Posts Tagged ‘ferguson’

Boris Was Right Not to Trust Neil Ferguson

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL We have held the belief that no politician who has not experienced the bestiality of war should ever be elected Prime Minister of any state. Ours is a belief and an aspiration, as those who have been in action are nowadays thin on the ground. Enforcing such a belief would […]

Sarah Ferguson Shares Update On Queen Elizabeth’s 2 Corgis, 1 Year After Monarch’s Death

The beloved dogs memorably made a heartbreaking appearance at the queen’s funeral last year. Source

Sarah Ferguson meets young children and refugees in Hungary

Sarah, Duchess of York, the ex-wife of Prince Andrew arrived in Budapest on Tuesday. She said that he was fascinated by the way Hungarian people “steadfastly” and honourably fight for Ukrainian refugees along the border. Source

Rep. Cori Bush Claims ‘White Supremacists’ Shot At Her And BLM Protesters Marching In Ferguson – Actual Shooter Was A Black Man Shooting At Police

By Chris Menahan Missouri Rep Cori Bush (D) on Monday tried to dunk on Kyle Rittenhouse by claiming that when she and other Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Ferguson they were shot at by “white supremacists” who “never faced consequences” for trying to murder them. “When we marched in Ferguson, white supremacists would hide […]

Sarah Ferguson Calls Prince Andrew A ‘Good Man’ Despite Epstein Ties

Sarah Ferguson continues to defend her ex-husband, Prince Andrew, despite the royal’s former close friendship and ties to the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.  “Whatever challenges he has, I will stand firm to the co-parenters that we are together,” Ferguson told People in an interview for the magazine’s cover story this week. “I believe that he’s a […]

Hancock, Whitty, Vallance & Ferguson Stand Accused of Pandemic Fraud

Hancock, Whitty, Vallance & Ferguson Stand Accused of Pandemic Fraud Tap News / Weaver Hancock, Whitty, Vallance & Ferguson Stand Accused of Pandemic Fraud After yet more damning evidence arose last week, further additions had to be made to the court papers, which we are now aiming to lay in the coming week. The four […]

Vicious criminal Neil Ferguson playing key role in new lockdowns

Vicious criminal Neil Ferguson playing key role in new lockdowns Jon Rappoport / Jon Rappoport by Jon Rappoport December 24, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) Let me boil this down for you. Claiming a new “mutant strain” of SARS-CoV-2 is 70% more deadly than the original, computer modelers in the UK have […]

Watching The Hawks – The Legacy of Ferguson

Watching The Hawks – The Legacy of Ferguson Watching The Three years since the tragic death of Michael Brown, RTs Ashlee Banks and civil rights activist Perry Redd join Watching the Hawks to discuss the state of affairs in Ferguson, and the progress or lack thereof in race relations and police reform. LIKE Watching […]

Why Are Ferguson Activists Dying?

The most iconic photo of the Ferguson, Mo., protests, if not the entire Black Lives Matter movement, is of Edward Crawford defiantly throwing a tear gas canister back at riot police. And now he’s dead. Edward Crawford in iconic Ferguson protest photo. By Robert Cohen for St. Louis Post-Dispatch and AP; August 13, 2014 Crawford […]

The Big Banks Can Be Beaten

Print Friendly Above Photo: Bipartisan Closets, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib Working families are turning their anger at Wall Street into action. When the 2008 financial crash slammed the New York City construction industry, Maribel Touré’s husband lost his job as an architect. On top of that, Maribel suffered a serious accident. But what really […]

Rank and file challenge US union bosses over BDS

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 26 May 2016 Union bosses, like American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, are increasingly finding their pro-Israel positions challenged by the rank and file. (AFGE) Graduate teaching assistants at the University of Wisconsin-Madison this month became the latest unionized workers in the US to vote in favor of […]

Fossil Fuel Investments Growing Riskier for Insurers

Print Friendly Above Photo: Low oil prices have jolted the investment world, but a new analysis says fossil fuels’ climate risks should be getting insurance companies’ attention too. Credit: Getty Images With nearly $500 billion invested, a new analysis recommends insurance companies take a harder look at the consequences of climate change and a lower-carbon future. […]

LA Police Commission: De-Escalate, Stop The Killing

Members of Los Angeles’ Police Commission have called for “significant” changes regarding the use of deadly force by the city’s cops. According to a new report, they want to make sure that Los Angeles Police Department officers did all they could in the past to de-escalate tense situations, and they want to urge the city’s cops […]

Better Than A Cop: Pair of Drunk Men Stop Robbery In Under Two Minutes (VIDEO)

A video posted to the internet shows a duo of drunks stop a robbery in progress by taking the keys out of the getaway vehicle. Police would like you to think that they can keep you from becoming a victim, but most departments are understaffed and incapable of handling the amount of calls they get every […]

Better Than A Cop: Pair of Drunk Men Stop Robbery In Under Two Minutes (VIDEO)

A video posted to the internet shows a duo of drunks stop a robbery in progress by taking the keys out of the getaway vehicle. Police would like you to think that they can keep you from becoming a victim, but most departments are understaffed and incapable of handling the amount of calls they get every […]

Better Than A Cop: Pair of Drunk Men Stop Robbery In Under Two Minutes (VIDEO)

A video posted to the internet shows a duo of drunks stop a robbery in progress by taking the keys out of the getaway vehicle. Police would like you to think that they can keep you from becoming a victim, but most departments are understaffed and incapable of handling the amount of calls they get every […]

Egyptian Students ‘Kidnapped By Security Forces’

Print Friendly Above Photo: Amr Gamal Moneim, 20, was abducted from his house earlier this month [Facebook] Egyptian students continue to be abducted by the authorities, according to an Egyptian Human Rights Monitor. Mohammed Yousry Ali, an engineering student, was kidnapped by police while he was heading to see friends, reported Egypt’s Human Rights Monitor, […]

Egyptian Students ‘Kidnapped By Security Forces’

Print Friendly Above Photo: Amr Gamal Moneim, 20, was abducted from his house earlier this month [Facebook] Egyptian students continue to be abducted by the authorities, according to an Egyptian Human Rights Monitor. Mohammed Yousry Ali, an engineering student, was kidnapped by police while he was heading to see friends, reported Egypt’s Human Rights Monitor, […]

Egyptian Students ‘Kidnapped By Security Forces’

Print Friendly Above Photo: Amr Gamal Moneim, 20, was abducted from his house earlier this month [Facebook] Egyptian students continue to be abducted by the authorities, according to an Egyptian Human Rights Monitor. Mohammed Yousry Ali, an engineering student, was kidnapped by police while he was heading to see friends, reported Egypt’s Human Rights Monitor, […]

Women Account For 70% of Assisted Suicides in the Netherlands

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   Psychiatric researchers working with the National Institutes of Health have published a study regarding euthanasia practices in the Netherlands, showing a need for concern when it comes to mentally ill patients choosing assisted suicide. Scott Kim, psychiatrist and bioethicist […]

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