Posts Tagged ‘Antarctica’

Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 7

by Tore Says Show ‘Exploring the Extremes: Antarctica and the Moon’ dives into the captivating landscapes and harsh conditions of Earth’s southernmost continent and our celestial neighbor. This enlightening video juxtaposes the icy, remote expanses of Antarctica, a land of profound beauty and ecological wonder, with the barren, silent reaches of the Moon, an emblem […]

Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 6

by Tore Says Show ‘Antarctica & Free Energy: Unveiling Earth’s Frozen Frontier’ explores the enigmatic continent of Antarctica, a vast land known for ice and snow, its extreme climate, and as a pivotal center for energy research and exploration. Source

Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 5

by Tore Maras Antarctica emerges as a battleground in the latest twist of global real estate wars. Corporations deploy private armies and human clones to seize their hidden resources. Under the aurora skies, this icy continent has become a chessboard of espionage and shadows, marking a new, chilling chapter in the quest for dominance. Source

Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 4

Antarctica has become the unlikely arena for global real estate wars, with corporations deploying armies and human Clones to come into focus concerning the icy continent’s hidden resources. This new chessboard of shadows and espionage under the aurora skies marked a chilling chapter in “humanity’s” quest for dominance. Source

Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 3

Antarctica, right? That frozen land of mystery is like a vault holding secrets tight under its ice. Now, mix in the whispers about untapped energy resources, and bam, you’ve got yourself a hotbed for conspiracies. It’s all hush-hush, but let’s not stop there. Rumors are swirling about secret energy weapons. Oh yeah, it gets deeper. […]

Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 2

Antarctica’s remote and enigmatic nature, coupled with intense interest in its untapped energy resources, has become a fertile ground for secrecy and the birth of numerous conspiracy theories. The continent’s icy expanse and the mystery surrounding its potential energy reserves continue to fuel speculation and intrigue among those who question what lies beneath its frozen […]

Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 1

by Tore Says Show Embark on an exhilarating journey to the heart of Earth’s final frontier with the “SKY ICE” series, where the mysteries of Antarctica unfold beneath skies alight with the ethereal glow of the southern lights. Join us as we plunge deep into the ice, exploring hidden realms and uncovering secrets in this […]

More high strangeness in Antarctica – 86 year old Jesuit, Pope Francis to visit

More high strangeness in Antarctica – 86 year old Jesuit, Pope Francis to visit  Sat 6:21 pm +01:00, 20 Jan 2024  4 posted by pete fairhurst 2 Pope’s background [from Wiki] “The order of Jesuits, in other words the Society of Jesus (Societas Iesu), adopted IHS as its fixed emblem” and “Bergoglio found his vocation to the […]

New study reveals melting ice shelves in Antarctica inevitable no matter the climate initiatives

The analysis shows the rate at which the melting of ice shelves floating in the Amundsen Sea in west Antarctica is three times faster in this century than the 20th century. Source

16th-Century Maps Reveal 1800 BC Ice Free Greenland And Antarctica

There is a large body of maps of the Americas which cannot be explained by known explorations. Mercator’s 1569 World Map shows all of Greenland without ice at its coasts. Finaeus’ 1531 World Map shows Antarctica without coastal ice, all Greenland without coastal ice and an ancient shoreline of Hudson Bay. No 16th-century explorer could […]

Scientists Make Shocking Discovery Under Antarctica’s Ice

Scientists Make Shocking Discovery Under Antarctica’s Ice Date: February 1, 2023Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: Daily Caller An enormous asteroid containing some of the oldest known cosmic materials was discovered in Antarctica on Jan. 5. The 17-pound rock is made up of material potentially billions of years old, and is one of the rarest and […]


» 2nd Journalist ‘Dies Suddenly’ at World CupToday at 11:30 am by PurpleSkyz » THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: The Twitter Files’, The Removal Of Donald Trump, (Part 2)Today at 11:00 am by PurpleSkyz » How You Know You’re Over the Target: John Brennan Goes After Elon Musk Over FauciToday at 10:47 am by PurpleSkyz » AP Reports Alex Jones Show Trial May Be […]

No, Antarctica’s glaciers aren’t shrinking

(Natural News) The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article deconstructing the myth that the polar ice caps are melting due to so-called “global warming” or “climate change.” The piece explains that both science and media are misrepresenting the situation, as glaciers in Antarctica, the article’s focus, constantly ebb and flow in size throughout the […]

Antarctica: You’re free to go there….you’re not allowed to go there!

Antarctica: You’re free to go there….you’re not allowed to go there! 1 – The Forbidden Sector. No-one knows what happens here, no one who has been has ever come back, if you try to take a peek at the border you are grabbed by security penguins and taken in. 2 – The Hole at the […]

Actual Island Names In Antarctica: Rothschild, Coronation, Delta, Omicron And Deception – EU Central Bank President & Klaus Schwab Met There In December ‘This Will Change Everything. Everything.’

This very interesting thread about the photographs and tweets seen above and below in which we learn that numerous globalists, including ‘Great Reset‘ proponent Klaus Schwab, allegedly recently hinted of a very important meeting going on in the Antarctic of which one attendee tweeted: “Antarctica? This will change everything. Everything.”  QUESTION: On July 13, did European Central Bank President Christine Legarde […]

Actual Island Names in Antarctica: Rothschild, Coronation, Delta, Omicron and Deception – EU Central Bank President and WEF’s Head Klaus Schwab Met There in December ‘This Will Change Everything. Everything.’

This very interesting thread about the photographs and tweets seen above and below in which we learn that numerous globalists, including ‘Great Reset‘ proponent Klaus Schwab, allegedly recently hinted of a very important meeting going on in the Antarctic of which one attendee tweeted: “Antarctica? This will change everything. Everything.”  QUESTION: On July 13, did […]

So Much For Global Warming: Antarctica Has Coldest Winter on Record Antarctica’s coldest winter on record doesn’t disprove global warming…2:15 PM · Oct 17, 2021·True Anthem China’s energy crisis deepened as cold weather swept into much of the country and power plants scrambled to stock up on coal, sending prices of the fuel to record highs PM · Oct 14, 2021·SocialFlow I’ve been […]

The Ancient ‘Buache Map’ is Depicting Ice-Free Antarctica

Numerous maps have been discovered depicting our planet as it was before the last ice age. Many people claim that before written history, extremely advanced ancient civilizations existed on Earth and these ancient cultures, ignored by mainstream history, had well-developed cartography systems comparable in precision to the ones we have today. No one has been […]

Massive underwater structure 180 km off coast of Antarctica

» UFO NEWS ~ UFOs Sighted Over Ottawa, Canada plus MOREYesterday at 9:54 am by PurpleSkyz » Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny & Societal FailureYesterday at 9:10 am by PurpleSkyz » $50k offered for proof of America’s NessieYesterday at 9:00 am by PurpleSkyz » ESA wants to bring GPS and Skype to the MoonYesterday at 8:57 am by PurpleSkyz » French Nobel Prize Winning […]

The World’s Largest Iceberg Just Broke Off Of Antarctica

A massive slab of ice, nearly six times the size of New York City, has broken off of an ice shelf in Antarctica, creating what is now the largest iceberg in the world, scientists recently announced. The iceberg, dubbed A-76, was spotted breaking away from the Ronne Ice Shelf in the Weddell Sea by a […]

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