Posts Tagged ‘Zimbabwe’

Interview 1874 – 6th Time’s The Charm for Zimbabwe’s “New” Currency (NWNW 550)

This week on the New World Next Week: the new cold war heats up as the China bogeyman coverage intensifies; it’s raining ZiGs as Zimbabwe unveils a new currency; and Gen Z signals interest in homeschooling their future children. Source

Despite IMF Rebuke, Zimbabwe Sells $14 Million Gold-Backed Digital Tokens In First Issue

Two weeks ago we described Zimbabwe’s latest effort to stabilize the local currency from continued depreciation against the U.S. dollar – The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe introduced a gold-backed digital currency to serve as legal tender in the country. Source

Zimbabwe eager to use Iranian expertise in medical sector

TEHRAN – Constantino Dominic Chiwenga, the Zimbabwean Health and Child Care Minister, has praised Iran’s progress in the healthcare sector, voicing interest to benefit from Iranian expertise in this regard. Source

Raisi calls for activation of joint economic commission with Zimbabwe

TEHRAN— Continuing his plans during his fourth day of stay in New York, President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran met on Thursday with the President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa. During the meeting, the Iranian president emphasized the activation of the joint economic commission for cooperation between the two countries. Referring to his government’s approach to developing […]

Zimbabwe central bank announces gold currency to combat inflation

The Central Bank of Zimbabwe stated on Monday that it would soon begin issuing gold currency in an effort to reduce inflation, which hit 191 percent in June. The Harare government thinks that this will decrease demand for US dollars and at the very least slow down the further depreciation of the local currency. The […]

7 Die in Gas Explosion at Zimbabwe Gold Mine, Police Say

HARARE—Seven people, including six foreign nationals, died when some gas cylinders exploded at the SAS gold mine in Zimbabwe’s Mazowe district on Thursday, police said. The six foreigners were Chinese, Mazowe lawmaker Fortune Chasi told Reuters. “When I got there, the police were collecting the bodies. Ministry of mines officials and other government officials were […]

Zimbabwe cricketer says players have to glue shoes back together after every match

An international cricketer for Zimbabwe has received an overwhelming response after writing on social media about how the players have to glue their shoes back together after matches due to a lack of sponsorship. The heart-melting request by Zimbabwe’s Ryan Burl has both struck a chord with cricket fans and resulted in him securing a […]

Pandemic Makes Child Marriage Problem Worse in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe (Mission Network News) — Child marriage is an ongoing problem in Zimbabwe. One-third of girls across the country get married before their 18th birthday. Simon Marijani — an Operation Mobilization USA partner — explains how the COVID-19 pandemic worsens this problem. “We are currently in a lockdown, and this is where child marriages also […]

Zimbabwe’s Foreign Minister Dies of Coronavirus

Zimbabwe’s Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister, Sibusiso Moyo, died on Wednesday after he “succumbed” to the Chinese coronavirus, the Zimbabwean government announced. Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s office confirmed Moyo’s death in a statement released January 20. Moyo died early Wednesday morning at a hospital in the national capital, Harare, after being admitted to the […]

The Last White Man – Documentary on the Horrors of Mugabe’s Zimbabwe

Documentary by Yorgos Avgeropoulos. Under the brutal rule of Robert Mugabe, countless White families had their farmland violently seized mostly between the period of 2000-2001. Many Whites were brutally tortured, raped and murdered by violent blacks, something Mugabe ultimately refused to charge any of the perpetrators for. Under White rule, Rhodesia was a safe, prosperous […]

Groid Tards of Zimbabwe Agree to Pay White Farmers $3.5 Billion Compensation

Moronic groids in Zimbabwe fell into a deep economic depression as soon as the dictator tyrant Robert Mugabe drove all the productive and industrious whites off their land. Now they’re desperate to get the whites back to save the blacks from starving to death. Reuters:  Zimbabwe agreed on Wednesday to pay $3.5 billion in compensation […]

Two dogs maul child to death in Zimbabwe

     A nine-year-old Beitbridge child yesterday died from injuries sustained after being attacked by two vicious Boerboel dogs while coming back from school. Nyasha Zaina was pronounced dead at around 10am yesterday after staff at Beitbridge District Hospital battled to save her following the attack at around 4pm on Wednesday. She was mauled all over […]

Dr. Pierce: Lessons from Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)

Dr. Pierce discusses how Rhodesia became Zimbabwe, and what we need to learn from this piece of history so we can survive in our lands. Source Article from

Crocodiles attack inflatable boat in Zimbabwe, kill 90-year-old man and critically injure woman

     Crocodiles in Zimbabwe have killed a 90-year-old man and critically injured a 65-year-old woman. John Bowman, 90, and Rosemary Mitchell, 65, were attacked as they paddled in an inflatable boat in Matopos National Park. They were relaxing with a group at Mpopoma Dam, an area of natural beauty and known crocodile hotspot. “The crocodiles […]

BREAKING: Robert Mugabe resigns as President of Zimbabwe

Mugabe was expected to resign during a televised address on Sunday, but instead clung on to power after reading a speech which did not acknowledge the demands of ZANU-PF elite and the Zimbabwean army. Shortly after impeachment proceedings commenced, the Speaker of Zimbabwe’s parliament stated that he received Robert Mugabe’s formal […]

Zimbabwe’s 93-year-old Mugabe steps down, people celebrate

nsnbc : Zimbabwe’s 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe stepped down after attempts to cling on to power for one week following a military takeover and expulsion […]

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Zimbabwe Before Independence’ (1979)

This week’s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. This week, Zimbabwe long-time leaser, Robert Mugabe, 93 years old, is finally being forced out of power as ruling party chief, as crowds rally peacefully in the country’s capital, Harare. How did Mugabe’s revolution come to power? What was happening behind the scenes in […]

President Trump saves the elephants of Zimbabwe: Big game hunting trophy ban to remain in place

(Natural News) Believe it or not, the murder of elephants with hunting rifles is routinely called “conservation” by government regulators. (Note carefully that human depopulation is also being promoted as a way to “save the planet” these days.) After government bureaucrats at the US Fish and Wildlife department announced a recent decision to allow big […]

Zimbabwe: Domestic Rivalries, US-China Competition Underlie Political Crisis

NEW YORK (Analysis) — On November 14, 2017 military forces in Zimbabwe took control of the streets, sequestered President Robert Mugabe in his residence, and publicly announced that the kinda sorta but not really coup was merely a clean-up operation intended to “target criminals.” While the claim does have some merit – Zimbabwe’s government, like […]

Robert Mugabe Under House Arrest as Rule Over Zimbabwe Teeters

President Robert Mugabe, who has ruthlessly ruled Zimbabwe for nearly four decades as one of Africa’s last liberation leaders still in power, was under house arrest on Wednesday, hours after the military announced it had taken him into custody in what appeared to be a coup. The fate of Mr. Mugabe, 93, who kept a tight grip […]

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