Posts Tagged ‘offered’

Woman Paralyzed After Taking Covid Booster Shot Offered Assisted Suicide

Medical staff offered assisted suicide to a Canadian woman who had been left paralyzed after taking the covid jabs. 37 year old Kayla Pollock was diagnosed as incomplete quadriplegic due to transverse myelitis, an apparenly […] The post Woman Paralyzed After Taking Covid Booster Shot Offered Assisted Suicide appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

New Jersey schoolchildren offered cash prizes for pushing Big Pharma vaccines

The New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) has come up with a new ploy to generate more interest in childhood vaccines: a contest for children called “Protect Me With 3+.” According to reports, the campaign is aimed at young children and teenagers to indoctrinate them into the “benefits” of vaccines. Using posters and videos, Protect […]

I offered the NZ data to the CDC … they didn’t want to see it … Steve Kirsch

For a list of links on topic go HERE From Waikanae Watch What is the CDC Afraid Of? Share this: Like Loading… Source

US Offered Russia Major Deal For WSJ’s Gershkovich & Ex-Marine Whelan

The Biden administration has offered a major prisoner swap for the release of detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and ex-Marine Paul Whelan, the latter who has been locked up for years at this point. As for Gershkovich, he’s reached 250 days of pre-trial confinement, after his arrest on spy charges last March. “In recent weeks, […]

PA denies Israel offered economic measures to prevent its collapse

The Palestinian Authority denied on Monday reports in the Hebrew-language media that the Israeli government has offered economic incentives and financial aid to prevent its collapse. “Contrary to what was reported in the Israeli press, the current Israeli government has doubled its illegal unilateral deductions from Palestinian taxpayer funds in an unprecedented way,” explained Louay […]

Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio Says Biden Offered Him Freedom if He Lied About Trump

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio has revealed that Biden officials pressured him to lie about President Trump in exchange for avoiding a prison sentence. “They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to […] The post Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio Says Biden Offered Him Freedom if He Lied About Trump appeared first on […]

Why Are More Children Identifying As Transgender & Being Offered Medical Treatment?

Why Are More Children Identifying As Transgender & Being Offered Medical Treatment? Arjun Walia First off, let me say that I hold no ill will against transgender people, or anyone for that matter. I believe everybody should be treated with love, respect and understanding. It’s completely fine for anybody to be whatever they desire. Who […]

Curiously, (US) Palestinian residents were offered free digital ID health tracking devices one week before the derailment/explosion

The unfolding of this major issue is curious indeed. Listen at the Cinema Shogun YT channel as some dots are joined. This is info that raises huge red flags… coincidences? We’ve been asked to swallow quite a lot of coincidences in recent times. This one will make you gag. Could they really have used this […]

European Governments Offered Rewards for Native American Scalps

If watching The English, the Prime Video series, you may have been surprised at the depiction of a chilling character named Black-Eyed Mog. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

FBI Offered Christopher Steele $1 Million To Prove Dossier Allegations Against Trump: FBI Analyst

The FBI offered former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele $1 million as an “incentive” if he could prove the allegations made in his infamous dossier against former President Donald Trump, a senior FBI analyst revealed on Oct. 11. FBI supervisory counterintelligence analyst Brian Auten made the claim while providing testimony at the criminal trial of Igor Danchenko, a key source who supplied information for […]

Immigrant On Way To Army Base Starting To Think That Martha’s Vineyard Resident Who Offered To Be Pen Pals Wasn’t Actually Serious

CAPE COD, MA — After being forcibly removed from a scenic island off the coast of Massachusetts and placed on a bus headed for a nearby military base, immigrant José Valdez has reportedly begun suspecting that the Martha’s Vineyard resident who promised to be his pen pal was not actually being serious. “She said she’d […]

Exclusive — Attorney Preston Moore: I Was Offered $400 to Create ‘Fake News’ Video About Trump

“They wanted me to use fear to manipulate people.” So says attorney and legal commentator Preston Moore, who posted a video Saturday saying he was offered, and rejected, $400 by the “Good Information Foundation” to make a video attacking Donald Trump. Moore, who graduated from Harvard Law School and practices for the Georgia-based Beasley Allen […]

Exclusive — Attorney Preston Moore: I Was Offered $400 to Create ‘Fake News’ Video About Trump

“They wanted me to use fear to manipulate people.” So says attorney and legal commentator Preston Moore, who posted a video Saturday saying he was offered, and rejected, $400 by the “Good Information Foundation” to make a video attacking Donald Trump. Moore, who graduated from Harvard Law School and practices for the Georgia-based Beasley Allen […]

Lawyers: Inmate Claims She Was ‘Offered Money’ to Murder Ghislaine Maxwell

Lawyers for Ghislaine Maxwell claim that her cellmate alleges she was offered financial compensation to kill the disgraced British socialite. 

COVID vaccine researcher, whistleblower says he was offered $1 million bribe by Pfizer to keep quiet

COVID vaccine researcher, whistleblower says he was offered $1 million bribe by Pfizer to keep quiet 03/29/2022 / By JD Heyes Copy URL A renowned COVID-19 vaccine researcher and whistleblower revealed in a column published late last week that big pharma giant Pfizer, maker of one of the novel coronavirus vaccines, offered him big […]

Greek Ancestry and Genealogy Conference Offered Online

Immigrants waiting to be examined at Ellis Island. Credit: Wikipedia/Public domain. Greek Ancestry and the Hellenic Genealogy Geek are sponsoring the second annual online conference on Greek genealogy later this month, viewable for free on YouTube. Taking place on January 29 to 30, 2022, the conference will offer invaluable insights and techniques for those who are […]

Children offered secret ride to vaccination clinic in Canada

    Canadian vaccine advocates have sparked online controversy and reportedly faced threats, after offering to give teens whose parents are against inoculation for Covid-19 a ride to a vaccination site. The row began on Friday, after a Saskatchewan community organizer named Julian Wotherspoon posted a Twitter message offering to assist any 13- to 17-year-olds […]

Official UK Data Shows Deaths of Male Children Are Up 54% Since They Were Offered the Covid-19 Vaccine

By The Exposé An investigation of official ONS data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine was offered and administered to kids in England and Wales there has been a 54% rise in deaths among male children compared to the same period in 2020. The UK’s Medicine and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have openly […]

Some US Parents Are Being Offered $100 To Get Their Kids Vaccinated Against Covid

Public health officials in the US have aleady started ‘urging’ parents to get their young children vaccinated against Covid-19 now that the Pfizer jabs are available to them. Parents in cities such as Chicago and New York are even being offered incentives of $100 to get their children jabbed. In New York City, children can claim […]

As Climate Change Threats Increase, Solutions Offered by Farmers and Workers Should Get More Attention

          There is deepening concern worldwide at the increasing threats from climate change and the ongoing Climate Summit at Glasgow is in the middle of examining these serious issues. Scientists are giving increasing attention to finding smarter ways of climate change mitigation and adaptation. However adequate attention is not yet being given to properly tapping […]

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