Posts Tagged ‘actual’

Actual Headline: “Covid Vaccines May Have Helped Fuel Rise in Excess Deaths”

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested. Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures. They […]

Actual collusion? Missouri AG accuses Biden DOJ of coordinating with Trump prosecutors

(NaturalNews) Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Thursday as part of a probe into whether the Biden DOJ… Source

BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE! These are actual photographs of Israeli military explosive experts wiring the 91st floor of the World Trade Center for the 9/11 controlled demolition of the Twin Towers

Notice the “BB18” stamped on the boxes in the first two photos that follow.  Also, check out how these Israeli demolition experts are rigged up to accomplish a very serious job on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center. *BB18 is a three-phase busbar terminal power feed lug, which is intended for use with […]

Local Florida Newspaper’s Editorial Board: DeSantis’s Actual Record on China Does Not Support Crackdown Claims

A local Florida newspaper’s editorial board called out Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for taking recent actions to crack down on Chinese companies doing business in Florida, but then leasing aircraft from a company that does business with China. Source

An Actual AIPAC Commercial

This is so in-your-face with how much Israel owns American politics that is almost seems like satire. Source

RFK Jr & Bio Agents in Ukraine and Georgia Grey Literature vs. Actual Grey Zone Bio Weapons?

RFK Jr. & Bio Agents in Ukraine and Georgia: Grey Literature vs. Actual Grey Zone Bio Weapons? Those who have the sheer audacity, civilian, military whistleblower or journalists, “those  who are fool-hardy enough to expose the truth about US-funded biolabs” out of control science are usually labeled as conspiracy theorists and pay the price, sooner […]

Canada’s Speaker Of The House Apologises For Honoring An Actual Nazi

The Canadian speaker of the House of Commons has issued an apology after he asked the entire Parliament to give a standing ovation last week to a 98 year old Nazi Waffen-SS soldier in the presence of the visiting Ukrainian President Zelensky. Anthony Rota issued the apology Sunday, claiming that the decision to honor Yaroslav Hunka, […]

Zelenskyy, Trudeau Honor Actual 3rd Reich Nazi With Standing Ovation

READ HERE:   Source

While Democrats let actual criminals roam free, these two elderly women were CONVICTED and face 11 years in prison for peacefully blocking an abortion clinic

(NaturalNews) The Department of Justice (DoJ) has successfully convicted two elderly women, 73-year-old Jean Marshall of Kingston, Mass., and 74-year-old Joan Bell… Source

Sanctuary City Bummed Now That It Has To Do The Actual ‘Sanctuary’ Part

NEW YORK, NY — After taking great pride in the label of “sanctuary city,” New York City officials have reportedly begun to panic due to actually having to serve as a sanctuary for incoming illegal immigrants. “We didn’t really think it through with the title,” said Mayor Eric Adams. “In reality, our desire was to […]

Kari Lake Trial: Election Worker Testimony Cries Out for Actual Signature Envelopes to be Audited

Above: One of mail-in ballot signature matches accepted in 2020 presidential election The news at the Kari Lake election fraud trial today was that signature verifiers for mail-in ballots were rejecting ballots an alarming rate, up to 40%, sending the rejects “upstairs” for review, then watching the ballots come right back to them for a […]

The anticipation of a retaliatory strike is even worse than the actual strike…

A real war always begins unexpectedly, even if the parties have been preparing for it for a long time. However, it is not uncommon for “big wars” to be provoked by small countries in the hope of becoming part of the clientele of major powers (allies). The recent provocations in the form of airstrikes against […]

Japan… Following the actual science.

Japan… Following the actual science. Hiroshima University School of Medicine Prof. Masataka Nagao highlighted how the bodies of vaccinated persons he performed autopsies on were abnormally warm, with upwards of 100 degree F body temperatures. Must be that pesky “climate change” again. Source

Twitter Employees Devastated To Learn Their New Boss Expects Them To Do Actual Work At Their Jobs

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Twitter headquarters has erupted into chaos as workers are now being expected to do actual work at their jobs, insiders reveal. Source

Jen Psaki, July 2021: inflation will be 2.2% in 2022. Actual year-over-year inflation: 8.5% and rising.

How can anyone not look at the last two year years and not conclude our elites are morons? What’s worse is that they don’t know it.

Watch Mind-Blowing Footage of Actual Jet Suit Flying Between 2 Fast Moving Royal Navy Boats

Armed with a wild idea and a team willing to help make it reality, a former British Royal Marine has launched an actual flying jet suit that is now being trialed by the Royal Navy. Jaw-dropping footage of a test run at sea shows just how real this technology has become. Richard Browning, chief test […]

Actual Island Names In Antarctica: Rothschild, Coronation, Delta, Omicron And Deception – EU Central Bank President & Klaus Schwab Met There In December ‘This Will Change Everything. Everything.’

This very interesting thread about the photographs and tweets seen above and below in which we learn that numerous globalists, including ‘Great Reset‘ proponent Klaus Schwab, allegedly recently hinted of a very important meeting going on in the Antarctic of which one attendee tweeted: “Antarctica? This will change everything. Everything.”  QUESTION: On July 13, did European Central Bank President Christine Legarde […]

Actual Island Names in Antarctica: Rothschild, Coronation, Delta, Omicron and Deception – EU Central Bank President and WEF’s Head Klaus Schwab Met There in December ‘This Will Change Everything. Everything.’

This very interesting thread about the photographs and tweets seen above and below in which we learn that numerous globalists, including ‘Great Reset‘ proponent Klaus Schwab, allegedly recently hinted of a very important meeting going on in the Antarctic of which one attendee tweeted: “Antarctica? This will change everything. Everything.”  QUESTION: On July 13, did […]

Rep. Cori Bush Claims ‘White Supremacists’ Shot At Her And BLM Protesters Marching In Ferguson – Actual Shooter Was A Black Man Shooting At Police

By Chris Menahan Missouri Rep Cori Bush (D) on Monday tried to dunk on Kyle Rittenhouse by claiming that when she and other Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Ferguson they were shot at by “white supremacists” who “never faced consequences” for trying to murder them. “When we marched in Ferguson, white supremacists would hide […]

Florida’s Radical New COVID Plan: Actual Science and Sanity

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