Posts Tagged ‘emergencies’

IHR Amendments Open Door to Perpetual Emergencies

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The 77th session of the World Health Assembly (WHA) just concluded at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It originally intended to adopt a new pandemic treaty and amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) that would tie country responses to the decisions of the WHO’s […]

Trudeau Government Is Sued Over Emergencies Act, Freezing Civil Liberties Protesters’ Ban Accounts

Trudeau’s authoritarian overreach, which a court ruled was unconstitutional, is being challenged by the victims of his actions. Source

Will Biden invoke the National Emergencies Act to cancel the 2024 POTUS election?

Cheating Democrats will simply not accept a 2024 POTUS election loss…  …which means there are only two possible outcomes. THE VERY PERPLEXING, UNPREDICTABLE, AND UNPARALLELED 2024 POTUS ELECTION PROCESS & PROCEDURE ONLY GETS MORE PRECARIOUS BY THE DAY Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst SOTN Exclusive There has never been, nor will there ever be, such […]

NYPD to Test Public Announcement Drones During Emergencies

Climate emergencies, including heat waves, hurricanes, flooding and wildfires are quickly becoming a common staple of American life. If that isn’t dystopian enough, the NYPD announced it’s piloting test drones to fly over at-risk neighborhoods and make public announcements during emergencies.  On Sunday, at the tail end of a weekend of heavy rainfall and flooding, […]

Concerning the State, There Are No Accidents, No Coincidences, and No Natural ‘Emergencies’ or Threats: All Is Planned

By: Gary D. Barnett “Liberty is not for these slaves; I do not advocate inflicting it against their conscience. On the contrary, I am strongly in favor of letting them crawl and grovel all they please before whatever fraud or combination of frauds they choose to venerate…Our whole practical government is grounded in mob psychology […]

Canada Moves to Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent & Their Justice Minister Says Trump Supporters Should Worry About Having Their Bank Accounts Frozen

Canada has moved to make the asset freezing part of its Emergencies Act, which was used to target supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests, a permanent fixture. PATRICK DOYLE via Getty Images Wow, who saw that one coming? In order to stop what the Trudeau regime referred to as “illegal blockades,” the government threatened to […]

4 die in US Capitol pro-Trump riot; 1 shot by police, 3 in ‘medical emergencies’

WASHINGTON — The woman who died Wednesday of a bullet wound during the violent storming of the US Capitol was shot by police, authorities said. The only fatality tied to Wednesday’s unrest was the woman, reportedly a dedicated Donald Trump backer and air force veteran who was among a throng of supporters of the US […]

Here’s how the globalists are conditioning first responders to avoid showing up at emergencies

DAN LYMANInfoWars Europe Members of a fire squad attacked while responding to a call in the Brussels migrant ghetto of Molenbeek believe they may have been lured there, according to reports. An emergency crew arrived on the scene of a garbage can blaze in the notorious no-go zone before realizing the street had been partially blocked with […]

Reduce the severity of these common medical emergencies with 8 acupressure treatments while help arrives

(Natural News) Acupressure is a healing technique which involves pressing certain pressure points in the body by the thumbs and fingers to clear blockages and relieve pain, similar in principle to acupuncture, which provides the same relief but through the use of needles. Acupressure can be used in medical emergencies as a […]

6 Strategies to Deal with Financial Emergencies

Financial emergencies are an unfortunate fact of life, so it’s better to be prepared for when they occur than to bury your head in the sand and hope you get lucky. When it happened to me, the stress of not knowing where the money was going to come from or even […]

Cop Shootout: Orlando Shooting Red Flags

Youtube link The recent mass shooting at the Orlando nightclub is discussed here in detail with all the available information as well as the professional opinions of two cops. Buy the book:… Source Article from

US tank enters MSF hospital in Afghanistan’s Kunduz, ‘evidence potentially destroyed’

     A US military vehicle has allegedly forced its way into the hospital in Afghanistan which was devastated by US airstrikes two weeks ago. The move was an unwelcome surprise for Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) which operates the site. Members of a joint investigation team from the US, NATO and Afghan government were […]

Do You Now Understand Why You Need To Prepare For Emergencies?

The Economic Collapse Sept 9, 2011 There has been a natural disaster that has caused at least a billion dollars of damage inside the United States every single month so far this year.  According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there have been10 major disasters in the United States this year.  On average, usually […]

Do You Now Understand Why You Need To Prepare For Emergencies? This Has Been The Worst Year For Natural Disasters In U.S. History

The Economic Collapse Sept 9, 2011 There has been a natural disaster that has caused at least a billion dollars of damage inside the United States every single month so far this year.  According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there have been10 major disasters in the United States this year.  On average, usually […]

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