Posts Tagged ‘revival’

Urban Revival Stalls As Office-to-Apartment Conversions Face Financial Fiasco

Urban Revival Stalls As Office-to-Apartment Conversions Face Financial Fiasco Transforming vacant office buildings into apartments was supposed to solve so many problems, however the reality of doing so has been anything but straightforward. This 1989 building near the White House was once occupied by the Department of Justice. Photograph by Evy Mages In 2022, less […]

Donald Trump Promises ‘Revival of Economic Nationalism’ to UAW Strikers

Former President Donald Trump promised a “revival of economic nationalism” to United Auto Worker (UAW) members during a speech in Clinton Township, Michigan Wednesday evening. Source

Vanessa Beeley Interview – Revival Of “Syrian Revolution” Regime Change Lie & Its Ties To Ukraine

Joining me today Vanessa Beeley, here to discuss what appears to be the West’s revitalization of the “Syrian Revolution” or “Syrian civil war” fabrication. This has always been a war of aggression, an invasion with the primary objective of regime change to better suit the interests of the western governments. As the 2024 election looms, […]

Ancient Maggot and Leech Therapy Sees Revival to Fight Antibiotic Resistance

A sharp increase in global antibiotic resistance has caused scientists to search for viable alternatives. Read more Section:  News Science & Space History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Window for JCPOA Revival Won’t Remain Open Forever – Amir Abdollahian

March 3, 2023 By Staff, Agencies Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian cautioned the United States that the window of opportunity for an agreement on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal will not remain open forever, urging Washington to adopt a constructive approach to salvage the accord. In an interview with CNN aired on Wednesday, […]

Asbury ‘revival’ planned or an answer to prayer? Video posted a week before ‘revival’ began raises questions

While many are declaring that the “revival” taking place at Asbury University is real with people from various Christian denominational backgrounds praising the event and testifying of its authenticity—including those who preach a different gospel, such as Catholics and homosexual-affirming religious individuals, some are raising questions over a video that… Source

The Newport Medieval Trading Ship Revival

One of the most remarkable maritime archaeological discoveries of the 21st century was the discovery of the ghostly timbers of a medieval ship, embedded in the mud Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

Asbury University president to end ‘revival’ service, says a ‘disruption to the continuity’ of the students’ ‘academic experience’

Asbury University, the site of a now 11-day “revival,” says it will no longer allow people to worship at Hughes Auditorium 24 hours a day or allow any attendees to “livestream or broadcast anything from indoors,” and “all services” will no longer be hosted at the university beginning on Friday, February 24. Dr. Kevin J. Brown, […]

Norway underscores fast revival of JCPOA

TEHRAN — Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian held consultations in New York on the sidelines of the annual United Nations General Assembly. The two foreign ministers exchanged views on the latest developments in bilateral relations as well as regional and international developments. In the meeting, the Iranian foreign […]

JCPOA revival talks necessitate flexibility from all parties: UN

TEHRAN- An agreement on resurrection of the 2015 nuclear deal demands “flexibility” from the parties, according to António Guterres’ spokesperson, who also reiterated his support for the deal reached between Iran, the 5+1 nations and the European Union. Stéphane Dujarric made the comments on Monday during a news conference in the midst of drawn-out negotiations […]

Qatar FM calls Amir Abdollahian to discuss JCPOA revival

TEHRAN— Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Sunday received a phone call from his Qatari counterpart Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani over issues of mutual interest, including efforts to revive the JCPOA, the official name for the 2015 nuclear deal. According to the official statement of the Iranian foreign ministry, the two […]

Iran: Lifting sanctions purpose of JCPOA revival talks

TEHRAN — Iran has maintained its share of the energy market despite sanctions, but it could contribute to resolving Europe’s energy crisis if an agreement is reached to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, says the spokesman for Iranian foreign ministry. During his weekly press conference on Monday, Nasser Kanaani stated that one of Iran’s primary […]

Advisor: Iran will be patient to reach conclusion in JCPOA revival talks

TEHRAN— In a series of tweets on Sunday, Seyyed Mohammad Marandi, the advisor to the Iranian negotiating team shed light on Iran’s response to the United States’ amendments to the EU proposal intended to remove the sanctions on Iran. Marandi said that Iran will be patient in order to reach the desired conclusion of the […]

Amir Abdollahian briefs Omani counterpart on JCPOA revival

TEHRAN— In a phone conversation with his Omani counterpart, Iran’s foreign minister emphasized that Iran’s recent response to the EU text was presented with the aim of speeding up and facilitating the conclusion of negotiations. According to the official statement of the Iranian foreign ministry, Hossein Amir Abdollahian and Badr al Busaidi, the Omani Foreign […]

Revival of JCPOA hinges on IAEA behavior

TEHRAN – Iran has rejected the allegation by Western media that it has backed down on its demand for closing a UN nuclear watchdog probe into its past nuclear activities, saying that the revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal depends on the closing of that probe.  The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of […]

Flood-Hit Pakistan Saved From Default as IMF Approves Revival of Bailout Funds

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) board on Monday approved the revival of a bailout loan program for Pakistan, whose economy has been worsened by monsoon floods. The IMF’s approval will allow an immediate disbursement of $1.1 billion to Pakistan. Finance Minister Miftah Ismail took to Twitter to express his gratitude for Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s […]

Iran receives US response to EU nuclear text for revival of 2015 pact

Iran has received Washington's response to an EU-drafted final offer for saving Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with major powers, Iran's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, giving no firm indication of how close they are to narrowing remaining gaps Reuters reports. After 16 months of fitful, indirect US-Iran talks, with EU officials shuttling between the sides, […]

The issues holding back revival of the Iran nuclear deal 

Iran and the United States are struggling to overcome divisions on three major issues in indirect talks on revival of a 2015 nuclear deal while months of negotiations have entered a crucial stage. A senior EU official shuttling between the parties said on August that a "final" offer was proposed and a response was expected […]

Iran Demands ‘Strong’ Economic Guarantees in JCPOA Revival Talks – FM

July 15, 2022 By Staff, Agencies Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said it is a “necessity” for Iran to gain economic benefits from the 2015 agreement and thus wants “strong” guarantees in talks on a potential revival of the deal, which the US abandoned unilaterally three years after its conclusion. “We seek strong economic […]

Shen Yun’s Revival of Traditional Arts Inspires Producer of Japanese Dance Show

BALTIMORE, Md.—The producer of a traditional Japanese dance show, Julia Mechler, appreciated the “beautiful mesh of traditional Chinese art and European classical music” presented in Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Hippodrome in Baltimore, Md. Commenting on the orchestra that combines East and West, she said, “I want to see something like that in Japan […]

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