Posts Tagged ‘boris’

Boris Johnson accuses Tucker Carlson of being “a tool of the Kremlin,” then tries to extort him for $1M

(NaturalNews) Former prime minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson had a meltdown when he heard about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir… Source

Boris Was Right Not to Trust Neil Ferguson

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL We have held the belief that no politician who has not experienced the bestiality of war should ever be elected Prime Minister of any state. Ours is a belief and an aspiration, as those who have been in action are nowadays thin on the ground. Enforcing such a belief would […]


Boris Johnson Claimed Covid Was ‘Nature’s Way Of Dealing With Old People’

The UK Covid inquiry has heard that former Prime Minister Boris Johnson favoured ‘older people accepting their fate’ According to the government’s chief scientific advisor, Johnson viewed Covid as “nature’s way of dealing with old […] The post Boris Johnson Claimed Covid Was ‘Nature’s Way Of Dealing With Old People’ appeared first on The People's […]

The student who reported Boris Klaiman for rape was suspended from school for 15 days

On April 11, 2023, the goalkeeper of Volos, Boris Klaiman, was arrested after a complaint by a minor student from Belgium for raping her in Kolonaki. The experienced Israeli goalkeeper who initially pleaded not guilty was later released on bail and will await trial. The student who had come on a trip to Athens returned… […]

Boris Johnson endures high-stakes grilling over ‘partygate’

The former British prime minister has been giving testimony Wednesday, to a parliamentary enquiry into Downing Street parties during the pandemic. Source

Boris Johnson’s Mummified Ancestor Died from Pathogen, Not the STD Syphilis

New research reveals Boris Johnson’s mummified Swiss ancestor did not die of syphilis, as has long been believed, but of an unknown pathogen. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

BBC Chairman Made ‘Significant Errors of Judgement’ Over Boris Johnson’s Loan, MPs Say

BBC Chair Richard Sharp made “significant errors of judgement” when failing to declare his role in the facilitation of a loan to the then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a Parliamentary committee has said. Sharp is under investigation over potential conflicts of interests after allegations emerged that he had helped secure an £800,000 ($987,000) loan guarantee […]

Former PM Boris Johnson Urges UK To Give ALL Its Fighter Jets & Tanks To Ukraine

Former British prime minister Boris Johnson has urged the UK to offer all its fighter jets and tanks to Ukraine. He said the ‘best use’ for the UK’s 100 Typhoon jets and similar stocks of Challenger tanks was in the battle against Russian aggression. But althought No10 has already pledged to send some tanks, it […]

Boris Becker freed from prison

German tennis legend Boris Becker has been freed from prison after serving eight months of a two-and-a-half-year sentence. Source



Boris Johnson Out Of Race To Be Next UK Prime Minister

LONDON (AP) — Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Sunday he will not run to lead the Conservative Party, ending a short-lived attempt to return to the prime minister’s job he was ousted from little more than three months ago. His withdrawal leaves former Treasury chief Rishi Sunak the strong favorite to be Britain’s […]

Boris Johnson Jets Back To UK Amid Rumors He’ll Run To Reclaim Former Job

LONDON (AP) — The lightning-fast race to replace Liz Truss as British Prime Minister got even wilder Saturday as former leader Boris Johnson jetted back to the U.K amid speculation he will run to reclaim his former job. Johnson was ousted by a series of ethics scandals just three months ago, but boarded a flight […]

Boris Johnson Recalls His Final Audience With Queen Elizabeth

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson recounted his last meeting with Queen Elizabeth II, saying she was “bright” and “focused” in the days before her death despite being visibly ill. “She was actively focused on geopolitics, on U.K. politics, quoting statesmen from the ’50s. It was quite extraordinary,” Johnson told the BBC in an interview […]

Eleni Menegaki’s mother took a picture with Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson chose Greece for his summer vacation. In fact, the vacations of the former British Prime Minister were commented on a lot by the compatriots who reacted to the way he was traveling at a time when his country is going through economic difficulties. However, Eleni Menegaki also commented on Boris Johnson’s vacation in […]

Boris Johnson bids farewell before meeting the Queen to resign

Boris Johnson bid farewell to 10 Downing Street this morning as he made his way to Balmoral Castle in Scotland to meet with the Queen and formally offer his resignation.  Liz Truss, who was chosen as the new leader of the ruling Conservative Party on Monday, will take over as prime minister later today. Standing […]

Liz Truss becomes UK’s 3rd female premier, replacing Boris Johnson

Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, has won the Tory leadership race, the Conservative Party’s 1922 Committee announced on Monday, Anadolu News Agency reports. Truss, 46, received votes from 81,326 of the party members, whereas her rival contender, Rishi Sunak, received 60,399 votes, the Committee Chairman, Sir Graham Brady, announced. Truss will replace Boris Johnson as […]

Liz Truss to Become New UK Prime Minister, Taking Over From Boris Johnson

The UK’s Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is to be the next prime minister after she won the Conservative leadership contest, defeating former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak by a margin of more than 20,000 votes. She will replace current Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who resigned on July 7 after more than 50 government ministers resigned, saying […]

Liz Truss Picked To Replace Boris Johnson As U.K. Prime Minister

U.K. Foreign Secretary Liz Truss on Monday won the Tory Leadership contest to succeed Boris Johnson as next Conservative Party leader and take over as the country’s new prime minister. Truss, who was the frontrunner in the race, defeated former Chancellor Rishi Sunak, securing 81,326 votes, as opposed to Sunak’s 60,399. Advertisement Only Conservative Party […]

Boris Johnson Makes Surprise Visit To Kyiv On Ukraine’s Independence Day

“I believe Ukraine can and will win this war,” the prime minister said. Source

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