Posts Tagged ‘rumors’

Rumors of Bank Failures but no Admitted Bank Failures, Only the Symptoms of Bank Failures

Jim Willie is back with Jean-Claude@Beyond-Mystic and he claims that BlackRock is using narcotics funds to acquire and build residential properties for the purpose of renting them out (so you will own nothing and be happy). Jim also claims that all the Big Tech companies and Tesla are also taking narcotics money from Langley, which […]

Michelle Obama ‘Beat Sh*t Out of Barack’ After Trans Rumors Forced Her Out of 2024 Race

Michelle Obama flew into a violent fit of rage at Barack and senior staff members when it became apparent she could not run for president in 2024, according to a staffer who blames the transgender rumors for ruining her political ambitions. Drunk Michelle became physically violent, overpowered Barack, and needed to be restrained during a […]

Michelle Obama ‘Furious’ Over Tranny Rumors; Forced To Pull Out of 2024 Race

Former First Lady Michele Obama is incandescent with rage following numerous recent reports that expose her history as a man. According to insiders, Michelle has been forced to give up on her ambitions to run for President due to the fact that too many Americans are now aware of her shady past. BYPASS THE CENSORS […]

Michelle Obama ‘Furious’ Over Tranny Rumors; Forced To Pull Out of 2024 Race

Former First Lady Michele Obama is incandescent with rage following numerous recent reports that expose her history as a man. According to insiders, Michelle has been forced to give up on her ambitions to run for President due to the fact that too many Americans are now aware of her shady past. BYPASS THE CENSORS […]

Michelle Obama ‘Furious’ Over Tranny Rumors; Forced To Pull Out of 2024 Race

Former First Lady Michele Obama is incandescent with rage following numerous recent reports that expose her history as a man. According to insiders, Michelle has been forced to give up on her ambitions to run for President due to the fact that too many Americans are now aware of her shady past. BYPASS THE CENSORS […]

Rumors Swirl That Top Ukraine General Zaluzhny Has Been Sacked

Earlier in the day the Financial Times’ Ukraine correspondent highlighted the unconfirmed reports widely circulating that Ukraine’s commander-in-chief Gen. Valery Zaluzhny has been fired by President Zelensky. “I’ve also heard from sources it’s ‘true’ he’s fired & ‘not yet.’ Ukrainian media claims a decree dismissing him but not yet published. MoD tells media ‘not true’, wrote […]

Analysis-Where Are Russia’s Top Generals? Rumors Swirl After Mercenary Mutiny

Valery Gerasimov, Russia’s top general, has not appeared in public or on state TV since the aborted mutiny on Saturday. Source

Boris Johnson Jets Back To UK Amid Rumors He’ll Run To Reclaim Former Job

LONDON (AP) — The lightning-fast race to replace Liz Truss as British Prime Minister got even wilder Saturday as former leader Boris Johnson jetted back to the U.K amid speculation he will run to reclaim his former job. Johnson was ousted by a series of ethics scandals just three months ago, but boarded a flight […]

Xi’s Absence From Public Eye Ahead of Third Term Bid Sets Rumors Flying

Just over a week ago, Chinese leader Xi Jinping embarked on a three-day trip to Central Asia to mark his sphere of influence. He has since been out of the public eye, skipping a high-level military meeting and the annual United Nations assembly. With China only weeks away from the 20th National Congress where Xi […]

How German Writer Thomas Mann’s ‘Implausible’ Rumors About Jews Being ‘Gassed’ Became The ‘Holocaust’

( The following essay — written by Thomas Kues — appears at under the original title, “More On Mauthausen And the Genesis of the Mass Gassings Allegation.” Kues points out that the very first rumors about Jews being “gassed” by the Germans first surfaced in the mainstream in January of 1942 — courtesy of […]

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Putin Versus the Zionist World Order Press Conference on Biden Corruption in Ukraine Tell everyone you know about EFR Share this: Source

Democrats Scramble as Rumors Cast Doubt on Biden’s 2024 Run

As Vice President Kamala Harris continues to flounder in the polls, Democrats are scrambling to dispel rumors that President Biden will not run in the 2024 election while maintaining a dose of healthy realism. Last week, former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT), a longtime friend of the president, sparked a wave of speculation when he suggested […]

Kristi Noem Denies ‘Disgusting’ Rumors of Extramarital Affair with Corey Lewandowski

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) Wednesday denied rumors of an extramarital affair with longtime Trump aid Corey Lewandowski — a report the governor described as “disgusting” and another example of “old, tired attacks on conservative women” which she said are “based on a falsehood that we can’t achieve anything without a man’s help.” On […]

‘Rumors That The Taliban Have Taken Over Are Unfounded,’ Says Jen Psaki Wearing Hijab

‘Rumors That The Taliban Have Taken Over Are Unfounded,’ Says Jen Psaki Wearing Hijab WASHINGTON, D.C.—Many are expressing concerns over how far the Taliban has managed to advance after Press Secretary Jen Psaki gave her latest press conference while wearing an Islamic Hijab. “No, there is nothing to worry about, Alhamdulillah, Allah be praised,” said Psaki. […]


The Blogging Hounds Submitted by Dave Hodges on Sunday, August 15, 2021 – 12:37. Recently, I interviewed Kevin Annette, a Canadian journalist. Kevin’s investigative reporting makes it clear on why Canada has abandoned its own Constitution and its once-treasured alliance with the United States. Survival Spring Personal Water Filter No doubt many have heard rumors tha the […]

Election hype begins as rumors emerge about high-profile candidates

Election hype begins as rumors emerge about high-profile candidates – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — According to Fars News Agency, two of the high-profile presidential candidates will probably be found incompetent, as heated debates surfaced in the Guardian Council over their records. The report did not give names, but pointed to certain clues about the candidates.  Fars […]

Rumors Swirl About President Harris’ Mental State After She Bursts Into ANOTHER Uncontrolled Laughing Fit

Rumors Swirl About President Harris’ Mental State After She Bursts Into ANOTHER Uncontrolled Laughing FitDate: April 22, 2021Author: Nwo Report  Is Kamala Harris a psychopath? Source: Niamh HarrisRumors are swirling about Kamala Harris’ mental state after she was caught laughing uncontrollably in front of a crowd in North Carolina on Monday.Harris, who is effectively running the […]

More scared of COVID than rumors, these pregnant Orthodox women chose to get the jab

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Pakistan Denies Rumors That It Will Normalize Ties With Israel

Illustrative. Photo: Reuters / Danish Ismail. Pakistan reiterated again on Tuesday that it would not normalize relations with Israel, following fresh rumors that the Muslim-majority country might do so. The rumors began following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s secretive trip on Sunday to Saudi Arabia, where he was said to have met with Crown Prince […]

Trump Tweets “I Am Feeling Well!” Amid Rumors Saying His Condition ‘Very Concerning’

President Trump fired off a pair of tweets on Saturday aftrenoon amid rumors amid that he is very ill. He said: “Doctors, Nurses and ALL at the GREAT Walter Reed Medical Center, and others from likewise incredible institutions who have joined them, are AMAZING!!!Tremendous progress has been made over the last 6 months in fighting […]

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