Posts Tagged ‘favour’

Portuguese parliamentarians vote in favour of euthanasia despite president’s veto

Portugal’s parliament has passed a bill legalising euthanasia after an intense debate including a veto by the country’s president. Source

Stelios Petsas on the Evros fence: “Four out of five Greeks seem to be in favour”

Deputy Interior Minister Stelios Petsas, in today’s interview, referring to the creation of the fence in Evros. “Four out of five Greeks seem to be in favour of such solutions which protect our state against someone who wants to enter through the window and not through the door in our country,” Petsas said. “I cannot… […]

Report: BBC Insider Charges Broadcaster Is “Disappearing Women” In Favour Of Trans People

A BBC senior insider has claimed that the British state funded broadcaster is “disappearing women” on its staff and its programming in favour of trans people in order to meet ludicrous woke “gender quotas”. The Telegraph reports that the BBC is following guidelines set out in 2017 known as The 50:50 equality project, which was supposed […]

RSS affiliate backs protesting farmers, says new Acts only favour companies

In fact “these people ( the bureaucrats ) have even made the Prime Minister give wrong statements about the Acts,” says leader of  BKS.  It shows how the State functions and ruling politicians have to toe the line and sell it to the public. It bulldozes any dissent, even if it is from its own […]

France: Groids & Leftists March in Favour of Undocumented Invaders

After a French school teacher gets beheaded by a raghead, thousands of French have decided that they need more moslem terrorists in their country. BREAKING – France: Protesters on the march towards the Elysee in Paris to demand the regularization of undocumented migrants, the closure of detention centers, and housing for — 🚨 […]

Physicists Successfully Perform Time Travel Experiment

Scientists have conducted the world’s first successful time travel experiment, proving once and for all that time travel is possible. Physicists at the University of Queensland, Australia, have shown that single particles of light (photons) can pass through a wormhole and interact with its older self. reports: The study of closed timelike curves (CTC’s) provides […]

The Zionist entity is the original cause of the war on Syria

The Zionist entity is the original cause of the war on Syria Six years passed since the war started in Syria, but to be honest … Let’s talk of all these victories and setbacks suffered by the parties to the conflict , the  axis of resistance on one hand and by the Takferi insurgents on […]

Israeli Rabbi Bans Girls Over 5 Years Old From Riding Bikes

A new decree has been introduced in one of Jerusalem’s neighborhoods which forbids all girls over the age of five from riding bicycles. An Ultra-Orthodox Israeli rabbi claims the activity is “provocative” and could “cause serious damage to their modesty.” RT reports: The rabbi is from Jerusalem’s Nahloat district and part of the ultra-Orthodox Haredi […]

Lest We Forget-Netanyahu to EU states: ‘Pressure Brussels to change its attitude toward Israel’

The Ugly Truth Jpost According to a statement issued by the PMO, Netanyahu protested the EU’s formal positions on Israel, and accused Brussels of employing a “double standard” toward Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday called on individual EU states to pressure the European Commission to change its “double standard” toward Israel. Netanyahu’s call […]

Do yourself a favour


…..and listen to this audio. Well worth a listen in my humble. Well done Tanstaafi and Henrik and the team for all you do for the big T. Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Related Posted by Digger on October 28, 2015

Do yourself a favour


…..and listen to this audio. Well worth a listen in my humble. Well done Tanstaafi and Henrik and the team for all you do for the big T. Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Related Posted by Digger on October 28, 2015

Inquiry To Be Held Into MOD’s Use Of Lariam On Soldiers

The UK’s Commons Defence Select Committee is to hold an inquiry into the side-effects of the antimalarial drug, Lariam given to British soldiers. Ministry of Defence’s use of Lariam also known as mefloquine has reportedly led to an increase in psychotic behaviour and psychiatric complications among the users. The Independent revealed the extent of the […]

Tasmania Parliament first to vote in favour of same-sex marriage

THE Tasmanian Parliament is set to become the first in Australia to vote in favour of same-sex marriage after Premier Lara Giddings indicated she would support a Greens motion on the issue. Greens leader Nick McKim will today table a motion in support of marriage equality and calling on the Federal Government to reform marriage […]

Warning as children shun books in favour of Facebook

Graeme PatonLondon Telegraph Aug 22, 2011 One in six children are failing to read books as they spend an increasing amount of time texting friends, sending emails and searching Facebook and Twitter, research suggests. Schoolchildren are more likely to be exposed to mobile phones and computers than novels outside school, it was revealed. Researchers also […]

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