Posts Tagged ‘travel’

The Ruination of Plane Travel

The best time to write about how horrible plane travel has become is immediately following, or, in this case, during a scheduling and delay disaster that completely upends the routines of life.  When it doesn’t happen and your flight goes well, you just don’t care that much. But when you are in the thick of […]

FAA Issues Warning For Air Travel Disruptions During April’s Total Solar Eclipse

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have issued a warning about potential disruptions in air travel due to the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8. The celestial event is set to cast a path of totality across 13 US states and according to the aviation agency is anticipated to impact air travel operations before, during, […]

Russian bombs with popout wings travel 60 kms to target

This type of bomb enables Russian planes to keep out of the way of Ukrainian air defences.  Ukraine has modern air defence systems, as does Syria, keeping US and Israeli planes back.  They too use distance capable standoff bombs.  US lost 10,000 aircraft in Vietnam as Vietnam had excellent (Russian) anti-aircraft capability.  Avdiivka, the most […]

ABSURD: Migrants allowed to travel without showing proper identification at U.S. airports

(NaturalNews) Migrants are being allowed to travel without showing proper identification at U.S. airports, causing outrage among citizens traveling domestically… Source

COVID PLAYBOOK 2.0: US Senators Urge Biden to Ban Travel from China Amid Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak

US Senators Urge Biden to Ban Travel from China Amid Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak Source

U.S. roads and airports BRACE for major Thanksgiving travel chaos as severe weather causes traffic and flight delays

U.S. roads and airports BRACE for major Thanksgiving travel chaos as severe weather causes traffic and flight delays The United States is bracing for major travel chaos this Thanksgiving weekend as severe weather causes thousands of flight delays for the tens of millions of Americans who plan to fly home for the holidays. A massive storm affecting […]

Pentagon halts travel to Israel, discourages congressional visits

The Pentagon will no longer allow its senior military leaders to travel to Israel and will discourage members of Congress from making trips amid the country’s ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza, according to a memo released Friday. The memo, confirmed to The Hill by a Defense Department official, was dated to go into effect… […]

Why I Never Travel Without My Keen Targhee 3s

I made a couple of changes when I entered my 30s. I bought an extremely good adjustable bed frame, stopped ordering late-night pizza every week, and became patient enough to enjoy the films of John Cassavetes. I also gave up the delusion that I’m going to release one of the world’s great doom metal or […]

The Great Travel Reset: Are you outraged about the fact that one of your most basic human rights is being stolen from under your very nose?

From Are you aware of the Great Travel Reset that is already underway? You should be! Are you outraged about the fact that one of your most basic human rights is being stolen from under your very nose? You ought to be! Are you willing to spend more than a few minutes a week […]

U.S. Launches Israeli Visa Waiver Program Allowing Travel To U.S. For 90 Days

As the Israel-Hamas war intensifies, the United States is now allowing Israelis wishing to visit the United States for 90 days or less to come visa-free. Source

Trump Vows to Bring Back Travel Ban on Day One

Trump vowed on Monday at a campaign stop in Iowa to bring back his travel ban on day one if he is re-elected. Source

Episode 452 – The Great Travel Reset

Are you aware of the Great Travel Reset that is already underway? You should be! Are you outraged about the fact that one of your most basic human rights is being stolen from under your very nose? You ought to be! Are you willing to spend more than a few minutes a week informing yourself […]

Yemen’s Ansarullah Delegation to Travel to Riyadh for Ceasefire Talks with Saudi Officials

September 14, 2023 Source: Agencies Yemeni Ansarullah’s and Oman’s envoys will head to Saudi Arabia on Thursday night to try to negotiate a permanent ceasefire with Saudi officials to end the war on Yemen, two people involved in the talks said. Ansarullah officials will travel to Riyadh with the Omani mediators, who landed in Sanaa on […]

They Don’t Want Us to Travel Anywhere

From Dr Vernon Coleman via There are, I fear, still some people around who don’t realise that the conspirators don’t want us travelling anywhere – for any reason. They want to stop us travelling because the oil is running out (oh, yes it is, I’m afraid) and they want to keep as much of […]

The Best Travel Containers (for Storing Pills, Toiletries, and Earplugs)

There’s nothing worse than finding a bunch of crushed [insert prescribed drug of choice] in the bottom of your carry-on because your Ziploc-baggy-turned-toiletry-bag busted open right before going through security. Questions like “will I miss my flight?” and “how long will my name stay on the ‘No Fly’ list?” race through your head.  We’ve been […]

U.S. Restricts Visa-Free Travel For Hungarian Passport Holders, Citing Security Concerns

The United States is concerned that the identities of nearly 1 million foreigners granted Hungarian passports over nine years were not sufficiently verified. Source

The Best Travel Accessories (for Beating the TSA at Their Own Game)

Remember when flying was sexy? To be fair, neither do we. But we’ve seen Mad Men. We know that back in the day, the bros were eating beef stroganoff in pinstripe suits and sipping highballs on Pan Am, and frankly, we don’t think it’s fair that air travel in 2023 feels like traveling inside a sad […]

‘Vax-Pass’, The End Of The Freedom To Travel

COVID-1984: ‘Vax-Pass’, The End Of The Freedom To Travel – By Gwendolyn Kull (Flashback) SM Source – “…The covid lockdowns arguably were the largest reproduction of that social isolation study to date. A study in which all participants were coerced or terrorized by our own public officials and media to comply. A study that reaffirmed the […]

Travel chaos as hundreds of flights across Italy cancelled amid air transport strike

Hundreds of flights across Italy were cancelled Saturday forcing traveller to make alternate plans at the peak of tourist season “It got cancelled. My whole family, 35 of us. All our flights got messed up. It’s horrible. It’s really, really horrible” said Stefania Spatola from Philadelphia. Flight cancellations are wreaking havoc in Italy after air […]

The End of the Freedom to Travel 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Is it possible the United States will lock down again? Is it possible public officials will seek to hold us captive without due process? The World Health Organization and European Union have officially teamed up to end the freedom to travel as we know it. The EU boasts that its […]

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