Posts Tagged ‘restricts’

U.S. Restricts Visa-Free Travel For Hungarian Passport Holders, Citing Security Concerns

The United States is concerned that the identities of nearly 1 million foreigners granted Hungarian passports over nine years were not sufficiently verified. Source

TRADE WAR: China restricts export on gallium and germanium after Biden regime mulls broader semiconductor chip export ban

TRADE WAR: China restricts export on gallium and germanium after Biden regime mulls broader semiconductor chip export ban In retaliation against fake president Joe Biden’s consideration of a broader semiconductor chip export ban, communist China has announced new export restrictions on two important metals that the United States needs in order to produce its own […]

Texas School District Restricts First Amendment Activity, Bans Teachers and Employees From Publicly Criticizing School Policies

The Rutherford Institute is challenging attempts by a Texas school district to prohibit its employees from publicly criticizing the school or its policies. In a letter to officials at the Carroll Independent School District, Rutherford Institute attorneys warn that the non-disparagement clause included in the District’s employment contracts, which requires employees to “agree to not disparage, criticize, […]

South Dakota Governor Restricts Access to Abortion Drugs in New Executive Order

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem issued an executive order on Tuesday to restrict telemedicine abortion and chemical abortions in the state. The executive order (pdf) states that abortion drugs can only be prescribed and dispensed after an in-person consultation with a doctor licensed in South Dakota. Under South Dakota law, doctors are already required to […]

To Please The Jews and Deny Jesus Christ Pope Francis Restricts Latin Mass

The Vatican announced that Pope Francis is further restricting the use of the Latin Mass — the standard form of the liturgy used for the last thousand years and favored by traditionalist Catholics — because it calls for the conversion of the Jews — and that until 2008 — also included an “antisemitic” reference to […]

Judge Says Columbus Police Ran ‘Amok’; Restricts Use Of Force

Judge Says Columbus Police Ran ‘Amok’; Restricts Use Of Force Above photo: Protesters chant for Ohio state troopers and Columbus police to take a knee with them in solidarity on the Ohio Statehouse steps on June 1, 2020, in Columbus. A federal judge has ordered Columbus police to stop using force against nonviolent protesters. Matthew […]

Groups back bill that restricts Israeli spending of US aid

WASHINGTON — Two liberal pro-Israel groups, J Street and Americans for Peace Now, are backing a House bill to be presented this week that would list actions Israel may not fund with U.S. money. The measure, which will be introduced by Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., and was first reported by The Intercept, would restrict Israel […]

Coronavirus Israel live: High Court restricts digital tracking of patients by security service

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Portugal extends lockdown and restricts foreign travel amid surge in COVID-19 cases

On a day Portugal reported another dramatic record of daily deaths and infections from COVID-19 the Portuguese president made a resounding appeal to the nation as the state of emergency was renewed for another two weeks. “If it’s the case that this time the wave began in the west and Portugal is one of the […]

Denmark restricts travel from all countries to ‘win time’ in battle against Covid-19

The Danish Foreign Ministry has raised its travel guidance to the maximum level for all countries on Friday, in an effort to limit the spread of more transmissible Covid variants discovered in the UK and South Africa. Entering Denmark without a recognizable purpose and a negative coronavirus test will not be permitted between January 10 […]

Facebook Restricts Mark Levin’s Page on Election Eve

Facebook has restricted the page of radio host, bestselling author, and Fox News star Mark Levin, just one day before the presidential election. “Facebook has now placed severe restrictions on my Facebook page on the eve before the election based on an extremely dishonest Politifact review of my link to an accurate story,” said Levin. […]

Activists go to High Court after Knesset restricts protests during lockdown

A petition was filed at the High Court of Justice Wednesday and several critics reacted with outrage after the Knesset passed legislation curtailing public protests during lockdown. The new legislation gives the government the power to ban traveling over one kilometer (0.6 miles) from home to attend a protest, and to limit outdoor gatherings to […]

US military again bans alcohol, restricts personnel to base after fatal Okinawa drink-drive crash

“The new restrictions follow an accident Sunday morning in Naha. . . . Alcohol may have been a factor,” the US 7th Fleet said. “When our service members fail to live up to the high standards we set for them, it damages the bonds between bases and local communities and makes it harder for us […]

Tempers Flare, Tires Burn In French Taxi, Aviation Strikes

Print Friendly Above Photo: Jean-Paul Pelissier / Reuters Drivers want compensation for business lost to taxi app companies; air traffic controllers seek better pay Striking taxi drivers in France blocked key roads and set fire to tires on a “black Tuesday” that saw simultaneous strikes by air traffic controllers, civil servants, hospital workers and teachers. Some […]

Tempers Flare, Tires Burn In French Taxi, Aviation Strikes

Print Friendly Above Photo: Jean-Paul Pelissier / Reuters Drivers want compensation for business lost to taxi app companies; air traffic controllers seek better pay Striking taxi drivers in France blocked key roads and set fire to tires on a “black Tuesday” that saw simultaneous strikes by air traffic controllers, civil servants, hospital workers and teachers. Some […]

Tempers Flare, Tires Burn In French Taxi, Aviation Strikes

Print Friendly Above Photo: Jean-Paul Pelissier / Reuters Drivers want compensation for business lost to taxi app companies; air traffic controllers seek better pay Striking taxi drivers in France blocked key roads and set fire to tires on a “black Tuesday” that saw simultaneous strikes by air traffic controllers, civil servants, hospital workers and teachers. Some […]

Memory Of Egyptian Revolution Is Only Weapon We Have Left

I didn’t take my camera out with me the night Hosni Mubarak was overthrown. I stood in Tahrir Square among tens of thousands of Egyptians and told myself I would enjoy the moment, I would not divide myself from the night’s magical reality with a lens. I had filmed up until then because it was my job, […]

Memory Of Egyptian Revolution Is Only Weapon We Have Left

I didn’t take my camera out with me the night Hosni Mubarak was overthrown. I stood in Tahrir Square among tens of thousands of Egyptians and told myself I would enjoy the moment, I would not divide myself from the night’s magical reality with a lens. I had filmed up until then because it was my job, […]

Memory Of Egyptian Revolution Is Only Weapon We Have Left

I didn’t take my camera out with me the night Hosni Mubarak was overthrown. I stood in Tahrir Square among tens of thousands of Egyptians and told myself I would enjoy the moment, I would not divide myself from the night’s magical reality with a lens. I had filmed up until then because it was my job, […]

Memory Of Egyptian Revolution Is Only Weapon We Have Left

I didn’t take my camera out with me the night Hosni Mubarak was overthrown. I stood in Tahrir Square among tens of thousands of Egyptians and told myself I would enjoy the moment, I would not divide myself from the night’s magical reality with a lens. I had filmed up until then because it was my job, […]

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