Posts Tagged ‘barrier’

Nanotechnology Coated in Lipid Crossing the Brain Barrier Found in Coca-Cola

by @Lisahudsonchow7 Coca-Cola sounds like it’s a drink you might not want to drink. They are teaming up with Microsoft, and it looks like it will be great for them but not so great for us. These people are sick, evil people that are determined to reduce the population. Check this out if you drink […]

Was the Me262 the First Airplane to Break the Sound Barrier?

As far as official historians are concerned, Charles Yeager was the first pilot to achieve the great feat of supersonic flight, on board a Bell X-1 in 1947. Source

Missouri Man Accused of Deliberately Crashing U-Haul Truck Into Security Barrier Near White House

WASHINGTON—A Missouri man flew to Washington, rented a U-Haul truck, and drove straight to the White House, where he crashed the truck into a security barrier and began waving around a Nazi flag in the culmination of a six-month plan to “seize power” from the government, authorities said Tuesday. Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, removed the […]

The Unbreakable Barrier: Dubrovnik’s Walls Through the Ages

Nestled along the rugged Adriatic coast, the walled city of Dubrovnik in Croatia has long been a cultural and economic hub in the region. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe History Important Events Read Later  Source

WALKING DEAD? Do Covid vaccines poke holes in the blood-brain barrier and cause neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s?

(Natural News) The entire world of natural health advocates, who tune in to truth media and independent sources for their nutrition, health, and science news, are well-aware of the short-term dangers and repercussions of the “clot shot” Covid “vaccines,” but nobody has seen any long-term health detriment, because it’s only been two years since the… […]

The Great Barrier Reef is seeing record growth despite climate alarmist fears.

According to the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), 87 reefs surveyed from August 2021 to May 2022 showed that parts of the Great Barrier Reef have recorded the highest amount of coral cover since monitoring began 36 years ago. The average hard coral cover in the upper and central regions of the reef increased […]

Judge Orders Biden to Keep Title 42 Barrier

A federal judge has halted President Joe Biden’s plan to end Title 42, ordering federal agencies to continue the program because the termination order likely violates federal law.

Mayorkas Pushes Democrats to OK Removal of Title 42 Border Barrier

The nation’s pro-migrant border chief is rebuking the many Democratic legislators who say the Title 42 barrier should be kept until officials have “a plan” to deal with the expected wave of ambitious and desperate migrants.

The Occult Warp Speed Logo & Assault on Blood Brain Barrier

“We have a clearly occult logo for a national vaccine campaign and evidence that the very protein being expressed by the vaccine’s mRNA transcript is involved in compromising the blood-brain barrier.” ‘Signs and Symbols rule the World, not Words nor Laws.’ -Confucius   “The purpose of this study is to consider the Occultic Logo of the Operation […]

Australia against move to list Great Barrier Reef as ‘in danger’

Australia’s environment minister said Tuesday that the country will fight a draft recommendation to list the Great Barrier Reef as a World Heritage site in danger. Sussan Ley’s comments come after the United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) called for more government action on climate change. A meeting of UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee […]

Breaking a Barrier, Women Become US Marines After Surviving the ‘Crucible’

Recruits from US Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, Lima Company, participate in the final leg of the grueling Crucible training to become the first ever women Marines trained at Camp Pendleton, California, US, April 22, 2021. REUTERS/Mike Blake The US Marine recruits, both women and men, patrolled through a mock village that suddenly was […]

Suspect who smashed into barrier at US Capitol identified as Noah Green

The driver who killed a US Capitol cop before he was gunned down by police is a Nation of Islam devotee from Indiana, according to reports and his social media. Noah Green, 25, who may have been living in Virginia, described himself as a “Follower of Farrakhan” on his Facebook page, in reference to Nation […]

Israel’s anti-tunnel barrier pays off, but Gaza groups are working on alternatives

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Great Chain of The Golden Horn: Constantinople’s Impenetrable Barrier

For all large capital cities in ancient and modern history, protection was one of the major survival strategies. And what historical capital was bigger than legendary Constantinople? Known as Istanbul today, Constantinople has one of the richest city histories in the world and has long been a cradle of Western civilization. As an imperial capital […]

Kellyanne Conway: ‘Trump Helped Me Shatter a Barrier’ in Politics

Counselor to the president, Kellyanne Conway, said at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night that Trump helped her “shatter a barrier” in politics by becoming the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign. Kellyanne Conway said President Donald Trump spent decades elevating women to “senior positions” in the workplace. “He confides in and consults us, […]

Israel’s “One of a Kind” New Apartheid Wall to Choke Gaza: A Triple-Layered Sea Barrier

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL — Whatever one’s opinion may be about the ongoing Israeli dispossession of the people of Palestine and the crippling siege of the Gaza Strip, one can’t fault Tel Aviv for lacking originality. Such unique means of choking off the Palestinians’ ability to live as normal human beings will be on full display […]

Extreme floods kill 12 & destroy Israel-West Bank barrier (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Footage posted to social media shows heavy flows of rainwater on the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Homes and shops have been flooded while debris, such as restaurant tables and chairs, can be seen in the torrents of flooding. Such was the deluge, the water also took down parts of Israel’s security fence with […]

Israel major barrier to nuclear-free Mideast: Iranian Diplomat

Tasnim – An Iranian deputy foreign minister denounced the Israeli regime as the main obstacle to the establishment of a nuclear weapon free Middle East, saying Tel Aviv, benefiting from US support, ruins efforts to prevent proliferation of atomic weapons. In an address to the conference ‘Regional Security in the West Asia, Emerging Challenges and […]

Great wall of Turkey: Ankara builds massive barrier along Iranian border

The wall will be comprised of 7-ton concrete blocks, each of them 3 meters high and 2 meters thick. According to Turkey’s Hurriyet newspaper, the Turkish government is building this wall along the Iranian border in order to curtail the activities of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) – the left-wing Kurdish organization which is recognized as a terrorist organization by Ankara. However, Iranian political […]

‘Arabs’ saved us, says settler boy whose father was slain

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem In rare twist, Palestinian man rescues wounded Israelis RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) 5 July — Just a few years ago, Islam al-Bayed spent seven months in an Israeli prison for allegedly throwing stones at Israeli troops. Now, the 26-year-old Palestinian man has become an unlikely symbol of […]

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