Posts Tagged ‘levin’

Mark Levin of Fox News calls for Gaza solidarity protesters to be “rounded up and deported,” Holocaust style

(NaturalNews) In case you forgot who owns this country, Fox News host Mark Levin blasted a reminder on X that it is he and other Zionists who call the shots –… Source

Mark Levin: Everyone in Congress Needs to Read Alex Marlow’s ‘Breaking Biden’

Bestselling conservative author and commentator Mark Levin said that everyone in Congress needs to read Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s new book “Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration.” “This is a killer book,” Levin said. “If you want to know what the hell the Biden’s have been […]

Mark Levin Hits Gaetz: McCarthy Is ‘More Conservative Than He Is’

Conservative author and talk radio host Mark Levin slammed Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) over his bid to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), saying McCarthy is “more conservative than” Gaetz. Source

Despite AIPAC’s claim, Dem voters are to left of Stevens, and Levin, on Israel

After pro-Israel Rep. Haley Stevens beat fellow House member Andy Levin in Michigan’s 11th district this week, with almost $5 million worth of help from AIPAC’s superpac, the Israel lobby group declared that Stevens’s win “reflects mainstream Democratic views and demonstrates that being pro-Israel is both good policy and good politics!” But new polling shows […]

Mark Levin Slams ‘Racist’ Media — ‘Especially MSNBC and CNN’

Conservative talker Mark Levin on Sunday offered a big-picture take on the state of the Democratic Party on the heels of the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial elections. Levin took aim at the media for claims those who voted for the Republican candidates were “racist.” According to Levin, the media and their “racist professors, racist […]

Watch: Mark Levin Pays Tribute to ‘Dear Friend’ Rush Limbaugh — ‘He Was the Salt of the Earth’

Sunday on his Fox News Channel show “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Mark Levin honored the life and legacy of conservative radio icon Rush Limbaugh, who passed away Wednesday at 70 after a bout with lung cancer. “Tonight’s program is dedicated to Rush Limbaugh,” Limbaugh opened his show. “A friend to so many of us, a mentor […]

Mark Levin: Pelosi ‘Destroyed Separation of Powers by the Use of the Impeachment Power’

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” conservative talker Mark Levin hammered House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for proceeding with the impeachment of President Donald Trump earlier in the day by passing articles of impeachment. Levin told host Sean Hannity that Pelosi’s actions have “destroyed separation of powers.” HANNITY: Joining us now, the author of The […]

Environmental groups line up behind Levin for Labor

The slimming Democratic majority in the House could be working against Levin, as the tight margin played a central role over whether to nominate New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland for Interior secretary. Cabinet diversity is also a factor. That said, Biden crossed the threshold for nominating the most diverse Cabinet in history when he ultimately […]

Facebook Restricts Mark Levin’s Page on Election Eve

Facebook has restricted the page of radio host, bestselling author, and Fox News star Mark Levin, just one day before the presidential election. “Facebook has now placed severe restrictions on my Facebook page on the eve before the election based on an extremely dishonest Politifact review of my link to an accurate story,” said Levin. […]

Mark Levin: Pennsylvania, Michigan Legislatures Must Undo Courts’ Election Decisions

Conservative radio host Mark Levin said Friday that the Republican-controlled legislatures of Pennsylvania and Michigan should meet in emergency session to undo recent court rulings that could compromise the election in both of those states. “As in Pennsylvania, the Michigan legislature is controlled by the Republicans. They must meet in emergency session and exercise their […]

Israeli mayors initiate boycott of Sweden over foreign minister’s criticism

Last month Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom criticized Israel’s practice of “extrajudicial executions” for Palestinians who have wielded knives and said the Palestinians perpetrate violence because they see no future under occupation. The comments have caused a furor in Israel. My translation of an article by Israeli Nana 10: BOYCOTT OF SWEDEN? 15 MAYORS HAVE […]

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