Posts Tagged ‘recent’

Recent settler violence in the West Bank, explained

Recent settler attacks against the villages bordering the Jordan Valley between Nablus and Ramallah aren’t random. They are part of a historic Israeli policy to annex the Jordan Valley and expel the Palestinian communities that live there. Source

Garland and Laith discuss recent events in the Middle East and the potential fall out.

Garland and Laith discuss recent events in the Middle East and the potential fall out.  Tue 5:35 pm +01:00, 2 Apr 2024   posted by danceaway This discussion between Garland Nixon and Laith Barouf complements the article posted by Pete. It is wide ranging and fearless, in contrast, IMO,  to The Duran’s coverage of events, […]

‘Norovirus’ slams Northeast US hardest in recent weeks: CDC

A stomach virus known as the “norovirus” is spreading across the Northeast region of the United States, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The three-week average positive tests for norovirus in the region reached 13.9 percent in recent weeks and held above a 10 percent positive rate since the… […]

X goes “full Zionist” after Elon Musk’s recent visit to Auschwitz

(NaturalNews) After a recent visit to Auschwitz, which charges visitors to use the toilet, billionaire electric vehicle (EV) mogul-turned social media kingpin Elon… Source

MASS MEDIA BLACKOUT: Top 10 recent news stories MSM doesn’t want you to know about

(NaturalNews) Never in the history of the world have more people been lied to every day about their health and safety than right now, and it’s all thanks to the… Source

Sununu: Trump ‘Can’t Win in November’ — Most Recent Polls Prove That

Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World” that former President Donald Trump is the only 2024 GOP presidential candidate who can not win in November if President Joe Biden is not on the ticket, which the governor thinks is “getting closer and close every day.” Source

King Charles’ recent visit to Paris was an important event on the Globalists’ calendar

From Leo Hohmann via On Tuesday 19 September, Joe Biden addressed the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York with more talk about war with Russia.  The following day, Wednesday 20 September, Charles “The Great Reset” King arrived in Paris for three days of pageantry and politics.  He was met […]

Federal Prosecutors Push For Gag Order Against Trump After His Recent Remarks

Federal prosecutors have urged the federal judge to impose a gag order on former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election interference case, citing the “prejudicial extrajudicial statements” he made on social media. Source

Lawless FDA refusing to repeal past anti-ivermectin statements, despite recent court ruling

(NaturalNews) Despite one of its lawyers recently admitting in court that Americans can, in fact, take ivermectin as a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) treatment, the… Source

IRGC to unveil most recent strategic systems, capabilities soon

TEHRAN – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) will soon disclose its latest strategic systems and capabilities, the IRGC spokesman announced on Monday. Source

On some aspects of recent overseas trips of Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

The two recent overseas trips by Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, which took place two weeks apart between the second half of June and mid-July, is a glaring example of the rising foreign policy activity of the nation’s head of state, who is increasingly asserting himself as one of the key players in the […]

Recent Saudi Arabian, Russian supply cuts reflect demand concerns

The recent decision by Saudi Arabia and Russia to extend existing crude oil supply cuts did not have the expected effect on prices, but analysts said the limited increase in prices reflects demand-based worries by investors, reports Anadolu Agency. Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest exporter of crude oil, announced its intention Monday to unilaterally extend […]

India in recent international events

Together with China and Japan, India is one of the three leading Asian powers, whose mutual relations will increasingly determine the situation in the Asia-Pacific region as a whole. In turn, this latter is today in the focus of the current stage of the Great World Game. And if we can speak more or less […]

NATO boosts security in Kosovo after recent clashes with police and KFOR

A Turkish commando battalion has arrived in northern Kosovo in response to a request from NATO for more troops to help quell violent unrest between ethnic Serbs and Albanians. The battalion arrived in northern Kosovo where there have been a number of recent clashes between police, KFOR troops and ethnic Serbs who boycotted a regional […]

Horse Dies at Churchill Downs, 8th Recent Fatality at Home of Kentucky Derby

LOUISVILLE, Ky.—A horse died Sunday after a race at Churchill Downs, making it the eighth fatality in recent weeks at the home of the Kentucky Derby. Rio Moon “suffered a catastrophic injury to his left foreleg a few strides after the wire,” according to notes in the Equibase chart for the sixth race. The 3-year-old […]

What lamestream isn’t telling you about the recent flooding

They aren’t telling you because they are bought and paid for. If you would really like to know what you aren’t hearing, then listen to the following interview (link below). Also read here and here. Like me you may find it really difficult to dismiss as conspiracy. The interviewer Liz Gunn by the way, was […]

Following recent Scott Adams controversy – Elon Musk jumps in and claims media is racist against Asians and Whites

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) As Cassandra Fairbanks posted earlier – USA Today and its affiliates will no longer run the Dilbert comic strip over online commentary about race relations by its creator, Scott Adams.(Article by Jim Hoft republished from announced last week that he was giving up on race relations.Adams … [Read More…] Source

Other recent news (you won’t see in lamestream)

Catching up here … so much has been happening, globally & here in (not) ‘clean green’ EnZed. EWR ANIMAL FOOD TAMPERING – They Are ALTERING REPRODUCTION In Many Different Farm Animals NOT JUST CHICKENS Company Genetically Engineers Fruit Flies To Be “Biofactories” For Fake Meat Production The whole world is watching Switzerland and Thailand! Interview […]

Hear the Romanian Senator who has spoken out about the recent Turkey and Syria quakes (a must hear!)

From Counterspin Media Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici Sosoaca went viral this week with a powerful speech calling out deep state players, highlighting that the recent Turkish earthquakes were created by weaponised technologies. Read more & watch at the link HERE Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Pfizer responds to the most recent Project Veritas disclosures

Jan 28 2023 I must make it clear that I’m a huge fan of PV. They’ve broken important stories. However, I’m more than a little suspicious about this disclosure. The Pfizer employee has a background that makes him a very unlikely leader of cutting edge molecular biology and immunology. He’s a medic (a urologist) who’s […]

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