Posts Tagged ‘fence’

GOP lawmaker equates Speaker drama with ‘peeing on the electric fence’

Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.) likened the ongoing drama between House Republicans trying to choose a Speaker to “peeing on the electric fence” during a Friday CNN interview. Womack joined CNN’s Jake Tapper where he was asked why amid two major foreign policy crises and a pending government shutdown, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who had three… […]

Israel analyst expects continuation of tension on eastern Gaza fence

Israeli military analyst Tal Lev-Ram expects tension to continue on the eastern Gaza fence despite understandings between Hamas and Israel. On Thursday, mediators between Hamas and Israel announced reaching understandings between the two sides, stating that Israel agreed to increase the number of workers from Gaza to 20,000. According to Maariv, Lev-Ram said that the […]

Finland builds first section of BORDER FENCE with Russia

(NaturalNews) Finland has now built the first section of its border fence with Russia, with Finnish Border Guard (FBG) soldiers protecting the barrier.Finnish… Source

The ‘Revolutionary Youth’ fighting on Gaza’s border fence

Palestinians in Gaza are finding their way back to the border fence separating them from their homeland. They are responding to calls from a group of Return March veterans known as “the Revolutionary Youth.” Source

Netanyahu pledges to build fence along Jordan border

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Sunday his plan for building a fence along the border with Jordan to prevent infiltration into the occupation state, local media have reported. “We erected a fence on our southern border [with Egypt] and prevented the infiltration from there into Israel,” said Netanyahu on the X social media […]

Nine Palestinians Injured in Clashes with IOF Near Gaza Fence

Friday, 01 September 2023 The photo by Safa News Agency shows a young Palestinian injured during clashes with the Israeli forces in the area of Malka, east of Gaza City, on September 1, 2023. At least nine Palestinians have been injured in clashes with Israeli forces along the fence that separates the besieged Gaza Strip […]

Finnish fence on Russian border to cost hundreds of millions of euros

The construction of a fence in Finland at the Russian border is estimated to run into hundreds of millions of euros and could take around three to four years to be finished. Source

Stelios Petsas on the Evros fence: “Four out of five Greeks seem to be in favour”

Deputy Interior Minister Stelios Petsas, in today’s interview, referring to the creation of the fence in Evros. “Four out of five Greeks seem to be in favour of such solutions which protect our state against someone who wants to enter through the window and not through the door in our country,” Petsas said. “I cannot… […]

Democrats Reinstall Fence Around Capitol Ahead Of Biden’s State of Union

A fence has gone back up around the Capitol Building ahead of Biden’s state of the union address on Tuesday night This is the same fencing Democrats put up after Jan 6 despite their claims […] The post Democrats Reinstall Fence Around Capitol Ahead Of Biden’s State of Union appeared first on News Punch. Source

Funny What Even A Flimsy Border Fence Can Do…

So much for all the arguments that “walls don’t work” because migrants will find ways to scale, catapult, or tunnel under the walls. Source

Video clips show illegal border crossers jumping over 30-foot fence and dashing across busy Texas highway

(Natural News) Video clips making rounds on social media recently show groups of around 13-14 immigrants jumping over the 30-foot U.S.-Mexico border wall and running toward a busy southern portion of state highway Loop 375 in El Paso, Texas. One footage was taken during broad daylight, showing illegal aliens who just crossed the border fence freely, with […]

Greece plans to extend fence on land border with Turkiye

Greece plans to extend a cement and barbed-wire fence along its northern border with Turkiye to prevent migrants from entering the country, its Citizen Protection Minister said on Tuesday, Reuters reports. The 40-kilometres fence will be extended by another 140 kilometres, Takis Theodorikakos, said during a visit in the region of Evros. The fence, initially […]

Coronavirus: Beijing Students Tear Down Metal Fence Trapping Them Inside Dorms

Peking University students in Beijing on Sunday night tore down part of a metal fence that administrators erected without warning hours earlier after the students realized it effectively sealed them inside their dormitories and prevented them from accessing any other section of the campus as part of the school’s anti-Chinese coronavirus protocol, Hong Kong’s the […]

Poland-Belarus: Latvia to install temporary fence as migrant crisis escalates

Latvia said it will install a 37 kilometres-long temporary fence on its border with Belarus, which should be completed by next week as the migrant crisis on the Polish border makes headlines. The installation of barbed wire on the Latvian-Belarus border has been delayed because of issues with the company delivering the actual fence. But […]

Water cannon, grenades, pushbacks and fence breaching as tensions escalate on Belarus-Poland border

Tensions that have been building along the Poland Belarus border for weeks spilt over into violence on Tuesday. Polish border guards used water cannon against migrants on the Belarus side of the frontier. Warsaw says people were armed with gas grenades supplied by Belarus, which they threw over the fences towards Polish guards. Stones and […]

UK Deploys Troops To Poland To “Fortify Border Fence” With Belarus

UK troops are being freshly deployed in Poland to assist in strengthening the border fence at points of entry into the EU along the Belarus-Poland border, at a moment the showdown continues and as Minsk and Moscow are ramping up their rhetoric in condemning Europe’s hypocrisy. Polish defense minister Mariusz Błaszczak made the announcement Friday, […]

Capitol Fence Going Up Again Before Rally for Jailed January 6 Protesters

Police are reportedly planning to reinstall the fence that surrounded the U.S. Capitol for months after the January 6 protest in response to a rally on September 18 demanding “justice” for jailed Capitol protesters.  According to the Associated Press, which cited an anonymous source, a security plan “is being finalized” to put fencing outside the […]

‘Israeli’ Forces Murder Palestinian Teen Near Gaza Strip Fence

August 28, 2021 By Staff, Agencies The Zionist occupation forces murdered a Palestinian teenager as they shot him during weekend along the fence that separates the besieged Gaza Strip from the ‘Israeli’-occupied territories. Palestinian medical sources said 12-year-old Omar Hasan Abu an-Neel was hit in the head during protests in the area of Malka, east […]

Progressive Suggests Tearing Down Dumb Pointless Fence In Middle Of Field

Brought to you by: BEACONSFIELD, ENGLAND—According to sources, there’s a fence standing in the middle of a local field, with no apparent reason for being there. Local progressives are suggesting it be torn down immediately. “I don’t want the fence to be here, so we should just tear it down immediately,” said Hercule Flambeau, a progressive activist. “As […]

Lithuania begins building Belarus border fence to deter migrant arrivals

Lithuania has begun building a fence along its border with Belarus to deter third-country migrants from entering the country. Vilnius has declared a state of emergency to address the sharp rise in migration, which it says Belarusian authorities are encouraging. Lithuania — which has backed and granted refuge to Belarus opposition figures — has accused […]

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