Posts Tagged ‘Embassy’

Iran’s counterattack following embassy bombing exposes serious weakness in Israel’s defenses

Iran’s counterattack following embassy bombing exposes serious weakness in Israel’s defenses It is apparent that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thinks he is leading the Jewish state to a victory in the Middle East, but his recent attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria, which was followed by an Iranian counterattack against Israel, tells a much […]

ALL-OUT REGIONAL WAR ALERT: Israel brazenly bombs Iranian Embassy in Syria (Photos) There are emerging reports and accompanying video confirmation that an Israeli airstrike destroyed part of the complex of the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital on Monday. Syrian state media is also reporting that Israel conducted a rare daytime strike in the vicinity of the Iranian embassy in Damascus. Video shows that the entire front of […]

South Africa cuts all ties with Israel due to Gaza war, Closes Embassy

    South Africa’s Parliament has voted in favour of a motion calling for the closure of Israel’s embassy in Pretoria and the suspension of diplomatic ties as tensions soar between the two countries over the Israeli assault on Gaza. The action is largely symbolic because it will be up to President Cyril Ramaphosa‘s government […]

US Embassy Tells Americans In Lebanon ‘Get Out While You Still Can’ As 20 Hezbollah Rockets Land On Israel

(ZH) Regional media is reporting that since midnight, and after President Biden departed Israel yesterday, Israeli forces have Source

White House condemns attack on Cuban embassy in D.C.

The White House condemned an attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington, D.C., in which a man reportedly threw two Molotov cocktails at the building on Sunday night. “Attacks against diplomatic facilities are unacceptable. We are in contact with Cuban embassy officials and law enforcement authorities to ensure an appropriate and timely investigation as well… […]

Swedish Embassy Stormed Over Quran Burning; A Mossad Conspiracy & New US Troop Deployment To Iraq

The US government, along with its European allies, have condemned the storming of Sweden’s embassy in Baghdad by hundreds of Iraqi protesters who demonstrated against Stockholm’s sanctioning of Quran burning events. The incident, coupled with a fallout between the Iraqi Presidency and a pro-Western Christian leader, is making headway in Western mainstream and social media. […]

Saudi Arabia’s embassy opens in Iran for first time in seven years 

TEHRAN – Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Iran has been active since Sunday, according to a report by IRNA News Agency.  Source

Iraqi Protesters Storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad Over Planned Quran Desecration

July 20, 2023 By Staff, Agencies Hundreds of Iraqi protesters have stormed the Swedish embassy in the capital Baghdad and set part of it on fire in protest against the second planned desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden. The angry protesters, who were reportedly the supporters of prominent Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, stormed […]

Russian Hackers Suspected Of Using Cheap BMW Ad To Lure Embassy Workers In Ukraine

LONDON (Reuters) ― Hackers suspected of working for Russia’s foreign intelligence agency targeted dozens of diplomats at embassies in Ukraine with a fake used car advert in a bid to break into their computers, according to a cybersecurity firm report published on Wednesday. The wide-reaching espionage activity targeted diplomats working in at least 22 of […]

Iraqis storm Swedish embassy to protest Quran burning

Hundreds of Iraqi demonstrators yesterday stormed the Swedish embassy in Baghdad to protest the burning of the holy Quran in Stockholm. Shia cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr had called for a large "angry" protest outside Sweden's embassy in Baghdad, demanding the expulsion of its ambassador from the country as well. An Iraqi burned the Quran in Stockholm, […]

Jew Russia to open Jerusalem embassy branch-The Announcement of the New Office Bolsters The Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrel Jew Cult’s Efforts to “legitimize” the Thief of the City From the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian, Internationally as IsraHell’s “capital”

The red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Jew USSR KGB agent, the Putinister who has expressed regrets the Jew run USSR which Holocausted in excess of 66 MILLION humans is no longer around to steal humans God Given Rights, and to Holocaust more millions of humans. ANY QUESTIONS??? Source

Jordan says Embassy building in Khartoum ransacked

Jordan said, Monday, that its embassy building in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, was ransacked, Anadolu News Agency reports. In a statement, the Foreign Ministry condemned the attack and "all forms of violence and vandalism, especially the targeting diplomatic buildings and violating their sanctity." The Ministry called for respecting the rules of international law and relevant […]

Baby showers, icicle music and sauna time: How embassy parties have become the new K Street

The British ambassador’s residence in Washington is an impressive estate known for hosting events with coveted invite lists and well-connected guests. Among other things, it has been the site for the post-advance screening reception of the “Downton Abbey” movie and a garden party celebration of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee. But in January, […]

Hungary denies relocating embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

Hungarian President Katalin Novak denied on Friday that her country had decided to relocate its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, news agencies reported. Despite Israeli reports that Hungary would move its embassy to Jerusalem next month, Reuters reported Novak saying that no decision had yet been made. On Friday, The Times of Israel claimed that […]

South Africa is officially collapsing under leftist WOKE rule as U.S. embassy issues emergency preparedness instructions to travelers

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) South Africa, under the left-wing rule of racist black political leaders, has now officially begun to collapse, marking a shocking reversal from being a nation that once secretly developed nuclear weapons.”South Africa has collapsed. US embassy is now informing international travellers to stock up (prepper style) on food … [Read More…] Source

Afghan embassy in Turkey officially handed over to Taliban

Jalaly added that Gulmat Khan Zadran has been appointed as the new envoy of Afghanistan to Turkey. Earlier on Monday, the Taliban official announced on his Twitter that 7 experienced diplomats have been sent from Kabul to Tehran to continue their activities with the new caretaker of the Afghan Embassy in Iran. This decision was… […]

Algeria to reopen its embassy in Ukraine ‘as soon as possible’

Algeria will reopen its embassy in Kyiv one year after it was closed following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Algerian state television said yesterday citing a Foreign Ministry statement, Reuters reported. "This decision falls within the framework of preserving the interests of the Algerian state and the interests of the national community in this country," state […]

Gigantic Ukrainian Flag Painted On Road Outside Russian Embassy

Police in London arrested four people after protesters painted the 500-square-meter  blue and yellow flag to mark one year since Russia invaded Ukraine. Source

British Embassy Guard In Berlin Gets Prison For Spying For Russia

LONDON (AP) — A former security guard at the British Embassy in Berlin was sentenced Friday to more than 13 years in prison for putting U.K. diplomats at “maximum risk” by selling secret information to Russia. David Ballantyne Smith admitted spying but claimed he was driven by depression and a desire to “teach the embassy […]

Chad opens embassy in Israel

READ: Morocco jails 13 Sudan, Chad migrants Source

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