Posts Tagged ‘repeal’

Arizona Dems protest after GOP blocks vote to repeal abortion ban

Arizona Dems protest after GOP blocks vote to repeal abortion ban lead image Source

Repeal the 17th Amendment Yesterday

These “united states” were supposed to be federalist with the states as prime movers, united under a small and weak federal government limited, by design, to its specifically enumerated powers. Source

California Gov. Newsom: “It’s Time To Repeal the Second Amendment”

California Governor Gavin Newsom has declared that he will repeal the Second Amendment in America if he becomes President. In response to the recent shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade in Missouri […] The post California Gov. Newsom: “It’s Time To Repeal the Second Amendment” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Repeal the 1939 Cancer Act

The 1939 Cancer Act makes it illegal to discuss the possibility cancer can be cured. That is one of two reasons why Britain is the worst country for cancer, with the highest death rate. You see mums being stopped by the High Court from taking their children to Germany for treatment. The courts are wrong, […]

Lawless FDA refusing to repeal past anti-ivermectin statements, despite recent court ruling

(NaturalNews) Despite one of its lawyers recently admitting in court that Americans can, in fact, take ivermectin as a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) treatment, the… Source

What Iran and China stand to gain from an Iraq AUMF repeal

But Stephen Hadley, the man who was the architect of many of the national security policies that the Iraq AUMF enabled, has something to say before Congress votes. Hadley was President George W. Bush’s national security advisor from 2005 to 2009 and was Dick Cheney’s guy at the negotiating table with Russia during the George […]

Disengagement law repeal advances, EU and UK condemn

15 March 2023 Source: News websites By Al Mayadeen English  A new bill repealing the disengagement law passed in 2005 has passed in Knesset’s first reading. Saleh Abu Diab, a Palestinian resident of Sheikh Jarrah, takes part in a protest against his possible eviction after an Israeli court accepted Jewish settler land claims, in his neighborhood […]

House passes bill to repeal funding for 87,000 IRS agents

House passes bill to repeal funding for 87,000 IRS agents It is likely dead on arrival in the Democrat-controlled Senate. The House of Representatives on Monday passed legislation to repeal funding for 87,000 new IRS agents included in the $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act, which the Democrat-led chamber passed last year. The lower chamber voted […]

McCarthy: ‘The Very First Day, the First Thing We’re Going to Do Is Repeal the 87,000 IRS Agents’

Friday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy teased Congress’ immediate upcoming actions to start 2023. Source

Michael Moore Calls for Full Repeal of Second Amendment — ‘You Don’t Need a Gun’

Leftist activist and filmmaker Michael Moore used his Friday podcast “Rumble Michael Moore” to call for a full repeal of the Second Amendment in the wake of the Uvalde, TX school shooting.

CDRO condemns the murder of Naga civilians and demands immediate repeal of AFSPA

  On 4th December 2021, the Indian armed forces ambushed and killed 13 daily wage labourers who work in the coal mines of Tiru, bordering the state of Assam. These coal miners from the Mon district were on their usual journey home from the coal mine to spend Sunday with their families before returning for duty […]

Farm laws repeal:  a sensible decision amid political compulsions

Repealing farm laws by the central government seems to be a political compulsion for upcoming state assembly elections, particularly in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh as the ruling central government could not popularize politically its agro reform decisions at larger level. Although, the government is well aware of its blunder decisions of farm laws as the […]

India to Repeal Three Anti-farm Laws

On November 19, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a very remarkable statement referring to the government’s decision to repeal three laws on the subject of reforming the country’s agriculture. The cancellation procedure, the Indian Prime Minister continued, will be launched as early as the next session of Parliament. He also urged farmers “to return home […]

Signature Effort to Repeal ‘Rushed’ Santa Ana Rent Control Ordinance Ends

The effort to repeal a new rent control ordinance in Santa Ana has officially ended without any signatures being submitted, the Santa Ana for Fair and Equitable Housing (SAFE Housing) announced Nov. 22. After the Santa Ana city council passed Orange County’s first rent control ordinance Oct. 19, SAFE Housing attempted to gather signatures to […]

Farm Laws Repeal:  A Historic Day For India

On November 19 the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi announced the important decision of repealing three highly controversial farm laws. This decision should be widely welcomed cutting across narrow narrow political divides. The Prime Minister has  been full of praise for his government’s farm policies and in fact even for the farm laws […]

Farm Laws Repeal: Samyukta Kisan Morcha Cautious in Welcoming it

The Prime Minister of India Mr Narendra Modi announced the Government of India’s decision to repeal all three anti-farmer, pro-corporate black laws first brought in as Ordinances in June 2020. He chose to announce this on Guru Nanak Jayanti. Samyukt Kisan Morcha welcomes this decision and will wait for the announcement to take effect through […]

India To Repeal Controversial Farm Laws That Led To Protests

NEW DELHI (AP) — India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi said his government will withdraw the controversial farm laws that prompted year-long protests from tens of thousands of farmers who said the laws will shatter their livelihoods. Modi made the surprise announcement during a televised speech on Friday that was broadcast live. The laws were passed […]

Tunisia travel ban continues despite gov’t repeal, says official

Tunisian parliamentarian Mabrouk Korchid said yesterday that the government’s ban on travel was “still in effect,” despite a recent presidential announcement lifting the measure. “A friend of mine was travelling yesterday but he was suspended for not possessing a written decision about his travel purpose,” Korchid said on Facebook. “The ban is still in effect […]

Hungary Told To Repeal Law Banning LGBT Promotion To Children ‘Or Else Leave EU’

    EU leadership is now fanatically dictating that Hungary and its ‘defiant’ prime minister Vickor Orban must bow the knee to the Pride Flag or else “must leave” the European Union. Quoting Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, The Telegraph describes massive pushback against a new Hungarian law which seeks to prevent the public promotion […]

Maryland becomes first state to repeal police Bill of Rights, overriding Hogan veto

One of the new laws will also require officers to use force only if it is “necessary and proportional.” The move, a win for police reform advocates, comes amid a national reckoning with policing after the death of George Floyd, a Black man, at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer last year. Many states […]

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