Posts Tagged ‘potus’

NFL Legend Antonio Brown Endorses Trump For POTUS: ‘I’ve Seen Biden Sh*t Himself’

Former NFL wide receiver Antonio Brown has endorsed “cool guy” Donald Trump for president, while slamming Biden as a feeble and weak leader who “falls over, sh*ts on himself, and has teleprompters everywhere.” Appearing on […] The post NFL Legend Antonio Brown Endorses Trump For POTUS: ‘I’ve Seen Biden Sh*t Himself’ appeared first on The […]

This is just one more way that POTUS Imposter Biden was criminally installed to destroy America!


Now you know his NWO globalist masters criminally installed him as POTUS imposter to mock US and demean the American people every day of his fraudulent term.

BIDEN (between coughs): "I've been eating everything that's put in front of me! I've eaten pasta, which I love. Eaten a lot of chicken, chicken parmesan…" JILL, ED.D.: "And ice cream!" — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 1, 2024 Source

Barbra Streisand Says Trump Is ‘Unfit to Be POTUS’, Praises Clintons As ‘Role Models’ For Young People

Hollywood veteran Barbra Streisand calls former President Donald Trump “completely unfit” to be president in her new 1,000 page memoir while praising Joe Biden’s supposed “honesty” and her close friends Bill and Hillary Clinton as “the […] The post Barbra Streisand Says Trump Is ‘Unfit to Be POTUS’, Praises Clintons As ‘Role Models’ For Young People […]

The Public Lynching of the Leading POTUS Candidate Continues In Glaring Contravention of American Jurisprudence

Gagging Donald Trump: Why Smith’s “Narrowly Tailored Motion” is Neither Narrow Nor Wise By Jonathan Turley Below is a longer version of my column in the New York Post on the gag order motion docketed Friday night in Washington, D.C. by Special Counsel Jack Smith. While described by Smith as “narrowly tailored,” even a cursory […]

Will Biden invoke the National Emergencies Act to cancel the 2024 POTUS election?

Cheating Democrats will simply not accept a 2024 POTUS election loss…  …which means there are only two possible outcomes. THE VERY PERPLEXING, UNPREDICTABLE, AND UNPARALLELED 2024 POTUS ELECTION PROCESS & PROCEDURE ONLY GETS MORE PRECARIOUS BY THE DAY Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst SOTN Exclusive There has never been, nor will there ever be, such […]

Did the C.I.A. bungle this POTUS candidate assassination attempt ON PURPOSE?

READ HERE:   Source

Why is POTUS Imposter Joe Biden refusing to acknowledge his own granddaughter?!?!?!

READ HERE: Ex-stripper wants love-child she had with US president’s son to be a Biden – media   Source

The States are finally waking up to the fact that POTUS Imposter Joe Biden cannot enact laws via his unconstitutional Executive Orders

FIGHTING BACK? GOP-Controlled State Legislatures Looking At Bills On “Constitutionality” Of Executive Orders Source

POTUS Imoster Biden Lies With Every Single Word To The UN General Assembly


POTUS Imoster Biden Lies With Every Single Word To The UN General Assembly


POTUS Imposter Joe Biden has committed more transparent felonies than any other American politician in history.

State of the Nation By his own admission, then Vice President Joe Biden usedupwards of $1 billion of US government loan guarantees ina bribery coercion scheme to threaten the Ukraine presidentto immediately terminate the Prosecutor General who was investigating the corrupt practices of Burisma Holdings, aswell as the involvement of board director Hunter Biden.This criminal […]

POTUS Imposter Joe Biden has committed more transparent felonies than any other American politician in history.

State of the Nation By his own admission, then Vice President Joe Biden usedupwards of $1 billion of US government loan guarantees ina bribery coercion scheme to threaten the Ukraine presidentto immediately terminate the Prosecutor General who was investigating the corrupt practices of Burisma Holdings, aswell as the involvement of board director Hunter Biden.This criminal […]

POTUS Imposter Joe Biden has committed more transparent felonies than any other American politician in history.

State of the Nation By his own admission, then Vice President Joe Biden usedupwards of $1 billion of US government loan guarantees ina bribery coercion scheme to threaten the Ukraine presidentto immediately terminate the Prosecutor General who was investigating the corrupt practices of Burisma Holdings, aswell as the involvement of board director Hunter Biden.This criminal […]

POTUS Imposter Joe Biden has committed more transparent felonies than any other American politician in history.

State of the Nation By his own admission, then Vice President Joe Biden usedupwards of $1 billion of US government loan guarantees ina bribery coercion scheme to threaten the Ukraine presidentto immediately terminate the Prosecutor General who was investigating the corrupt practices of Burisma Holdings, aswell as the involvement of board director Hunter Biden.This criminal […]

If you still don’t believe the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen, watch this documentary (read: scathing indictment).


If you still don’t believe the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen, watch this documentary (read: scathing indictment).


If you still don’t believe the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen, watch this documentary (read: scathing indictment).


If you still don’t believe the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen, watch this documentary (read: scathing indictment).




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