Posts Tagged ‘syrian’

Syrian Foreign Minister says his Country is Ready for War with Israel

Damascus, historically resilient in the face of regional tensions, asserts its unwavering readiness to defend its territory against potential military confrontations with Israel, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad affirmed during a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Damascus. The high-level discussions delved into joint support for Palestinians amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in […]

ISIS Kills At Least 14 Syrian Soldiers In Palmyra Bus Attack

Via The Cradle, ISIS militants attacked a military bus in the Syrian desert on Tuesday, killing at least 14 Syrian army soldiers, the anti-Assad Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported. “At least 14 members of the regime forces were killed” and several others wounded “in a bloody [ISIS] attack on a military bus” in the […]

US War Crime Illegal Occupation Troops Come Under New Attacks By Syrian Freedom Fighters

Illegal War Criminal Occupation US troops Illegally in an International War Crime based in Syria have come under attack at least four times since the latest War Criminal Illegal US airstrikes in Eastern Syria were Illegally launched on Sunday. A Murdergon official said that Illegal Occupation War Criminal US forces Illegally in an International War […]

Deported Syrian Illegal Returns to Switzerland to Commit More Violent Crimes

An illegal migrant from Syria who was ejected from Switzerland after serving multiple prison sentences managed to sneak back into the country and commit more crimes, according to reports. “Idriss” (name changed by Swiss media), a 30-year-old Syrian national with a “lengthy criminal record” who was well-known to cantonal authorities, was previously deported from the […]

Rabid Skunk IsraHell Holocaust 8 Syrian Troops in Syria After IsraHell Lied That Hezbollah Fired Maybe Two “Rockets” at Syria’s Golan Heights Illegally Occupied By Rothschild’s Private Fiefdom of IsraHell Which IS Illegally Occupying Palestine Also

I started to call the FAKE “Hebrews”, the red Russian Non Semitic child raping red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel End of Times Death Cult Jew Members Mad Dogs, but many dogs are wonderful animals providing protection and love to humans. Here and there one is or goes bad, but for the most part they […]

Is Ukraine Using US-Backed Terrorists From The Syrian War Against Russia?

From the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Al-Qaeda linked fighters in Syria’s Idlib have drawn parallels between their cause and that of the Ukrainian armed forces. Recently, allegations have been spread in Arabic media — stemming from reports released in Daesh news outlets — that suggest that not only have Al-Qaeda linked fighters been […]

Syrian Army Eliminates more than 200 NATO Terrorists in 30 Days

 OCTOBER 1, 2023 ARABI SOURI Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies eliminated more than 2000 NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists in 30 days in the northwestern provinces of Idlib, Aleppo, Hasakah, and Hama, multiple sources reported. Following up our chronological reporting of the ongoing Syrian war on the US-led NATO-sponsored terrorism of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and their affiliated […]

Syrian President Assad Visits China in First Trip since 2004

 September 21, 2023 In his first official visit to China in almost 20 years, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his First Lady, Asma al-Assad, arrived in the country today, Thursday. Their official visit was in response to an invitation from the Chinese President, Xi Jinping. The highlight of the visit is a Syrian-Chinese summit, where […]

Al-Assad to visit China at Xi’s invitation: Syrian Presidency

19 Sep 2023 15:46 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The Syrian Presidency confirms that President Bashar al-Assad and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping will hold a Syrian-Chinese summit. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will visit China at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, the office of the Syrian President confirmed on Tuesday. Earlier in […]

Syrian Mercenaries Sent to Ukraine Are Fuel for Conflict

 September 19, 2023 By Mohammad Eid Damascus, Syria – After Libya and Armenia, it was the Syrian mercenaries’ turn to be the fuel for international conflicts in Ukraine. Because the mercenaries careless about anything other than the money they receive in exchange for their field services, Washington has found its purpose in the political structures […]

Lebanon Will Become Syrian Refugees’ Transit Stage into Europe: Report

September 18, 2023 Source: Al-Manar English Website The United States of America decided in 2011 to destroy a politically and economically independent nation just because it does not comply with US administration’s policies in the Middle East. USA ordered most of the world countries to dispatch terrorists in order to fight the safe civilians and army […]

Civilians Killed & Wounded As Rival US-Backed Syrian Factions Continue Warring

Civilians Killed & Wounded As Rival US-Backed Syrian Factions Continue Warring Authored by Connor Freeman via The Libertarian Institute, Fighting between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Arab tribesman aligned with Deir Ezzor Military Council (DEMC) erupted again Monday night in eastern Syria, reports The New Arab. Both sides used to be united in the […]

Syrian Politician Assassinated and Police Officer Injured by ISIS

SEPTEMBER 4, 2023 ARABI SOURI ISIS has been reactivated on a wider scale across Syria carrying out its terrorist attacks from planting explosives in cars of Syrians in Daraa and Damascus countryside in southern Syria, to a large attack on a Syrian Army post in Idlib, all within the past 48 hours. Baath Party Official Abdul Ilah Al […]

Vanessa Beeley Interview – Revival Of “Syrian Revolution” Regime Change Lie & Its Ties To Ukraine

Joining me today Vanessa Beeley, here to discuss what appears to be the West’s revitalization of the “Syrian Revolution” or “Syrian civil war” fabrication. This has always been a war of aggression, an invasion with the primary objective of regime change to better suit the interests of the western governments. As the 2024 election looms, […]

Multiple Syrian Soldiers Holocausted In Illegal IsraHell Terrorist Attack on Damascus

Once again the red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Jew Cult members illegally occupying Palestine while Holocausting the Indigenous Semitic Palestinians have in a war crime terrorist attack Holocausted yet more innocent Syrians inside Syria. It is starting to look like the Khazarian Jew Putin is in Syria to keep the Syrians from fighting back […]

Germany: Syrian migrant injures 3 police officers with broken bottle in daylight train station attack

A Syrian national was arrested on Tuesday evening in the German city of Nuremberg for attacking several police officers with a broken glass bottle outside the city’s main train station while repeatedly shouting “Allahu akbar.” Police were dispatched to Nuremberg Central Station shortly before 6:30 p.m. after receiving reports of a man harassing members of […]

Iraqi PM visits Syria in first trip since Syrian war

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani began an official visit to Syria on Sunday, the first by an Iraqi premier since the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011, in a trip aimed at securing their shared border and bolstering economic ties, reports Reuters. Iraq and Syria, which have close economic, military and political ties to […]

Hezbollah Official Denounces EU Parliament Resolution on Syrian Refugees Issue: Mikati Must Meet Assad to Face Conspiracy

Posted on July 15, 2023 by uprootedpalestinians July 14, 2023 Hezbollah’s Syrian Refugees File Official, Nawwar Sehali, called on the caretaker prime minister Najib Mikati to lead a ministerial delegation to Syria in order to discuss with President Bashar Assad the means of coping with the foreign conspiracy pertaining the refugees issue. The European Parliament […]

Syrian army clashes with HTS in Latakia

JUL 07, 2023 Recent weeks have seen in increase in fighting between the Syrian army and Turkish-backed extremist groups occupying areas within the Latakia and Idlib countrysides, despite a three year old ceasefire News Desk The Syrian Defense Ministry reported that a unit of the Syrian army confronted armed militants from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), […]

Syrian sanctions relief: An ‘American trick’

March 14 2023 Photo Credit: The Cradle The temporary lifting of Washington’s sanctions on earthquake-stricken and war-torn Syria is ‘misleading’ at best, and stands in the way of relief efforts. By The Cradle’s Syria Correspondent Four days after the devastating earthquake that struck southern Turkiye and northern Syria on 6 February, the US announced it would […]

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