Posts Tagged ‘Cops’

Russia Accused of Bombing Secret Illegal US Terror-Base in Syria

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 22, 2016 I have no idea if this is true or not. It seems to me that if it were just anti-Russian propaganda, the media would be making a bigger deal out of it. But who knows. Fox News: Russian warplanes reportedly bombed a secret military base in Syria used by […]

Pew Research: Europeans fear wave of refugees will lead to more terrorism and fewer jobs

In what turned out to be a heated debate over the UK’s decision to exit the European Union, attacks in Paris and Brussels have fueled public fears about terrorism that stoked an anti-immigrant sentiment. As a new Pew Research Center survey illustrates, the refugee crisis as it stands today and the rising threat of terrorism […]

Navy Testing Likely Caused 3.7 Magnitude ‘Earthquake’ off Florida

Asked about the reported earthquake on Monday, a public information officer for the Navy’s Sea Systems Command in Washington, DC said the agency was working on a statement it expects to release this week. The United States Geological Survey reported the 3.7 magnitude to have been detected by seismographs on Saturday afternoon, July 16, when it […]

Another Jewish Problem

by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (May 1985) I have received a remarkable booklet of forty-five pages, reproduced from typewritten copy, and published by the Noontide Press in Torrance, California. The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel is an account of the experiences of Jack Bernstein in an English text written by Leonard […]

German Police Removed Helmets and Escorted Occupy Frankfurt Protesters

During the May 19th Occupy Frankfurt protests, the German police showed what integrity and democracy really mean. After removing their helmets, the policemen joined the “Blockupy” march. ‘We are in solidarity with the people of Greece and other European countries who are already gravely suffering from (budget) cuts across the board which threaten their very existence,’ Suess said.‘International resistance […]

Copblock Radio EP 126: “Copblockers Speak Out”

This week on Copblock Radio our hosts were myself (Severin Freeman) from Lehigh Valley Copblock, Matt Taylor of Carbon County Copblock, and our very special guest host, Michael Storm! Our show was jammed packed with guests this week, however Asa J couldn’t make it, but you can read his take here. We started off the […]

Social Contracts, Co-Dependency and Closed Loops of Limitation

Zen Gardner, GuestWaking Times There are so many readily available ways to not be our authentic selves. They come easy, or so we think, since they’re so rampant in our shallow societal system. But the price is seriously self imposed, crippling limitation. Social engineering is a massive subject. That humanity has been […]

Three Critical Stories Americans Missed While Obsessing Over Pokémon

When browsing through the mainstream media abyss, there is no shortage of stories about people hunting down Pokémon on their office desks, in hospital rooms, and even in bathrooms. One teenage girl reportedly found a dead body while looking for Pokémon. Pokémon is everywhere. While there is certainly no harm in playing video games, focusing solely on […]

The H-Bombs in Turkey

The H-Bombs in Turkey July 18th, 2016 Via: The New Yorker: Among the many questions still unanswered following Friday’s coup attempt in Turkey is one that has national-security implications for the United States and for the rest of the world: How secure are the […]

VIDEO: Horrifying moment when Nice killer truck hits unsuspecting people filmed from front (GRAPHIC)

It seemed like a perfect evening, with the festive crowd enjoying live music, lights and laughter. The video shows families strolling down the promenade, slowly making their way down to see the fireworks. As the camera turns around in the opposite direction, faint screams can be heard as the crowd in the […]

11 Signs You’re Destined To Become a Spiritual Elder

Are you destined to become a spiritual Elder? In our world, spiritual elder-hood is a rarity. Since birth we are conditioned to believe that money, power, fame and success will bring us happiness. But eventually we realize that this is a grand delusion. Even the richest, most respected people continue to suffer from emptiness, depression, drug abuse and […]

The Pokemon Pied Piper Zombie Apocalypse Has Begun

By now, you’ve probably heard of Pokemon Go, the new “hybrid reality” mobile app game that overlays real world geographic locations with virtual monsters that are collected for points. What you may not yet know is that the game was actually developed by a CIA-funded software front group for the purpose of using all the […]

Iran deal is still imperilled by deep state– hardliners, Israel lobby, Hillary Clinton

Nearly a year after the Iran deal passed, it is still in treacherous waters. Hardliners in the American power structure want to capsize the deal. They include neoconservatives inside the Beltway who have the ear of administration officials, the Israel lobby, and Hillary Clinton’s braintrust too. And it’s all happening in plain sight. Because the […]

Police Shoot Innocent Man in the Back Execution Style, Leave Him Lying in Pool of Blood

Rebekah Kearn | Courthouse News Service FRESNO, Calif. (CN) — Seventh months after Bakersfield was ranked the deadliest city in the deadliest county in the nation for police shootings, the family of a man who was killed at a Subway restaurant claims officers shot him in the back for […]

Cops Pepper Spray Citizen’s Genitals and Anus, Must Personally Pay $450,000 to Victim

Jeff Gorman | Courthouse News Service Three Los Angeles County deputies who pepper-sprayed an inmate’s private parts should not be reimbursed by the county for the ensuing lawsuit, a California appeals court ruled. David Chang, Kris Cordova and Anthony Pimentel attacked inmate Alejandro Franco on Nov. 5, 2007, according […]

BREAKING: Raw Footage Shows Moment Shooter Exchanges Gunfire With Police, 3 Cops Dead

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project As many as seven police officers have been shot, three of them fatally in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A video showing a portion of the shootout was taken by Twitter user #BLM and posted shortly after. It shows the tense moments police exchanged fire […]

Senior rabbi condemns IDF for accommodating LGBT ‘perverts’: Zio-Watch, July 15-16, 2016

A main suspect in the failed coup against the Turkish government formerly served as a military attaché to Israel, reports say.   General Akin Öztürk, also the former commander of Turkey’s air force, was arrested on Saturday along with at least five other generals in connection to the failed coup.   From 1998 to 2000, […]

Donar’s Oak

A Folkish Poem by Karlotta Imrichova Mighty Oak tree standing tall Do not let our brothers fall Higher than the other trees Provide us shelter with your leaves Mighty Oak tree standing strong It’s for you we sing this song Venerated since days of yore By the devotees of Thor In your groves the Folk […]

Was the Nice attack inspired by al-Qaeda propaganda from 2010?

     The attacker in Nice, who last night killed some 80-plus people by driving a truck into a crowd, was likely incited by al-Qaeda. Inspire, al-Qaeda’s magazine distributed over the Internet, called for such truck attacks in its Issue Number 2 (pdf). Page 54 read: Pick your location and timing carefully. Go for the most […]

Police Rounded Up Native Americans “Like Animals” and Fenced Them in Without Charges

Courthouse News Service GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) — The Fort Peck Tribe and Wolf Point-area law enforcement agencies conspired to illegally round up homeless people in July 2013 to prevent them from panhandling during a rodeo and parade weekend, according to a civil complaint filed on behalf of 31 […]

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