Posts Tagged ‘broadcaster’

Far-Right Broadcaster Stew Peters Plans An ‘Extreme Accountability’ Weekend Of ‘Bloody Bidens’ And Book Burning

Far-right broadcaster Stew Peters is a racist, anti-LGBTQ bigot who regularly uses his nightly program, speeches, and social media accounts to promote white nationalism and virulent antisemitism while spreading wild conspiracy theories, bigotry, and open calls for violence. Peters has repeatedly called for violence against the government and his perceived political enemies, threatening time and […]

The Beeb: Inside the UK’s coincidence theory broadcaster that shares violence and hate

This week I present to you a hit piece about the BBC in the style of the BBC’s own hit pieces! Enjoy! The post The Beeb: Inside the UK’s coincidence theory broadcaster that shares violence and hate first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

Far-Right Broadcaster Stew Peters Unleashes an Astoundingly Anti-LGBTQ Rant

Earlier this month, the California state Senate passed a bill that would require health care plans to cover infertility treatments, stipulating that “coverage for the treatment of infertility and fertility services shall be provided without discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, domestic partner status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital […]

Greece’s State Broadcaster ERT Uses Artificial Intelligence Presenter

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more widespread in various fields, including writing and editing, and now a virtual TV presenter named Hermes has made his appearance on Greece’s state broadcaster ERT. Hermes presented the news in a realistic human-like appearance and sound, which indicates the increasing level of realism of AI technology.… […]


By Alan Macleod Source The death of Queen Elizabeth II, where the BBC dropped programming to run endless, wall-to-wall coverage, has underlined the fact to many Britons that the network is far from impartial, but the voice of the state. The BBC website draped itself in black, printing stories such as “Death of Queen Elizabeth II: The […]

UK Broadcaster To Air Satirical Musical On Prince Andrew

LONDON (AP) — Prince Andrew will be the subject of a satirical TV musical in the latest season of shows from U.K. broadcaster Channel 4. Queen Elizabeth II’s second son stood down from royal duties after a disastrous interview in November 2019 discussing his ties with the late child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in a […]

UK Broadcaster To Air Satirical Musical On Prince Andrew

LONDON (AP) — Prince Andrew will be the subject of a satirical TV musical in the latest season of shows from U.K. broadcaster Channel 4. Queen Elizabeth II’s second son stood down from royal duties after a disastrous interview in November 2019 discussing his ties with the late child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in a […]

Report: BBC Insider Charges Broadcaster Is “Disappearing Women” In Favour Of Trans People

A BBC senior insider has claimed that the British state funded broadcaster is “disappearing women” on its staff and its programming in favour of trans people in order to meet ludicrous woke “gender quotas”. The Telegraph reports that the BBC is following guidelines set out in 2017 known as The 50:50 equality project, which was supposed […]

Right-Wing Broadcaster Stew Peters Again Says Dr. Fauci Should Be Executed

When QAnon conspiracy theorist DeAnna Lorraine teams up with radical right-wing broadcaster Stew Peters for an appearance on his “Stew Peters Show,” it usually results in a segment filled with unhinged rhetoric and wild conspiracy theories. Lorraine’s most recent appearance on Tuesday’s program provided both in droves. Lorraine and Peters were outraged by the American […]

Heavy Rain Hits Over One Million in Southern China but State Broadcaster Highlights Local Waterfall Instead

Torrential rain caused severe flooding in southern China’s Guangxi Province, affecting a population of more than a million. However, China’s state broadcaster CCTV shifted attention to what it called “golden waterfall.” Heavy rain swept northern and central Guangxi from June 27 to July 2, causing damage to a population of a million people in 46 […]

Norwegian Broadcaster Includes Antisemitic Blood Libel About Matzah in Easter, Passover Quiz

A screenshot of the NRK quiz. Photo: Screenshot. The Norwegian government-owned broadcasting company NRK featured an antisemitic blood libel in a quiz about Easter and Passover published on its website on Thursday.  The eighth question in the quiz, entitled “a very special bread,” shows a picture of young boy holding pieces of matzah. Readers are […]

Seasoned broadcaster honoured for starting a campaign against racism

On the international day for the elimination of racial discrimination, the members of Indians Abroad for Pluralist India (IAPI) presented a medal to Shusma Datt. The CEO of Spice Radio 1200 AM had launched “Hands Against Racism” on the birth anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. in January, 2015. The campaign, which has entered its […]

Canada’s public broadcaster remains silent about Palestine

Canada’s public broadcaster, the CBC, came under criticism in the summer of 2020 when it received thousands of complaints about its apology for using the word “Palestine,” and then its erasure of the word from an archive of the recording. This blatant action has left the CBC under even more public scrutiny about its coverage […]

Pinballing leadership for America’s Middle East broadcaster

For more stories from The Media Line go to Government-funded global media uncontrolled by the government – in a world of Al Jazeera, China Central Television and Russia Today, it seems a paradox. The US Agency for Global Media (USAGM) oversees the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe and other federally funded international broadcasters, […]

Going Underground – Legendary Broadcaster Noel Edmonds blasts Neoliberalism & the Bristish Banking System

Going Underground – Legendary Broadcaster Noel Edmonds blasts Neoliberalism & the Bristish Banking System Going Underground with Afshin We speak to legendary broadcaster Noel Edmonds about corruption and fighting the British banking system. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi on Instagram… View the original video for Going Underground – […]

RIP Nick Spero – Another Renegade Broadcaster Has Died

On March 11th we learned that former Renegade Broadcasting host Nick Spero died of cardiac arrest after being admitted to the ICU for pneumonia. This follows the untimely death (alleged suicide) of Paul Hickman last year. While there is speculation of foul play with Nick’s death, right now we only know that Nick had been […]

German broadcaster under fire over coverage of stabbing of teen girl with refugee as suspect

The stabbing was an apparent crime of passion. A refugee from Afghanistan is suspected of killing his German ex-girlfriend after a bad breakup. The crime happened two weeks after the girl’s family complained to the police about the Afghan, who, they said, threatened and harassed her online and on the phone after she ended the […]

Finnish broadcaster under fire over fake Soviet ‘Battle Moose’ story

     Finland’s national television and radio company Yle has come under heavy scrutiny for violating journalistic ethical guidelines for its notorious piece about “battle moose” the Red Army allegedly trained during WW2. Finland’s Council for Mass Media (JSN) claimed national broadcaster Yle violated a number of paragraphs of the Journalist Ethical Rules when it published […]

Zimbabwe’s military seized broadcaster, claims “action against criminals” denies coup

nsnbc : Heavy gunfire and artillery were heard in the suburbs of Harare as the military of Zimbabwe has read out a statement after […]

French-German broadcaster faces backlash after ditching anti-Semitism film

ARTE’s program director, Alain Le Diberder, said in a press statement that the film’s producers, Joachim Schroeder and Sophie Hafner, failed to make a documentary about anti-Semitism in Europe because they used too much footage from Israel and too little from European countries. UK has one of highest anti-Semitic offense rates in world – Israeli […]

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