Posts Tagged ‘november’

BBC Calls for Biden To ‘Murder Trump’ Before November

A BBC radio host declared that President Biden should use the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling as an excuse to murder Donald Trump. In a since deleted tweet, BBC Radio 4 “Briefing Room” host David […] The post BBC Calls for Biden To ‘Murder Trump’ Before November appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Election Watchdog Warns Millions of Illegals Will Be Able To Vote This November

An election watchdog in America has warned that millions of illegal aliens will be able to take advantage of several loopholes which will allow them to vote in this November’s Presidential election. According to True […] The post Election Watchdog Warns Millions of Illegals Will Be Able To Vote This November appeared first on The […]

Why Biden isn’t on the November ballot in Ohio  — yet

Ohio state legislators are scrambling to get President Biden on the November ballot after members failed to break a legislative impasse this week.  State law says presidential candidates need to be certified with the state 90 days before the November election; this year, that date is Aug. 7. But Democrats are on track to miss… […]

Biden: Nine heads of state have said I’ve ‘got to win’ in November

President Biden on Wednesday said that several foreign leaders have told him he has to beat former President Trump, the likely GOP nominee, in November. “As I walk out of meetings, a head of state will find an excuse to come up close…and say ‘you’ve got to win,’” Biden recalled at a fundraiser in San… […]

Daily Horoscope: November 26, 2023

We’re attracted to obscure knowledge or something strange as the moon in Taurus meets Uranus in Taurus at 3:03 AM and links up with Neptune in Pisces at 10:42 AM. We’re prompted to let go of trivial matters and tie up loose ends, perhaps putting finishing touches on incomplete tasks or creating fuller experiences by […]

Daily Horoscope: November 25, 2023

We may feel flooded with romantic vibes as the moon in Taurus meets Jupiter in Taurus at 4:43 AM. Indulgence and pleasure could lead us to or from our bodies now, depending on how we approach them. We’re forced to slow our rolls and navigate some hurdles as Mars in Sagittarius squares off with Saturn […]

Daily Horoscope: November 23, 2023

Limitations and challenges beyond our control are brought to our awareness, encouraging us to stay grounded as the sun in Sagittarius clashes with Saturn in Pisces at 4:47 AM. Our spirits might feel a little dampened by burdens we can’t avoid, but tangible consequences will materialize for those who believe they’re exempt from limitations and […]

Daily Horoscope: November 22, 2023

The vibe is otherworldly and we’re prone to getting carried away as the moon in Pisces merges with Neptune in Pisces at 3:45 AM. The spirit of adventure and celebration arrives as the sun enters Sagittarius at 9:03 AM! We’re in the mood to explore, learn, and travel far and wide as the sun transits […]

Daily Horoscope: November 21, 2023

Confusion is in the air as the moon in Pisces clashes with Mercury in Sagittarius at 11:16 AM. We might be picking up mixed messages or feeling distracted, pointing to a need to slow down and communicate more intently. Watch out for travel delays and traffic congestion.  Mars in Scorpio links up with Pluto in […]

Weekly Horoscope: November 20 – 26

The sun gently connects with power planet Pluto, shedding light on taboos, on Monday November 20 at 4:46 PM. Action planet Mars also connects with Pluto on Tuesday, November 21, at 8:18 AM, piercing to the core. We’re not afraid to get to the heart of the matter! A hopeful outlook comes as the sun […]

Daily Horoscope: November 20, 2023

We’re feeling testy and roused as the moon in Aquarius clashes with Mars and the sun in Scorpio at 4:38 AM and 5:50 AM, respectively. We might be lingering on past conversations (and arguments), reminding us the value of letting go. The mood turns sentimental as the moon enters Pisces by 9:29 AM, then sober […]

Daily Horoscope: November 19, 2023

We’re attracted to new ideas as the moon in Aquarius mingles with Venus in fellow air sign Libra at 3:12 AM and we’re inspired to disseminate a vision as it links up with Mercury in Sagittarius at 5:39 AM. Surprises pop up as the moon clashes with Uranus in Taurus at 5:53 PM. All times […]

Daily Horoscope: November 18, 2023

Courage and motivation to dive deep into life’s adventures arise as the sun in Scorpio joins Mars in Scorpio at 12:42 AM. This aspect is known as a Mars cazimi (meaning in the heart of the sun) and it points to an auspicious moment when our willpower, drive, and strength are boosted by the power […]

Daily Horoscope: November 17, 2023

Mars and the sun in Scorpio align with Neptune in Pisces at 3:36 AM and 9:52 AM respectively, sparking a drive and means of obtaining our desires. Enchantment is all around and within us at this time, leading us all to feel mystified or fascinated by the edges of what we’re personally discovering. This aspect […]

Weekly Horoscope: November 13 – 19

The new moon in Scorpio falls on Monday, November 13, at 4:27 AM: Purity and inconvenient truths are part of the vibe. This new moon meets Mars and faces off with Uranus, so take a second to check in with what your emotional reactions have to tell you about yourself. Also on Monday, the sun […]

Daily Horoscope: November 13, 2023

The new moon in Scorpio culminates at 4:27 AM before facing off with Uranus in Taurus at 5:05 AM, and merging with Mars in Scorpio at 7:18 AM. New seeds are germinating beneath the ground, and we’re asked to attune with our will power in order to cultivate ignored or obscured elements of our appetite. […]

Daily Horoscope: November 12, 2023

Security and connection are the experiences we seek as the moon in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus at 7:09 AM. Empathy is running high, though it also means all the big emotions are more contagious. People might feel protected behind moral self-righteousness, but the unmet need at the root of this is connection and a […]

Daily Horoscope: November 11, 2023

Power struggles encourage us to meditate on our motives and values as the moon in Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn at 10:05 AM. Does love know no boundaries, or does it? The moon enters Scorpio at 1:39 PM and we’re enticed with mysteries and the intensity of desire. Concealed feelings may have us […]

November 2023

Political cartoons from the desk of Matt Wuerker. Source

Sununu: Trump ‘Can’t Win in November’ — Most Recent Polls Prove That

Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World” that former President Donald Trump is the only 2024 GOP presidential candidate who can not win in November if President Joe Biden is not on the ticket, which the governor thinks is “getting closer and close every day.” Source

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