Posts Tagged ‘clashes’

West Bank Resistance Clashes with IOF in Tulkarm: Explosion Reported in Confrontation

April 19, 2024 Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Top The Palestinian fighters in the Tulkarm refugee camp confronted Israeli occupation forces during a recent raid. Palestinian media reported that improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were set off by the Resistance fighters in response to the incursion. The clashes escalated in the Al-Manshiyeh neighborhood of Nur Shams camp, where a […]

How IVF clashes with fetal personhood. POLITICO explains.

How IVF clashes with fetal personhood. POLITICO explains. lead image Source

Biden’s cease-fire effort clashes with Gaza’s rising death toll

The immediate focus remains on achieving a cease-fire to halt the loss of life and address the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. Source

Day 121: Israeli Aggression Proceeds as Resistance Engages in Fierce Clashes

 February 4, 2024 Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top The Israeli aggression on Gaza proceeds for the 121th day on Sunday, as the resistance fighters engage in heroic clashes with occupation forces in Khan Younis. The Israeli raids concentrated on Deir Al-Balah on Sunday with medics warning against humanitarian disaster in Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis. […]

Clashes Between Farmers and Police Intensify Outside EU Parliament In Brussels

Rubber bullets and water cannons were deployed against hundreds of European farmers protesting outside the EU Parliament building in Brussels on Thursday. The farmers threw eggs, set off fireworks, and started fires near the building while demanding that European leaders stop punishing them with more taxes and rising costs imposed to finance a so-called ‘green […]

Army Clashes with Political Command over October 7 Investigations: Israeli Circles

January 25, 2024 Focus on Zionists – Live News – Middle East – News – Top – Zionist entity The Zionist circles continued following up the military setbacks of the occupation forces in Gaza and the repercussions of the failure to liberate the detainees through the military means. In this regard, the Israeli circles considered that the dilemma lies in the fact that even the […]

Violent Clashes Break Out In Central Dublin After Stabbing That Injured 3 Children

LONDON (AP) — Violent clashes broke out in central Dublin on Thursday evening, with vehicles torched and riot police attacked, after a 5-year-old girl was seriously injured in a knife attack earlier in the day that also saw a woman and two other young children hospitalized. Irish police said the girl was receiving emergency medical […]

Coverage| Palestinian Resistance Clashes with Invasion Occupation Forces for the 45th Consecutive Day

Nov 20, 2023 The Palestinian resistance persists in their heroic struggle against the Zionist invasion of the Gaza Strip, engaging in fierce clashes with occupation forces for the 45th consecutive day. Notably, the resistance has successfully targeted and destroyed multiple enemy military vehicles, inflicting casualties upon enemy soldiers. Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the […]

Emotional clashes over Israel torment House Democrats: ‘It’s hell’

The highly charged debate over U.S. policy in Israel has exposed long-standing frictions among House Democrats, pitting Israel’s staunchest allies against pro-Palestinian liberals and posing a stark challenge for party leaders who are racing to ease the tensions. The divisions surfaced last month, when 15 Democrats declined to support a resolution declaring U.S. solidarity with… […]

The Palestinian Ambassador to London clashes with the West’s narrative

The Palestinian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Hossam Zomlot, excelled in his responses to some Western media outlets that hosted him to comment on the course of events in Occupied Palestine, thinking that they would extract an instant statement from him condemning the Palestinian resistance’s operations against the Israeli occupation, so that they could quickly […]

Oil prices surge following large-scale clashes between Israel and Palestine

(NaturalNews) Large-scale hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip have sent crude oil prices surging even after oil prices… Source

Ain Al-Hilweh Clashes Part of US Scheme to Dismantle Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon: Report

 September 19, 2023 Source: Al-Akhbar Newspaper Ibrahim Al-Amin* Translated by Areej Fatima A-Husseini The perception of conspiracy in the Arab world is ambiguous, to the extent that Arabs could be skeptical of major conspiracies, even if the details are revealed over time. Those who grasp the conspiracy’s details are mostly incapable of tackling it, given its […]

Lebanon: Ain Al-Hilweh Clashes Reportedly End in Light of New Ceasefire

 September 14, 2023 Ceasefire, brokered by Lebanon House Speaker Nabih Berri, in Ain Al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp took into effect at 6 p.m. (Beirut Time). Al-Manar reporter indicated, during Al-Manar TV news bulletin broadcast live at 7:30 p.m., that the ceasefire is stable, Clashes in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain Al-Hilweh had entered second […]

Intense Clashes Rock Ain al-Hilweh Camp despite Diplomatic Efforts

September 10, 2023 Ain al-Hilweh camp witnessed today a series of hit-and-run operations between factions affiliated with “Fatah” and Islamic groups along the Hittin axis. These confrontations involved the use of machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, with one such rocket landing near the camp’s eastern highway. This highway, which connects the city to the south, […]

Nine Palestinians Injured in Clashes with IOF Near Gaza Fence

Friday, 01 September 2023 The photo by Safa News Agency shows a young Palestinian injured during clashes with the Israeli forces in the area of Malka, east of Gaza City, on September 1, 2023. At least nine Palestinians have been injured in clashes with Israeli forces along the fence that separates the besieged Gaza Strip […]

Asa Hutchinson clashes with Tucker Carlson on vaccination status

“How many Covid shots did you take?” Hutchinson asked. “Zero,” Carlson responded to a round of applause from the audience. “I can see that you recoiled when I asked you that question,” said Carlson, a former Fox News anchor and longtime vaccine skeptic. “And I don’t think, honestly, you should be asking people about their […]

Syrian army clashes with HTS in Latakia

JUL 07, 2023 Recent weeks have seen in increase in fighting between the Syrian army and Turkish-backed extremist groups occupying areas within the Latakia and Idlib countrysides, despite a three year old ceasefire News Desk The Syrian Defense Ministry reported that a unit of the Syrian army confronted armed militants from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), […]

NATO boosts security in Kosovo after recent clashes with police and KFOR

A Turkish commando battalion has arrived in northern Kosovo in response to a request from NATO for more troops to help quell violent unrest between ethnic Serbs and Albanians. The battalion arrived in northern Kosovo where there have been a number of recent clashes between police, KFOR troops and ethnic Serbs who boycotted a regional […]

Sudan Burhan dismisses police chief amid clashes

Sudanese Army chief, Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, on Monday removed the country's police chief, Lieutenant-General, Anan Hamed Mohammed Omar, Anadolu News Agency reports. A military statement said that Omar was replaced by Lt.-Gen. Khaled Hassan Mohiuddin as police chief. The move came amid continuing clashes between the Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary […]

Heavy clashes rock Sudan’s capital despite truce extension

Heavy explosions and gunfire rocked Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, and its twin city of Omdurman Friday, residents said, despite the extension of a fragile truce between the county’s two top generals whose power struggle has killed hundreds. Source

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