Posts Tagged ‘jesuit’

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 321 – Astro Nuts – [2:00:13]

Joshua Essentially Astro-Theology is an attempt to mix religion and science together to create a new understanding of man and his relation to the cosmos. In an age that has rejected the claims of the Bible people are inventing their own mythology of origins and God. The worship of CREATION is ultimately the worship of […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 320 – To and Fro! – [1:52:44]

Joshua MASS PEOPLE MOVEMENTS NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN HISTORY! In this video I want to talk about the dynamics of human populations moving and traveling and WHAT we see going on at this present time and HOW it relates to the scriptures. The Jesuit Vatican Cabal have destabilized the nations to such a degree economically […]

More high strangeness in Antarctica – 86 year old Jesuit, Pope Francis to visit

More high strangeness in Antarctica – 86 year old Jesuit, Pope Francis to visit  Sat 6:21 pm +01:00, 20 Jan 2024  4 posted by pete fairhurst 2 Pope’s background [from Wiki] “The order of Jesuits, in other words the Society of Jesus (Societas Iesu), adopted IHS as its fixed emblem” and “Bergoglio found his vocation to the […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 316 – Is It Sin? Update – [2:06:39]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 316 – Is It Sin? Update – [2:06:39]  Sat 1:54 pm +01:00, 20 Jan 2024   posted by Joshua Joshua In this revised video dialogue there is an urgency to address for both believers and non believers the often vexing question of “SIN,” what it is, what it isn’t and […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 313 – UAP – [2:04:11]

Joshua It’s very important for Christians to understand this UAP deception. Knowledge is power and once again we remind ourselves of the scripture in Hosea 4:6, which states, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” This is God’s lament over the naive and ignorant being deceived and destroyed by Satan and his Jesuit Masonic […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 310 – More Chaos! – [1:41:47]

Joshua In this video I want to add to the messages of “SOCIAL DETERIORATION” in my Video No.275 titled, “Slo-Mo Squeeze,” Video No.278 titled, “KAOS,” Video No.284 titled, “False Alarm?” and Video No.307 titled, “War Report.” If you haven’t listened to these videos then i urge you to do so. It is amazing the information […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 308 – LUCY – [1:38:07]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 308 – LUCY – [1:38:07]  Sun 12:27 pm +01:00, 19 Nov 2023   posted by Joshua Joshua In this video i’m going to do a brief analysis of the Hollywood film “Lucy” released in 2014. By doing this i am NOT advocating that people should watch it. I simply desire […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 307 – War Report! – [1:47:50]

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 306 – Deadly Heretics! – [1:51:54]

Joshua Calvin and Luther were born Roman Catholics and died Roman Catholics because they NEVER preached the TRUE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ according to John 3:5-6 and Acts 2:38-40. They were NOT BORN AGAIN according to the TRUTH of the scripture NOT only by their own confession and writing but also by the historical record […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 301 – Inquisition – [1:49:00]

Joshua INQUISITION is both an IDEA and a CULTURAL MINDSET. It is even more importantly also a HIGHLY ORGANIZED PROGRAM aimed at the extermination of OPPONENTS. It is VIOLENTLY OPPOSITIONAL in the EXTREME! We need to look at the EVOLUTION of INQUISITION over the last 2000 years. This TERRIBLE VIOLENCE is what is being described […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 300 – Humanist Gospels! – [1:51:42]

Joshua In this video i want to return once again to the False Humanist Gospel that has flooded the Western world since Jean Calvin and Martin Luther first planted their deadly seeds of Augustine’s Gnostic teaching. That message is devoid of TRUE REPENTANCE, OBEDIENCE and the HOLY SPIRIT just as the Apostle Paul warned would […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 299 – Babylon Warfare Pt E – [1:48:25]

Joshua What is the root of warfare? It is the selfish lust and desire for control, power and glory. That IS the very HEART OF SATAN. That is what is being expressed through the Jesuit Military Order and it’s Hierarchy of Control World Government! The beginning of war is God’s promise to Satan in Genesis […]

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 296 – Hebrews – [1:39:57]

Joshua In this video i’m going to provide an overview of the Book of Hebrews in the New Testament. There are now more than 50 videos in this JVSE educational series covering Biblical doctrine including Video No.250 on the Book of Ephesians, Video No.257 on the Book of Revelations, Video No.266 covering the Foundation principles […]

Drug Lord Who Killed 2 Jesuit Priests Found Dead in Mexico 

Mexican authorities revealed that a drug lord wanted for the murders of two Jesuit priests was found dead with a bullet wound to the head. Source

Jesuit Father James Martin Says Gay Marriage Is Marriage

Jesuit Father James Martin, an LGBT advocate, affirmed Saturday his belief that two men can enter into a real marriage that must be recognized as such. Source

1 in 4 Jesuit Catholic Universities Cover ‘Gender-Affirming Treatment’

By Grace Shoemaker Some Catholic universities help students get ‘gender-affirming treatment’ At least seven of the 27 Catholic universities in the United States cover “gender-affirming treatment” in their student health plans, according to an analysis by The College Fix. The coverage of these drugs and surgeries, which can include the permanent sterilization of fertility, is at […]

Meet The Lesbian Hired By A Jesuit University As Its ‘Rabbi-In-Residence’ To ‘Queer’ Its Christian Students

(Jewish News Of Northern California) Since becoming University of San Francisco’s rabbi-in-residence in 2019, Rabbi Camille Angel has been busy, whether she’s creating inclusive on-campus spaces, helping to empower students through her classes, officiating Jewish lifecycle events or leading Passover seders: When Angel’s hiring was announced, it made headlines. A Jesuit Catholic university appointing a […]

Vatican and the Jesuit Pope Run the C.I.A. (Most Evil Looking Man Ever!)

by Admin · September 26, 2021 Top News Vatican and the Jesuit Pope Run the C.I.A. In an astonishing admission by the Roman Catholic Church they run the CIA did youknow the CIA is also dubbed Catholic intelligence agency Catholics in actionis the CIA truly American for decades Jesuit affiliates of the Roman CatholicChurch have […]

Jesuit Pope Francis Goes Full Communist

by Leo Zagami Only a few days after Pope Francis pushed for “the regeneration of existing institutions “and “global governance” because we are “in debt to nature itself, as well as the people and countries affected by human-induced ecological degradation and biodiversity loss.” Image credit: ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP via Getty Images Here we go again with […]

Mark Zuckerberg & Jack Dorsey face U.S. Senate, November 17, 2020, the 322nd day of the year, in massive Jesuit-Illuminati ritual

This took place Tuesday, November 17, 2020, the 322nd day of the leap year. Read this old post on Zuckerberg and Dorsey and 322: This ritual came 187 days after Mark Zuckerberg’s birthday. Don’t forget Mark Zuckerberg was born in George Orwell’s 1984, on May 14, the birthday of modern Israel in ’48. […]

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