Posts Tagged ‘along’

A volunteer doctor in Gaza faces her patients’ traumas along with her own

On January 1, 2024, while individuals around the world celebrated the New Year, Gazans were expressing gratitude toward God that we were still alive after 88 days of aggression without letup and long days of devastating massacres. I am living through the sixth or seventh assault in my lifetime. There have been so many I […]

Kamala Harris Smiles & Claps Along To Protest Song Before Realizing It Was Aimed At Her!

Kamala Harris has been mocked online after she was seen happily clapping along to a Spanish protest song…. before awkwardly realising that the song was in protest against her During her visit to Puerto Rico on Friday, the Vice President was seen smiling and clapping as protesters banged on drums and sang in Spanish. BYPASS […]

Largest Vaccine Study Ever Reveals What the “Conspiracy Theorists” Have Said All Along

Scientists have found MASSIVE increased risks of developing several serious health conditions post-jab. But headlines suggest the increased risk factors post-shot are “small” and “extremely rare.” This study conducted by the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) looked at a cohort of 99 million vaccinated individuals. The risks of developing 13 adverse events of special interest […]

Montana CPS abducts teen from family after parents refuse to go along with LGBT “sex change”

(NaturalNews) The father and step-mother of a 14-year-old Montana girl who was groomed into undergoing a “sex change” to become a “male” have lost custody of their… Source

‘I got along with Putin’ – Trump

Ménage à Trois? Well, I can see why!They share a common interest they put before their own countries. I do not see any reason they can not do business! Share this: Source

7 in 10 Iowans who caucused for Trump say they knew they’d support him all along: Survey

Most Iowans, about 7 in 10, said they knew all along that they would support former President Trump in Monday’s caucuses, according to the Associated Press’s VoteCast poll. The survey’s results demonstrate Trump’s commanding grip on the Republican Party, in a state where he won more than half of the support on Monday night. Almost… […]

Contaminated: We’ve Been Their Lab Rats All Along

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL An increasing number of prominent medical professionals have called for an immediate halt in the use of the alleged, “safe and effective” COVID-19 mRNA shots. Now, the Florida State Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has joined the ever-growing list. An excerpt from the Florida Department of Health’s January 3 bulletin […]

Texas takes control of park in Eagle Pass along the U.S.-Mexico border to halt endless flow of migrants

(NaturalNews) Texas has taken control of a public park in Eagle Pass due to its strategic location near the Rio Grande following a massive spike in illegal… Source

Germany: Baby Jesus beheaded along with other Nativity figures in latest attack on Christians

Unknown perpetrators beheaded baby Jesus and other figures in a Christmas nativity scene over the weekend in the city of Rüsselsheim. The attack featured the figures, primarily made out of Styrofoam, having their hands severed and their heads removed; some of them were also knocked over. The figures, which were displayed in the town’s market […]

Hang ’em high. Pfizer knew all along.

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more The COVID “Killer Vaccine.” People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s a Criminal Undertaking MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY OCT 19 READ IN APP We are being accused of “spreading disinformation” regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. The Reuters and AP media “trackers” and “fact checkers” will be out to smear the testimonies of […]

Add All IsraHell Cheerleaders To The Docket Along With Killer Jab Cheerleaders When Common Law Nuremberg Tribunals Are Convened

The evidence there was no Pandemic but a SCAMDEMIC perpetrated by Globalist International Usury Mass Murdering Bankers is beyond questioning. The evidence Jews are members of the Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult religion, and not a race or sub race of the human race, and are in no way descended from Biblical Israelites or […]

More & More Nations Refuse to Go Along With British Empire’s Wars & Tranny Propaganda

Ukraine’s Tranny Propagandist Fired After Threatening Assassinations Comment:  Ukraine is just a vassal of the British Empire as British ZIONIST Boris Johnson intervened earlier flying to Ukraine, Meeting with Zelensky to Prevent a Peace Agreement between Ukraine & Russia.  NATO is a British invention to Keep Germany DOWN, Russia OUT & the Stupid U.S. IN. […]

Interview 1835 – COVID-911 Watch Along with James, Broc and Ryan

via Joining me today is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, and video editor extraordinaire Broc West, here for a 9/11 anniversary watch-along and Q&A of their excellent documentary titled: COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity. Similar to our watch-along/Q&A of The Secret History of Al Qaeda documentary, we will gather beforehand for a quick introduction […]

COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity – Watch Along and Q&A

Joining me this Sunday at 8pm CDT is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, and video editor extraordinaire Broc West, here for a 9/11 anniversary watch-along and Q&A of their excellent documentary titled: COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity. Similar to our watch-along/Q&A of The Secret History of Al Qaeda documentary, we will gather […]

Egypt establishes two logistics zones along Sudan border

Egypt announced, on Thursday, the establishment of two logistics zones to address the truck congestion at the Arqin and Qustul land crossings with Sudan, Anadolu Agency reports. “Based on coordination between the Egyptian Transport Ministry and Aswan province, two mini-logistics zones were implemented in Wadi Karkar and the city of Abu Simbel to process Egyptian […]

PIRATES are attacking small boats along California coast

(NaturalNews) The San Francisco Bay Area has become known for smash-and-grab robberies at high-end luxury stores; poop and drug needles all over the sidewalks; and… Source

Netanyahu pledges to build fence along Jordan border

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Sunday his plan for building a fence along the border with Jordan to prevent infiltration into the occupation state, local media have reported. “We erected a fence on our southern border [with Egypt] and prevented the infiltration from there into Israel,” said Netanyahu on the X social media […]

Americans split along party lines on impeachment: survey

Americans’ views about a potential impeachment inquiry into President Biden are split along party lines, according to a poll published Wednesday.  The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling and commissioned by the Congressional Integrity Project, both of which have Democratic leanings, found 56 percent of registered voters think a GOP impeachment inquiry into Biden would… […]

So…They F*cking Knew All Along

Aug 4 2023 As new documents appear to indicate the entire justification for vaccine mandates may have been based on a falsehood — and that public health officials knew it, whilst the government was strong-arming social media companies to censor alternative views – where does this leave our institutional trust? #CDC #Pandemic #Covid _______________________________ The […]

Video: Biden’s Handlers Allow Him To Walk Along Edge Of Grand Canyon Cliff

Joe Biden spent Tuesday bumbling around the Grand Canyon. His handlers are now letting Biden, who stumbles on steps and falls over sandbags, walk on the edge of a huge precipice: His 'people' take him to the edge of a giant canyon today.Tomorrow his same 'people' will take him to the edge of an active […]

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