Posts Tagged ‘branch’

The ‘Wild Olive Branch’ Of Romans 11 – Who Can Be Grafted Into Israel And Who Cannot

Universalist Christians robotically quote Romans 11 where Paul illustrates who can be saved with the Parable of the Olive Tree — and they literally salivate when Paul mentions the “Gentiles” being “grafted in” — erroneously believing that a “gentile” is literally anyone and everyone on the planet who is not a “Jew”. In the New […]

JPMorgan Chase Plans Massive Branch Network Expansion While Small Banks Implode

Mega bank JPMorgan Chase is plotting a massive expansion of bank branches nationwide. It plans to open as many as 500 new branches, renovate 1,700 existing locations, and hire upwards of 3,500 employees over the next three years. This comes as small regional banks have spent the last year imploding (and currently continue tumbling), and many […]

No olive branch of peace as Israeli soldiers DESTROY Gaza’s olive harvest, farmers say

No olive branch of peace as Israeli soldiers DESTROY Gaza’s olive harvest, farmers say One of the most beautiful and special times of the year in Gaza is olive harvest season, a celebratory event for the Palestinian people that traditionally occurs during the months of October and November – right now, in other words. This […]

UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign punishes Manchester branch

Originally published by The Electronic Intifada, 3 November. In a photo posted 1 October, Manchester PSC was clear about its support for Palestinians. (Manchester PSC)   Britain’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign has suspended four officers from one of its most active branches, Manchester PSC. Activists in the northern city are renowned in the solidarity movement for their uncompromising […]

Why is Biden’s EPA arming up with heavy artillery weapons like a branch of the military?

(NaturalNews) The federal government is arming itself to the teeth – on the taxpayer dime, of course – in what appears to be the makings of a soon-to-come… Source

Lily D’Ambrosio’s Labor Party branch forged signatures of dead men

Rotten branch of the Andrews Labour tree, above the law? No criminal prosecution for electoral fraud? It seems that anyone associated with Andrews is above the law. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Climate Action Lily D’Ambrosio. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Crosling       Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has continued to stand […]

Congress Must Stop The Executive Branch’s Heinous Attempts To Censor Americans

BY: RAND PAUL JULY 25, 2023 5 MIN READ To protect free speech, Congress must prohibit the government’s collusion with Big Tech and other media organizations. RAND PAUL MORE ARTICLES The First Amendment’s mandate that “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech” is a guarantee that, no matter how inconvenient […]

Jew Russia to open Jerusalem embassy branch-The Announcement of the New Office Bolsters The Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrel Jew Cult’s Efforts to “legitimize” the Thief of the City From the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian, Internationally as IsraHell’s “capital”

The red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Jew USSR KGB agent, the Putinister who has expressed regrets the Jew run USSR which Holocausted in excess of 66 MILLION humans is no longer around to steal humans God Given Rights, and to Holocaust more millions of humans. ANY QUESTIONS??? Source

Did the Fourth Branch of Government Release SARS-CoV-2 Then Blame China

So much research has been done, we essentially know the majority of the background details. The SARS-CoV-2 virus commonly known as COVID-19 was made in a lab by scientists. The virus then went from a lab to the global population in late 2019/early 2020. The epicenter of the outbreak appears to be one of the […]

Branch of Costa Coffee Demands Proof of Vaccination, Photo ID to Enter Shop

‘Psychic gym bro’ Chris Sky is being recognized for his stunningly accurate predictions, made early last year, during which he laid out the entire lockdown agenda, including how compulsory mask mandates would return even for vaccinated people. The clip shows Sky talking to an interviewer in the spring of 2020, mere weeks into the first […]

Make Way for the Snitch State: The All-Seeing Fourth Branch of Government

“It is just when people are all engaged in snooping on themselves and one another that they become anesthetized to the whole process. As information itself becomes the largest business in the world, data banks know more about individual people than the people do themselves. The more the data banks record about each one of […]

What Remains of the Iraqi Regional Branch of the Ba’ath Party?

Before being overthrown by the Americans and their allies in 2003, Saddam Hussein, who ruled Iraq singlehandedly for 24 years, led the Iraqi branch of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party, which played a crucial role in the life of every Iraqi. What was the renown of Saddam Hussein like among the people, and why did […]

Czech Republic Opens Branch of Its Embassy in Jerusalem

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds a press conference with Czech President Milos Zeman in Jerusalem on October 7, 2013. Photo: Kobi Gideon/GPO/FLASH90. – The Czech Republic opened a branch of its Israel embassy in Jerusalem on Thursday in a ceremony attended by Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs […]

“Don’t Let Them Do It!” Man Stages Lockdown Protest in Branch of Costco

An anti-lockdown protester staged a one man demonstration in a California branch of Costco, telling shoppers, “Don’t let them do it!” “Don’t let them do it! You know why we’re under this lockdown right now – because all the information that’s coming out about COVID, they know it’s a farce,” said the man. “You must […]

Podcast offers branch of hope

In India, a recent Netflix series featuring a romance between a Muslim man and a Hindi girl ignited nationalist outrage. In Israel, award-winning reporter Dina Kraft’s podcast The Branch, about Jews and Arabs forging connections has done the opposite – sparking a sense of optimism. The upbeat, evocative podcasts, sponsored by Hadassah, have achieved acclaim […]

Alyssa Milano Extends ‘Olive Branch to Trump Supporters’ After Years of Smears, from Klansman to Misogynist Bigots

It was just a couple months ago that Alyssa Milano was calling for Republicans to be “tried for treason.” And now, just weeks removed from the election, and after years of smears and attacks, the left-wing activist and actor is ready to “extend an olive branch to Trump supporters.” “I am ready to move #ForwardTogether,” […]

Netanyahu offers olive branch to prevent election. But it’s dipped in poison

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Olive Branch for North Korea, Bombs for Iran?

The Iran nuclear deal is on the verge of sinking on May 12, when Donald Trump will decide whether or not to waive the nuclear-related sanctions, as the deal calls for. While the world is cheering the upcoming meeting between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jung Un (including Trump’s fans calling for a Nobel […]


South Front 26.04.2018 Kurdish fighters raise flag of PKK leader in centre of Raqqa Written by Maksim Alexandrov; Originally appeared on; Translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront Not long ago in Washington at the Institute of National Strategic Studies of the National Defence University the round table on “The Multimodal Threats in the Kurdish Region” took place, a continuation […]

Conquering Afrin as Religious Duty: Operation Olive Branch & Turkey’s Supposed Transformation into a Sunni Superpower

Dr Can Erimtan 21st Century Wire Turkey’s Tayyip Erdoğan (aka the Prez) is now once again performing a delicate war-dance with his partners Russia and America, with President Putin (aka the Czar) clearly supporting his southern neighbour while the U.S. President Trump appears as clueless as ever. Ever since Syria’s not-so civil war erupted in […]

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