Archive for the ‘money’ Category

Living Fiat Free – #SolutionsWatch

Joining us today is Aaron Day, a liberty activist who hasn’t used fiat currency since 2019. Source

Rumors of Bank Failures but no Admitted Bank Failures, Only the Symptoms of Bank Failures

Jim Willie is back with Jean-Claude@Beyond-Mystic and he claims that BlackRock is using narcotics funds to acquire and build residential properties for the purpose of renting them out (so you will own nothing and be happy). Jim also claims that all the Big Tech companies and Tesla are also taking narcotics money from Langley, which […]

Interview 1874 – 6th Time’s The Charm for Zimbabwe’s “New” Currency (NWNW 550)

This week on the New World Next Week: the new cold war heats up as the China bogeyman coverage intensifies; it’s raining ZiGs as Zimbabwe unveils a new currency; and Gen Z signals interest in homeschooling their future children. Source

New York City to Give Illegal Immigrants $10,000 Each for Free

In an astonishing development, it has been revealed that New York City Mayor Eric Adams is implementing a pre-paid cash card program for migrants, potentially amounting to a multi-billion dollar endeavor, with significant concerns about fraud controls and accountability. The mayor’s administration, without public discussion, oversight, or consultation with the city council, has partnered with […]

Chuck Schumer says America has to send Ukraine $100 Billion Aid or US Troops to fight Russia

Democrat Schumer: Give me money or else your sons will die in war. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Monday threatened to send US troops to fight Russia unless Republicans agree to his $100 billion world aid bill currently stalled in Congress. The Senate’s $118.28 billion national security supplemental package allocates $60 billion in […]

Interview 1845 – BlackRock and the Oligopoly on Truth Over Comfort

via TRUTH OVER COMFORT: In todays video, I spoke with James Corbett, about Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Financial Giants & The Oligopoly. The “big three” asset management corporations own shares in almost every major US company in each industry, making them the top institutional shareholders for these giant corporations. The list is endless… They are […]

…But How Do I Make Money? – Questions For Corbett

“. . . but how do I make money from this information, James?” is a question I receive from time to time. Or, more charitably, “Given the conspiracy reality, how do I invest for my retirement?” That’s a better question, but still, it depends on what we mean by investment, and what it is we’re […]

Child Picking Cookies Over $10K Cash Goes Viral

A video showing a child faced with a choice between cookies and a substantial monetary reward is being highlighted as an example of why children shouldn’t be allowed to choose their gender. In the video going viral with over 25 million views, a child is asked to choose between two Oreo cookies, or $10,000 cash […]

This App Will Pay You for All the Random Photos in Your Camera Roll

Is your love interest (unfortunately) someone who works in finance? If that’s the case, then it’s high time you got your money up, babe. If you’re dying to find a way to woo them that doesn’t require predicting a spike in the stock market, chances are you’ll have to diversify your portfolio of conversation topics […]

Chemo-Therapy and Radiation is Just Another Lie pureblood – August 1st, 2023 Source

Interview 1816 – The WWIII Script on Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed [RECORDED ON JUNE 30, 2023] via The Octopus of Global Control: It sometimes feels as if our reality is part of some carefully coordinated script or outline that the global power structure has planned for humanity. The events feel inorganic and forced, so it begs the […]

How To Use Ecopayz at Online Casinos in New Zealand

    New Zealand online casinos continue to rise because of the credible platforms they offer to their players. New Zealand players looking forward to making real NZ$ understand that the best payment platforms are the gateway to their success. Ecopayz is one of the safe, secure, and fast methods being used internationally in most […]

Nigerians Not Eager to Embrace Central Bank Digital Currency

    Violent protests in Nigeria reveal that getting average people to embrace central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) might be more difficult than government officials would like. Nigerians recently took to the streets to protest a cash shortage caused by government policies adopted in order to push the country into the adoption of its central […]

How To Get Great Experience When Betting Online

Betting online can be a thrilling and exciting way to enjoy your favorite sports and games, but it can also be overwhelming for those who are new to the world of online betting. In order to get the best possible experience when betting online, there are several key factors that you should consider. Consider the […]

Here’s Why You Should Play Popular Online Casino Games

Online casino games have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. With the convenience of being able to play from the comfort of your own home and the excitement of being able to win big, it’s no surprise that online casino games have become a favorite pastime for many people. In this […]

Poll: Nearly 60% of Voters ‘Have Less Money in Their Pockets’ During Biden Presidency

Nearly 60 percent of registered U.S. voters say they have “less money in their pocket than they did a year ago,” according to a Fox News poll released on Sunday. Fifty-seven percent say they have less money to spend than last year, compared to 50 percent who felt that way in February of 2022. In […]

Ancient Jewish History: Babylon Bankers

Ancient Jewish History: Babylon Bankers Ancient Jewish History: Table of Contents|Bribery|Labor There is little likelihood that financial transactions played a prominent role in the pre-Exilic epoch in Ereẓ Israel; according to the ethos of Jewish society, then founded on a pronounced agrarian structure, lending was part of the assistance a man owed to his neighbor […]

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