Posts Tagged ‘iraqis’

US Gunship Holocaust of Iraqis Inside Iraq Without The Knowledge of Iraqi Government a Violation of Iraqi Sovereignty.

US illegally invaded Iraq based on damned lies the little child raping political whores in Sodom & Gomorra on the Potomac made up themselves. After bombing Iraq back to the Stone Age, Holocausting a million or so innocent Iraqis, scattering birth defect and cancer causing depleted uranium from artillery and tank round all over Iraq, […]

Iraqis warn of western plan to move Gazans to Anbar desert

NOV 3, 2023 While the idea of relocating Palestinians to Iraq’s Anbar region may appear improbable, western-backed conflicts have already displaced millions in the region – many of which appear to be demographically-engineered. The Cradle’s Iraq Correspondent The settlement of Palestinians in the Anbar desert, western Iraq, has become a topic of renewed discussion among […]

Iraqis who fled Daesh blame political rot for tragic wedding fire

Iraqi Christians, once driven from their village by Daesh, are blaming another enemy for an inferno that killed more than 100 of their friends and relatives at a wedding this week: chronic political rot and lax governance, Reuters reports. After returning from years of exile during Iraq’s war with the extremist Islamists, residents rebuilding their […]

Iraqis storm Swedish embassy to protest Quran burning

Hundreds of Iraqi demonstrators yesterday stormed the Swedish embassy in Baghdad to protest the burning of the holy Quran in Stockholm. Shia cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr had called for a large "angry" protest outside Sweden's embassy in Baghdad, demanding the expulsion of its ambassador from the country as well. An Iraqi burned the Quran in Stockholm, […]

US tortured Iraqis in Abu Ghraib and got away with it: Reports

17 Mar, 2023 Source: The Intercept By Al Mayadeen English  CIA agents, military intelligence, military police, private contractors, special operations forces, and ordinary troops perpetrated treatment that can no longer be hidden behind euphemisms: it was torture. A detainee in an outdoor solitary confinement cell talks with a military policeman at the Abu Ghraib prison on […]

Iraqis remember anti-terrorism heroes

Iraqis remember anti-terrorism heroes – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — On Saturday afternoon, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis gathered in Baghdad to commemorate the anti-terror heroes, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, deputy commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), who were martyred on January 3, 2020. Hadi Al-Ameri, the head of the Fatah Alliance, […]

‘He Lied’: Iraqis Still Blame Colin Powell For Role In Iraq War

BAGHDAD (AP) — For many Iraqis, the name Colin Powell conjures up one image: the man who as U.S. secretary of state went before the U.N. Security Council in 2003 to make the case for war against their country. Word of his death Monday at age 84 dredged up feelings of anger in Iraq toward […]

PMU Faction Says US Responsible for Massacre of Iraqis in Daesh Bombing

July 21, 2021  By Staff, Agencies The leader of Iraq’s Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq resistance movement, which operates under the command of Popular Mobilization Units [PMU], has held the United States responsible for the loss of dozens of lives in a deadly Baghdad bombing claimed by the Daesh terror group, which he described as a creation […]

Iran to cancel entry visa for Iraqis on condition of reciprocity

The Iranian cabinet yesterday approved the cancellation of entry visas for Iraqi passport holders if Baghdad would offer reciprocal treatment for Iranians. The official news agency Fars cited a statement by the cabinet as saying that it had approved finding regulations to cancel for 45 days during Arbaeen pilgrimage which is going to take place […]

Mourning Iraq’s last Jewish doctor, Iraqis reconnect to Jewish history

Thafer Muallem, one of Iraq’s last remaining Jews, passed away this week. His death has brought out a large number of memories and emotions for Iraqis who seek to reconnect to the 2,600 years of Jewish history in the country. He is remembered as a “healer of the poor” in Iraq. Edwin Shuker, a friend […]

Iraqis Demand US Troops Pull Out On Soleimani Killing Anniversary

Above photo: Iraqis hold placards depicting Soleimani and al-Muhandis as they mark the first anniversary of their deaths in Baghdad. Khalid Al-Mousily/Reuters. NOTE: Notice that this article refers to Iran and the United States as “bitter enemies” without placing it into the context of the US coup in 1953 that replaced an elected leader with […]

Iraqis displaced by ISIS fight face uncertainty once more as camps close

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Judge: Iraqis Sufficiently Allege Torture By Military Contractor And May Proceed With Lawsuit

“CACI personnel substantially aided the military personnel responsible for directly carrying out the abuses, including directing them on how to set the conditions of confinement, ordering them to employ various abusive tactics, and helping them conceal the abuses,” Judge Leonie Brinkema stated [PDF]. “Moreover, upper-level management at CACI substantially aided these continued abuses […]

‘Desolate and deadly’: Weary Iraqis forced to return to ruined, booby-trapped areas (VIDEO)

Iraq’s new ground zero: Thousands of civilians desperately fleeing Tal Afar battleground In early January, disturbing reports emerged in international media, suggesting the Iraqi authorities are forcibly sending people from refugee camps to their home districts – despite these being unsafe, or even destroyed, in the conflict. While Baghdad denies that people are being sent […]

Media Blackout: 40,000 Iraqis Killed By US-Sponsored Strikes ‘Against ISIS’

Over 40,000 Iraqi civilians were killed by US-sponsored fighters trying to retake Mosul from ISIS, according to new intelligence reports. Residents of the besieged city were killed by Iraqi forces attempting to allegedly force out ISIS militants, as well as by air strikes, Kurdish intelligence services say. reports: Hoshyar Zebari, until recently a senior minister […]

Chilcot Report on Iraq War: Whitewashes Jewish Lobby

On July 6, UK’s five-member panel headed by Sir John Chilcot admitted after seven years what most political-aware people knew by the end of 2003 that former prime minister Tony Blair’s joined American invasion of Iraq in 2003 on Purim night which was totally wrong as Saddam Hussein didn’t possessed WMDs or threatened to invade United Kingdom. Tony […]

Great Picture!

It is a great picture, and I couldn’t resist sharing it. Christians and Muslims celebrate Eid together in Ramallah, Palestine. Retaining our humanity and getting in touch with our spiritual side is the key to defeating evil. Filed under: Arab Christians, Muslims, Nazi Israel, Occupied W Bank, Palestine, Richard Edmondson, War on Islam Source Article […]

French BEA Claims Burst of Error Messages from EgyptAir Flight MS804 before Crash

nsnbc : The French air accident investigation agency BEA claimed that there was a burst of error messages from the crashed EgyptAir Airbus A-320 on flight MS804 before it disappeared from radar and crashed Thursday morning. The data were reportedly transmitted by the airliner’s ACARS system. The data cannot help determine the eventual cause of a fire. […]

Confessions Of A Panama Papers Hit Man

John Perkins, GuestWaking Times As an Economic Hit Man (EHM) in the 1970s I spent a great deal of time in Panama. I hate to admit it, but I helped forge the system that has now been exposed in the Panama Papers. It is a system of legalized crimes. How else can […]

Iran-Saudi row to ease if Riyadh shifts policy: Spokesman

Iran says efforts to mediate between Tehran and Riyadh will yield result if Saudi Arabia alters its policy of creating tension in the region. “The success of any mediation between Iran and Saudi Arabia depends on a shift in Saudi Arabia’s radical policy on the region, particularly Iran,” Hossein Jaberi Ansari, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, said […]

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