Posts Tagged ‘deaths’

Congress Launches Urgent Investigation Into COVID Jab Injuries and Deaths

Congress has launched an urgent investigation into the skyrocketing number of military personnel who have been severely injured or died as a result of getting the COVID-19 mRNA shot. A provision included in the National Defense […] The post Congress Launches Urgent Investigation Into COVID Jab Injuries and Deaths appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response, Not Virus

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Switzerland To Offer $20 ‘Suicide Pod’ Deaths to Citizens Who Can’t Afford Basic Necessities

Citizens in Switzerland who are too poor to afford basic necessities are being offered the chance to be euthanized at a discounted price, the government announced on Wednesday. The portable suicide pods will be used […] The post Switzerland To Offer $20 ‘Suicide Pod’ Deaths to Citizens Who Can’t Afford Basic Necessities appeared first on […]

Lancet Autopsy Study Finding 74% of Unexpected Deaths Post-COVID Vaccine Were Due to Shots is Reinstated, Drive to China Cashless Society Heats Up

Above image: Anthony Fauci, billionaire digital ID and mandatory vaccine advocate Bill Gates, and NIH Director Francis Collins. BREAKING NEWS: Our LANCET CENSORED Paper is now peer reviewed and available online! “A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination” “325 autopsy cases” “We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to […]

Maine Lawmaker Calls for Probe into 18% Excess Maine Deaths Post-Vaccine 2021 – 2022, vs. 6% During COVID in 2020

Above image: Maine State Representative Heidi Sampson “We shut the whole damn state down for 6% [excess deaths in 2020]. What are we doing with almost 18%?”– Maine State Representative Heidi Sampson Children’s Health Defense : “‘Silent Epidemic’: Maine Lawmakers Shrug Off 18% Increase in Excess Deaths” “Rep. Heidi Sampson, a Republican legislator from Maine, […]

Joe Rogan DESTROYS Fauci After Blaming Unvaxed for 300K Deaths

Tony Fauci recently said the unvaccinated were “responsible” for an “additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths” in America. Well, Joe Rogan now has some words for Mr. Fauci. Join 59K+ subscribers and 940K+ 𝕏 users who follow the work of Vigilant Fox. Subscribe to Vigilant News today to get the scoop on stories you won’t see […]

Actual Headline: “Covid Vaccines May Have Helped Fuel Rise in Excess Deaths”

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested. Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures. They […]

UNREAL Stat: One-Third of All U.S. Deaths Due to Prescription Drugs?

Originally published via Armageddon Prose: Is it possible? Even as jaded as I am on the biomedical industry, I must confess that I’ve never encountered the shocking figure offered below and, actually, would never have guessed at the true possible death toll levied on the American public by the pharmaceutical industry. Via Epoch Times (emphasis added): “Overtreatment with […]

MP Andrew Bridgen: I’m Afraid COVID Vaccine Deaths Are ‘Going to Be Bigger Than the Holocaust’

“We are witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in this country in living memory — and possibly ever,” British member of the UK parliament Andrew Bridgen declared during a monumental speech in the House of Commons. MP Bridgen has shown himself to be a man who does not mince words or shy away from telling […]

USA has recorded over 1 Million Excess Deaths among the over 65’s since the FDA “approved” the COVID-19 Vaccine

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MARCH 31, 2024 • ( 66 COMMENTS ) Shocking statistics, quietly published by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal over one million excess deaths have been recorded among people aged 65 and over ever since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) for the COVID-19 vaccine to be offered to the public. […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 181: Child deaths in Gaza on the rise, hostage negotiations ‘stuck’ 

Casualties  33037 + killed* and at least 75,668 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 454+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139. 600 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 3,302 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health […]

U.S. has recorded over 1 million excess deaths among people aged 65 and older since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

U.S. has recorded over 1 million excess deaths among people aged 65 and older since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines According to the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics on excess mortality, the United States has recorded over 1 million excess deaths among people ages 65 and older since the rollout of the COVID-19 […]

Hiding the ‘ratio’: Israel conceals 200+ troop deaths on Lebanon front

MAR 28, 2024 Source Having established a 1:1 kill ratio in the past six months of border clashes, Hezbollah has now set its sights on high-value Israeli targets to counter Tel Aviv’s strikes into Lebanon’s geographic depth. Photo Credit: The Cradle Khalil Nasrallah Since 8 October, more than 230 Israeli soldiers have been killed by […]

Keeping vaccine deaths and land grabs off the news

Keeping vaccine deaths and land grabs off the news  Fri 6:48 pm +01:00, 29 Mar 2024  1 posted by Tapestry Current Events by Miles Mathis March 24, 2024 The biggest news in the past few days has been the fake shootings in Moscow. At Infowars they have a poll in the sidebar asking readers who […]

Australian Senate Vote To Establish Inquiry Into Excess Deaths

Thanks to the efforts of one very determined Australian senator, the Australian Senate has voted to establish a formal parliamentary inquiry into the nation’s excess deaths. It has taken more than a year but the Senate has been given the go-ahead to what is possibly the first inquiry of this nature in the world. BYPASS […]

Estimate of 17 Million Deaths Worldwide from COVID Vaccines Corroborated

Using simple, independent data approaches, mathematician and University of Ottawa Professor Denis Rancourt’s grim estimate of 17 million dead globally as a direct result of taking the COVID mRNA novel, untested over time COVID vaccines stands up to scrutiny. In the US, excess deaths since the 2021 COVID vaccine roll-out, through 2023, are about 1.57 million. […]

Dr. McCullough: “Virtually All the Deaths Occurred in the Hospital”

Hospitals murdered COVID patients. The more they killed, the more money they made. Dr. McCullough testifies that “virtually all the deaths occurred in the hospital.” Hospitals received enormous financial incentives to implement lethal protocols. Remdesivir “Remdesivir is so lethal it got nicknamed ‘Run Death Is Near’ after it started killing thousands of Covid patients in […]

Deaths linked to excessive drinking surged during COVID-19 pandemic: CDC

Deaths linked to excessive drinking surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The study in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found that the average annual number of deaths from “excessive alcohol use” rose by around 30 percent from 2016-2017 to 2020-2021. In the… […]

UK Government Reveals Its Plan to BURY Excess Deaths

This is criminal. The UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) is changing its methodology to BURY excess deaths. This new methodology often makes it appear that FEWER people are dying than expected when the exact opposite is true. Dr. John Campbell explained in a recent video how this new methodology changes 2023’s numbers: Week 21 […]

Two Months After Clown Show UK CDC Admits Sky-High Non-COVID Excess Deaths, Fixes Problem by Redefining Excess Deaths

#VaccineGenocide Two months after the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) finally admitted, as many nations are, that more people are dying than ever before, of causes other than COVID, the ONS has pulled a startling reverse and announced the problem was actually in how deaths were counted. The ONS is the equivalent of the […]

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