Posts Tagged ‘purpose’

Are We Destroying The Economy On Purpose?

This article raises two important points. Ever since Technocracy set sail in the 1930s from Columbia University, it has been thwarted by the refusal of Capitalism and free market economics to die. This created a moral hazard to give them a push off the cliff. Some are getting the idea that the economy is being […]

Controlled demolition of the monarchy? For a massively nefarious purpose?

Controlled demolition of the monarchy? For a massively nefarious purpose?  Tue 2:29 pm +01:00, 12 Mar 2024   posted by pete fairhurst 2 The available images like above are all low quality, funny that…. Do Labour intend to gain credibility by abolishing the monarchy? Stranger things have happened. Certainly the fuss over the royal photoshopped […]

Mike Stone – Gaslighting is the MSM’s Purpose

Everything you see or hear coming  from the mainstream media is a lie.  Not some of it, not most of it, all of it. by Mike Stone ( To substantiate what I’ve just said, let’s look at some recent examples. In October of 2023, the mainstream media told us that Israel was hit with a […]

Is the Purpose of the Ukraine War to Kill Goyim? (Encore)

Latest! –-354,000 Russian and Ukraine casualties  Soon the Ukraine will be goyim-free! 1994 article by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson: “Slav, Russian, can be destroyed but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers.” “The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the […]

University Of Alabama Dean: Identity Politics Is ‘The Whole Purpose Of The University’-KEEP YOUR KIDS HOME-THEY CAN HAVE PROMISCUOUS SEX CHEAPER AT HOME

UT-Austin “student” demonstrating how to give blowjobs and use dildos while passing out treats to lure in other kids who’s parents are paying big bucks so their kids can learn to be immoral sluts A recent report provides chapter and verse on just how badly DEI has colonized Alabama’s system of public higher education. Want […]

Did the C.I.A. bungle this POTUS candidate assassination attempt ON PURPOSE?

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Shen Yun Is ‘Entertainment With a Purpose’: Actor

ADELAIDE, Australia—“Entertainment is incredible,” says actor and award-winning playwright Stephen House, “but I think entertainment with a purpose or a message actually turns it from silver to gold.” That was what House said when he watched Shen Yun Performing Arts at Adelaide’s Festival Centre on Saturday afternoon with his friend Lisa. “It allowed you to […]

NEVER FORGET: The Ukraine War Was Stealthily Engineered For This Very Purpose


The Origin And Purpose Of Egyptian Civilization According To Ancient Hermetic Texts

The Korê Kosmou or Pupil of the Eye of the World is a Hermetic text dating to the third century AD. The Greek text was preserved from antiquity by Johannes Stobaeus of Macedonia as part of his Anthology, hence its abbreviated reference as SH23 (Stobaean Hermetica 23).  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

The Best Mood Lighting for Every Purpose, From Stoner Hour to Sexy Time

The fluorescent lighting that shines in our faces at the supermarket and the doctors’ office is exactly what illuminates our own personal hell. (We’re seeing stars in our peripheral vision and getting eye strain just thinking about it.) When we come home to the ol’ crib, we want nothing but good vibes, and nothing kills […]

“Elites Are Making Things Worse On Purpose”

In a compelling monologue, Tucker Carlson warned that “history changing events” including energy and food shortages are occurring all at once and society is rapidly collapsing while the masses try to ignore it. Carlson pointed out that “Europe is descending into poverty” because of spiralling energy costs and the inability of countries to provide their […]

Iran: Lifting sanctions purpose of JCPOA revival talks

TEHRAN — Iran has maintained its share of the energy market despite sanctions, but it could contribute to resolving Europe’s energy crisis if an agreement is reached to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, says the spokesman for Iranian foreign ministry. During his weekly press conference on Monday, Nasser Kanaani stated that one of Iran’s primary […]

MSNBC’s Reid: Mississippi Argued Women Are Vessels ‘Whose Only Purpose Is to Give Birth’

MSNBC’s Joy Reid said Wednesday on her show “The ReidOut” that the lawyers defending the Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy were making the argument “that a woman is essentially a vessel whose only purpose is to give birth.” Reid said, “Mississippi’s defense of their 15-week abortion law makes a case that’s […]

For Jews The Term ‘Judeo-Christian’ Has Served Its Purpose — Now It’s Time To Throw It Under The Bus

(JTA) A so-called “conservative” Jew and “Trump Republican” — Josh Mandel — who is running for U.S. Senate in Ohio — is being attacked by “moderate” Jewish groups who bristle when Mandel wraps himself in the American flag and advocates “Judeo-Christian” values to block the Muslim onslaught in the region. These “moderate” Jews are becoming […]

Corpse Recycling at Gobekli Tepe: The True Purpose of its Ancient Stone Circles?

The following essay is an extract from Stone Circles Explained by Stephen Childs, in which the author offers some original theories regarding the purpose of stone circles. Covering sites from around the world, including Gobekli Tepe, Stonehenge and Avebury, the book theorizes on the various reasons for why prehistoric stone circles were built. Here Childs […]

FNC’s Carlson on Border Crisis: Biden ‘Did This on Purpose’

Tuesday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson speculated that the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, with the latest influx of Haitians at the Del Rio border crossing, was intentional. Carlson said the crisis was part of establishing a long-term voting constituency for Democrats with immigrants, which have a different standard applied to them under the […]

The purpose of the magnetism in the VX revealed (Dr Jane Ruby)

Yes, this is definitely getting beyond the pale, stick with it though. If anything right now those who are perpetrating this heinous scenario will desperately want you to think it is conspiracy. I assure you it is not. Read the links, the research, look carefully yourself. Don’t just dismiss it. (EWR) Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to […]

Your All-Purpose Wonk’s Guide to Why D.C. Statehood Is So Hard

But as the New York Times reported Thursday, the Biden White House is now looking at S. 51 much as a parent, working to put a holiday toy together, who discovers that there are missing nuts, screws that don’t fit the holes and pieces of the gift that simply do no align with each other. […]


Published on September 30, 2020 Written by Dr James Fetzer A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘THE CORONA PANIC IS A PLAY. IT’S A SCAM. A SWINDLE. IT’S HIGH TIME WE UNDERSTOOD THAT WE’RE IN THE MIDST OF A GLOBAL CRIME.’ This large […]

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