Posts Tagged ‘solidarity’

Columbia University Hind’s Hall defendants reject deals in solidarity with the CUNY 22

Protesters arrested for seizing Hind’s Hall at Columbia University are refusing any deals unless protesters at CUNY are offered the same, and they stand in solidarity with those facing the most extreme repression in the movement.  Source

A Tale of Two Commencements: How Gaza solidarity encampments are changing the way we see university education

Indiana University’s “Liberation Commencement” was a celebration of the students’ brave commitment to fighting powerful institutions and their involvement in challenging Zionism and the Palestinian genocide. Source

Supporting the student-led solidarity mobilizations in their demands for boycott and divestment and against repression

Supporting the student-led solidarity mobilizations in their demands for boycott and divestment and against repression BNC Statement Protecting the Palestine solidarity movement worldwide from police repression, sabotage and agents provocateurs. Academic Boycott Apartheid Free Zones Student solidarity May 14, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Source

‘We are doing this in solidarity with the people of Gaza’: a Princeton student explains why he’s currently part of a hunger strike

“We’re prepared to starve ourselves on the lawn of the administration building,” Princeton divestment activist David Chmielewski tells Mondoweiss. “They’re ignoring the urgency of the situation, which is that there’s a genocide actively occurring.” Source

Mark Levin of Fox News calls for Gaza solidarity protesters to be “rounded up and deported,” Holocaust style

(NaturalNews) In case you forgot who owns this country, Fox News host Mark Levin blasted a reminder on X that it is he and other Zionists who call the shots –… Source

Hold the Line: Palestinian unions urge global solidarity against Israel’s genocide, apartheid and exploitation of workers

Hold the Line: Palestinian unions urge global solidarity against Israel's genocide, apartheid and exploitation of workers BNC Statement Trade union solidarity Sanctions and governments May 1, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Source

Students across Philadelphia launch Gaza solidarity encampment at UPenn

Students from UPenn, Drexel, and Temple at the encampment are demanding that UPenn discloses its investments, divests from corporations that profit from Israel’s genocide, and defends Palestinians students and their allies. Source

China’s Xi Meets With Russian Foreign Minister In Show Of Solidarity Against West

Authored by Dorothy Li via The Epoch Times, Chinese communist regime leader Xi Jinping met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Beijing on Tuesday, reaffirming solidarity amid growing pressure from the West. Mr. Lavrov arrived in China on April 8 for a two-day visit. His trip, according to the Kremlin, could be seen as […]

Love, but not for the colonized: responding to the repression of Palestine solidarity at CUNY

Our panel for a conference on equity and antiracism at CUNY’s Lehman College was canceled because it included the word “intifada” in the title. Instead of promoting antiracism, CUNY participates in the demonization of Palestinian resistance. Source

SOAS alumni speak out against the suppression of Palestine solidarity

We call on students and alumni to reject SOAS’s neoliberal and genocidal agendas and stand up to the administration’s suppression of Palestine solidarity. Source

Inside the campaign to undermine DEI and Palestine solidarity at the University of Minnesota: an interview with Dr. Sima Shakhsari

Dr. Sima Shakhsari was interviewing to become the Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the University of Minnesota until comments on Gaza derailed their chances and ignited a pro-Israel hate campaign against them. Source

Victimhood should not be a condition for Palestine solidarity

Some of Palestine’s allies seem more comfortable with Palestinians as victims of Israel’s colonial rule than agents of their own liberation. Palestinians need support when they fight, not only when they die. Source

Yemen Drone Strikes Israel’s Port of Eilat in solidarity with Gaza

In a significant show of solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza, the Yemeni Armed Forces have announced a large-scale drone strike targeting “sensitive” areas in the occupied territories. According to a statement released by Yemen’s al-Masirah television channel, a squadron of unmanned aerial vehicles carried out the operation in the Umm al-Rashrash area of […]

The bipartisan attack on Palestine solidarity is higher than ever

Recent attacks on solidarity with Palestine and the witch hunt against free speech on campuses have become so widespread and draconian that they threaten to criminalize any support for Palestinians, not to mention advocacy for their rights. Source

Two dangerous bills in Congress take aim at Palestine solidarity

In a dangerous precedent, the House of Representatives passed a controversial bill equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism. Pro-Israel lawmakers quickly followed with a bill to establish a congressional commission aimed at Palestine solidarity. Source

Healthcare workers stand in solidarity with Gaza and the people of Palestine

Editor’s Note: The following open letter was issued by the Campaign Against Racism, Georgia Human Rights Clinic, Kindred Southern Healing Justice Collective, and Jewish Voice for Peace- Atlanta chapter on November 16, 2023. To add your name, sign here. As we witness the horrific scenes of the destruction of life particularly in Gaza and elsewhere […]

Learning solidarity through my first war in Gaza

I have never waited for proof of life before. But now I wake every morning waiting to find out if your mother in Gaza has survived the night. She is hiding from bombs made here and funded by my government. My care for you has become a political act.  Source

UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign punishes Manchester branch

Originally published by The Electronic Intifada, 3 November. In a photo posted 1 October, Manchester PSC was clear about its support for Palestinians. (Manchester PSC)   Britain’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign has suspended four officers from one of its most active branches, Manchester PSC. Activists in the northern city are renowned in the solidarity movement for their uncompromising […]

A call to philosophers to stand in solidarity with Palestine against apartheid and occupation

Philosophy professors across North America, Latin America, and Europe call to support the academic and cultural boycott of Israeli institutions, and to speak out fearlessly to advance the cause of Palestinian liberation and justice for all. Source

Biden To Make ‘Solidarity’ Visit To Israel On Wednesday

Biden To Make ‘Solidarity’ Visit To Israel On Wednesday With violence in the Middle East threatening to spiral out of control and US ship movements underway and troop deployments in the preparation stages, President Biden will travel to Israel and Jordan on Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Monday night.  “The President will reaffirm […]

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