Posts Tagged ‘personally’

Turkey Recalls Ambassador To Israel, Holds Netanyahu Personally Responsible For Gaza Atrocities

Turkey on Saturday announced the recalling of its ambassador to Israel, and the temporary breaking off of contacts with the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in response to the soaring death toll in Gaza due to Israeli aerial and ground attacks. Israel had already begun recalling some of its diplomats from Turkey exactly one week […]

Lofgren: Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ Was Also a Big Rip-Off — Trump’s Family Personally Benefited

Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said Monday on CNN’s coverage of the House Select Committee hearing on the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol that former President Donald Trump did not use the money he fundraised for his election legal battle for that purpose.

Robby Mook Testifies: Hillary Clinton Personally Approved Leak of Alfa Bank Hoax to Media

Hillary Clinton personally approved an effort to leak allegations that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia via Alfa Bank, later disproven.

North Korea Mocks America with Claim Kim Jong-un Is Personally Helping Make Baby Formula

Regime media in North Korea published an article on Tuesday praising communist dictator Kim Jong-un for personally overseeing the production of baby formula in the country – an apparent mockery of America’s ongoing critical shortages of the infant product.

Danish PM personally apologises to six Greenland children over 1950s social experiment

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has personally apologised to six Greenlandic children who were brought to Denmark in 1951 as part of a social experiment. Frederiksen made a formal apology on behalf of her country at an official ceremony at the Danish National Museum in Copenhagen. The six children are the only living survivors of […]

Ethiopia: the Tragedy of the Country and Abiy Ahmed Personally

According to state media, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed vowed to “bury the enemy” in his first message from the battlefront, according to state media, as the UN warned the yearlong conflict has left millions short of food.  As Tigrayan rebels report major territorial gains, claiming to have seized a town 220 kilometers from Addis […]

White House Defends Joe Biden Personally Lobbying Hospital for a Friend to Get Emergency Care

The White House on Friday defended President Joe Biden after he revealed that he personally lobbied a hospital to attend to a friend in the emergency room. Biden told the story Thursday during a speech in Illinois, revealing he was contacted by a friend who said his wife was unable to get immediate care at […]

CIA Director Haspel Personally Blocking Declassification Of Russiagate Documents

Bodease Limited Advanced Release 59.95 53.95 Selling Out Fast! This is the ultimate turmeric and inflammatory support product on the market. Bodease 59.95 53.95 Selling Out Fast! This is the ultimate turmeric and inflammatory support product on the market. Ultimate Fish Oil 44.95 29.65 Whether you’re a first time […]

Hitler’s Approval Of POW ‘Slave Labor’ Proves He Personally Ordered Holocaust, Claims Jewish ‘Historian’

For the last 75 years, Jewish Holocaust propagandists have been vexxed by their inability to uncover any document among the tens of millions captured by the Allies at the end of WWII that proves Hitler either personally knew of the mass murder of Jews or personally ordered it. The world’s most ‘respected’ mainstream Holocaust historian, […]

Report: Biden personally intervened to get the word ‘occupation’ removed from the Democratic Party platform

A report from Foreign Policy claims that Joe Biden personally intervened to make sure the word “occupation” was omitted from the Democratic Party platform. According to three sources familiar with the discussions, Biden’s move came after heavy pressure from pro-Israel groups. Aides of the presumptive Democratic nominee also called progressive delegates and encouraged them to […]

New emails reveal Scott Pruitt was personally involved in erasing climate data from EPA website

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt was personally involved in the purging of information from the agency’s website in the early months of the Trump administration, according to documents obtained by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Soon after President Donald Trump took office, pages on the EPA’s website about climate change started […]

The only source of CBD oil I personally test and trust is discounted through midnight, Sunday night

(Natural News) One of the reasons Native Hemp Solutions CBD products are frequently out of stock is because the manufacturer is often waiting on me to complete my laboratory quantitation analysis of its cannabinoid components. Using advanced laboratory instrumentation known as LC-MS-TOF, I measure the concentration of CBD, CBDA and other cannabinoids in their hemp […]

Former NASA Astronaut Claims He Personally Witnessed A 9-Foot-Tall Extraterrestrial While On Duty

Next Story It seems to be a rare thing these days to come across a person who isn’t at least open to the idea of intelligent extraterrestrial life existing somewhere in the universe (or if you prefer, multiverse). In fact, the general consensus within the mainstream scientific community is that we are assuredly not alone; as […]

Florida Dem Who offered to personally kill Assange Appears With Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Disobedient Media previously reported that Florida Democrat Evan Ross had offered to personally kill Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, as well as Edward Snowden. Ross responded to our coverage by redoubling his threats. The report at the time indicated that Ross was a member of the Democratic Party, and had at one time served as the leader […]

Russian collusion confirmed: Bill and Hillary Clinton personally made $2.85m selling US uranium to Russia

At least $2.85 million dollars flowed to the Clinton Family through a series of five Russian-backed donations after a massive uranium deal was signed off by the State Department and other agencies during Hillary’s tenure. Shockingly, between the years of 2009-2013 Russian-backed interests assumed control of one-fifth (20%) of the U.S. […]

Pai Needs to be Personally Protested Because He Comes to the FCC With a Personal Agenda

Protests urging net neutrality under Title II were outside of Ajit Pais Arlington home on May 14, 2017. (Photo by Anne Meador, DC Media Group) Despite public opinion and the facts, he intends to serve the Telecom Industry. Pai is behaving like he is still Verizons lawyer, not someone required to serve the public interest. […]

Police Shoot Innocent Man in the Back Execution Style, Leave Him Lying in Pool of Blood

Rebekah Kearn | Courthouse News Service FRESNO, Calif. (CN) — Seventh months after Bakersfield was ranked the deadliest city in the deadliest county in the nation for police shootings, the family of a man who was killed at a Subway restaurant claims officers shot him in the back for […]

Photos: Supreme Leader receives Indian PM

Israeli regime or Al Saud; Who behind Syrian crisis? Alwaght- In recent months, there have been noteworthy talks, mostly by people and sources considered credible across the world, about the reason-… Source Article from

Photos: Supreme Leader receives Indian PM

Israeli regime or Al Saud; Who behind Syrian crisis? Alwaght- In recent months, there have been noteworthy talks, mostly by people and sources considered credible across the world, about the reason-… Source Article from

Photos: Supreme Leader receives Indian PM

Israeli regime or Al Saud; Who behind Syrian crisis? Alwaght- In recent months, there have been noteworthy talks, mostly by people and sources considered credible across the world, about the reason-… Source Article from

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