getty Images ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs. Researchers from Tianjin University in China have proposed a way to turn tiny black holes into batteries and nuclear reactors. They published their calculations in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Review D.  In their out-there study, […]

Jesus Said, You Bunch of Vipers, You Hypocritical Ass Holes

Yeshua called Jesus in the Western world said anyone who hurt an innocent child should be killed. He also said it would have been better if such evil ass holes had never been born. Both the Roman Church and their Evangelical Christian offshoots caterwaul about and against abortion. They write articles against abortion. The sometimes […]


Trump & Biden are both Pedos, EVERYONE in DC is a Treasonous A$$ holes, Putin is a Jew, the Ukrainian “War” is a farce, United States is a Corporation, Jews are NOT Semitic, Millions have died from the Killer Jab for a Non Existent “Virus”, and it is Sunday

A brother and I in our old age admitted to each other in our youth when we tried to explain things to folks and they got that deer in the headlights look on their face, we thought they were just playing stupid for some reason. We both admitted as the years went by we discovered […]


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They’re trying to make us want “smart cities” by turning all the great old cities into sh*t-holes

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A ‘Wild’ and Mysterious Discovery Just Upended Our Idea of Black Holes

Scientists have spotted black holes belching out the remains of stars that they ate years earlier, a discovery that upends our understanding of how these cosmic behemoths interact with the matter around them, reports a new preprint study. After witnessing black holes unexpectedly glowing in radio light, astronomers gathered long-term observations of the exotic objects. […]

Black Holes Might Really Be Giant Structures Made of Spacetime, Physicists Propose

Image: Johns Hopkins University ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs. Black holes might really be strange defects in spacetime called topological stars that are generated by hidden cosmic dimensions, reports a new study.  Topological stars are completely hypothetical and only exist as mathematical constructions at this point. However, they […]

Considering Modern Ass Holes & Historical Presidents on “PRESIDENT’S DAY” US Holiday

Sometimes at night when sleep is illusive some of my kin and I hold sessions where we run a hand along the history of America and shake our heads at the present state of affairs in Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac. Last night a couple of cousins who are past American presidents came calling. […]

WALKING DEAD? Do Covid vaccines poke holes in the blood-brain barrier and cause neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s?

(Natural News) The entire world of natural health advocates, who tune in to truth media and independent sources for their nutrition, health, and science news, are well-aware of the short-term dangers and repercussions of the “clot shot” Covid “vaccines,” but nobody has seen any long-term health detriment, because it’s only been two years since the… […]

Could humans use black holes to time travel?

Could humans use black holes to time travel? By Sam Baron published 5 January 2023 Black holes form natural time machines that allow travel to both the past and the future. But don’t expect to be visiting dinosaurs any time soon. [*] [*]  An artist’s illustration of a black hole.  (Image credit: solarseven via Getty […]

Giant holes on a highway in Guatemala

Rescuers are looking for victims who fell into a hole on a Guatemalan highway Source

Exclusive Video–Darrell Issa Blasts Biden for Leaving Holes in Border Wall: ‘It Costs Money Not to Finish This’

Rep. Darrell Issa is blasting President Joe Biden for purposely leaving holes in the unfinished United States-Mexico border wall, noting that American taxpayers are footing the bill for the administration’s halt to the project. 

The Enigma of Prehistoric Skulls with Bullet-Like Holes

Nearly one century ago, a Swiss miner was searching for metal ore deposits in the limestone caves of Kabwe, Zambia, when he found a prehistoric skull that dated back between 125,000 and 300,000 years. It was the first fossil to be discovered in Africa with Homo sapiens characteristics. But there was an even bigger surprise. […]

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: ‘Unvaxxed Are Racist A**holes’

Far-left Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declared that unvaccinted residents are “racist and misogynistic” extremists. In an unhinged rant, Trudeau told a Quebec television network that he believes unvaxxed people should not be tolerated any longer. “We are going to end this pandemic by proceeding with the vaccination,” said Trudeau in French. [embedded content] […]

Five Post Holes Reveal Legendary Japanese Empress’s Royal Pavilion.

A team of Japanese archaeologists have discovered what they consider to be the remains of is the legendary Tokaden royal pavilion. Until the early 8th century the Japanese court was peripatetic, meaning it moved from place to place. In the mid-9th century, increasing populations and subsequent imperial bureaucracy, required the building of the first centralized […]

When black holes and neutron stars collide

When black holes and neutron stars collide Posted on Sunday, 4 July, 2021 The effects of such a collision can be felt even on Earth. Image Credit: NASA / Swift / Dana Berry Exactly what happens when a black hole collides with one of the most dense stars in the known universe ?For the first […]

Canada CDC Suggests “Glory Holes” For Safe Sex During Coronavirus Pandemic

Canada CDC Suggests “Glory Holes” For Safe Sex During Coronavirus Pandemic Written by Kecia Gayle July 22, 2020 Photo Credit: TMZ/ Getty Images Canada CDC Suggests ”Glory Holes” For Safe Sex During Coronavirus Pandemic Canada’s top health experts want people to stay extra safe and clean even when they plan to get a little dirty. […]

US-Russian Cooperation in Space Pokes Holes in Conflicts on Earth

A last minute request from NASA to fly an American astronaut on Russia’s Soyuz rocket opens up a wide array of interesting points. in an article titled, “Here’s how NASA just booked a last-minute trip to space on a Russian Soyuz,” would note: “The crew composition change came as a result of an earnest request from […]

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