Posts Tagged ‘camps’

FEMA Camps for American Dissidents

by Greg Reese The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into Reservations. During both world wars the United States deployed concentration camps. During world war two, about a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to […]

Palestinians in Gaza’s displacement camps face rampant disease due to destroyed infrastructure

Those who survived Israel’s deadly bombardment now have to contend with the rising environmental disaster in Gaza’s displacement camps, including insect infestations, dangerous amounts of garbage and human waste, and the spread of infectious disease. Source

Palestinians Salute Unprecedented Wave of Protest and Divestment Camps on US Campuses

Palestinians Salute Unprecedented Wave of Protest and Divestment Camps on US Campuses Update This is precisely the type of peaceful disruption of business-as-usual that is needed to help stop Israel’s #GazaGenocide and divest from and sanction Israeli apartheid. Academic Boycott Student solidarity April 24, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of […]

Are There US Quarantine Camps Right Now?

Two years ago, attorney and Brownstone Fellow Bobbie Anne Flower Cox took note of the New York State executive order to permit the building and use of quarantine camps. The litigation against it is still in process. We might have supposed it was an outlying case. That, sadly, is not true.  It turns out that […]

Canadian journalist who pushed for CONCENTRATION CAMPS for the unvaccinated has died at 33

(NaturalNews) A Canadian journalist who advocated putting people who refused to get vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has died suddenly at the… Source

FEMA’s Camps & large scale ‘readiness’ drills carried out since the ’80s

From Agent131711 @ substack An update 6/12/23: links to the truthwatch site are not working … I am told there has been an attack on the Website server. My own access was cut right when editing those links…. EWNZ Comment: I recall folk reporting on these scenarios well over a decade back when the internet […]

BREAKING NEWS: Appellate Court Paves the Way for Quarantine Camps!


Courts Pave Way for New York Quarantine Camps

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL I hope you are sitting down when you read this article. There is absolutely no way I can possibly sugar coat this, so I’ll just be frank… The NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division’s Fourth Judicial Department has issued their ruling in our quarantine lawsuit against Governor Hochul and her Department […]

Raids, Detention Camps, Mass Deportations: Trump’s Immigration Plan For 2nd Term as Head Puppet of IsraHell’s White Cat House

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House Republicans: Biden Plan to Turn U.S. Airports into Migrant Camps Poses Major ‘Security Risks’ to Americans

House Republicans are urging President Joe Biden’s Department of Transportation (DOT), Secretary Pete Buttigieg, to reject reported plans that would see United States airports transformed into migrant camps for tens of thousands of illegal aliens. Source

WEF Calls For Free Speech Concentration Camps To Jail ‘First Amendment Terrorists’

The world has reached a critical juncture according to Klaus Schwab who has ordered world governments to begin jailing and re-educating anybody who opposes the globalist agenda. According to Schwab, human history is now officially […] The post WEF Calls For Free Speech Concentration Camps To Jail ‘First Amendment Terrorists’ appeared first on The People's […]

Digital Concentration Camps: How Biometrics Are Making Our Homes Virtual Prisons in Preparation for the Next “Lockdowns”

From All visitors have to register via biometrics, such as palm scans, face scans, eye scans, etc., before they are allowed to enter. Once they enter, they are continually monitored via cameras and microphones that monitor one’s biometrics while on the premises. Anyone who approaches the premises is picked up by cameras that immediately […]

Ain Al-Hilweh Clashes Part of US Scheme to Dismantle Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon: Report

 September 19, 2023 Source: Al-Akhbar Newspaper Ibrahim Al-Amin* Translated by Areej Fatima A-Husseini The perception of conspiracy in the Arab world is ambiguous, to the extent that Arabs could be skeptical of major conspiracies, even if the details are revealed over time. Those who grasp the conspiracy’s details are mostly incapable of tackling it, given its […]

Palestine refugee camps witness to historic resistance, Israel aggression

The Israeli army, on 5 September, carried out a massive military operation at the Nour Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem city, northern Occupied West Bank, leaving one Palestinian dead and several others injured, and badly damaging the camp’s infrastructure. The Israeli military has been regularly targeting certain refugee camps across the West Bank since early […]

Conspiracy and cover-up claims: New probe into mystery concentration camps on tiny British island

The UK government has appointed a team of experts to carry out an investigation into whether the death toll at World War II camps on Alderney is much higher than the official figure. Source

Drone footage shows makeshift camps built along Rio Grande by migrants waiting for Title 42 to end

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Drone footage taken along Rio Grande, the river that serves as the natural border between most of Mexico and the United States, shows sprawling tent encampments stretching out all over the border.Hundreds of people reside in a massive camp made of tents and other dwellings with thin blue plastic sheets acting as roofs […]

Undocumented Roman Army Camps Indicate Military Manoeuvres in the Arabian Desert

Using this global aerial imaging program as a tool of discovery, last year archaeologists from the University of Oxford identified the ruins of three fortified Roman army camps, which were likely built around the year 100 AD. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source

Meet Avichai Buaron, the new Likud lawmaker who advocated for ‘extermination camps’ for Israel’s enemies

New Likud MK Avichai Buaron published an editorial in 2010 that supported extermination camps for “Amalekites,” a thinly-veiled euphemism for Palestinians. Source

ACH (2013) Texe Marrs – Gulag USA: Concentration Camps in America

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 27 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “Texe Marrs – Gulag USA: Concentration Camps in America.” Click Here For The YouTube Video We Played On Today’s Show Click Here To Order Texe Marrs “Gulag USA – Concentration Camps In America” The post ACH (2013) Texe Marrs – Gulag […]

‘Smart Cities’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps’

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