Posts Tagged ‘amendments’

IHR Amendments Open Door to Perpetual Emergencies

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The 77th session of the World Health Assembly (WHA) just concluded at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It originally intended to adopt a new pandemic treaty and amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) that would tie country responses to the decisions of the WHO’s […]

Stop The WHO Treaty and Reject the Amendments

May 1st 2024 If you like our work please consider to donate: Donate Crypto _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The […]

WHO Amendments Revisited

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL We received a private email from an experienced statistician who, after reading our post and the WHO International Health Regulations draft amendments being discussed now, offered his help and explained why. His message seems to embody the feelings of many of our readers and our own. But let’s proceed with […]

International Health Regulation amendments and the so-called “Pandemic Treaty.”

rON I just wanted to remind you about the current power grab taking place in April/May and June this year in Geneva by the WHO and their “partners”. The International Health Regulation amendments and the so-called “Pandemic Treaty.” Here are … Read the rest Source

TOP 10 reasons why proposed amendments to International Health Regulations are UNACCEPTABLE

TOP 10 reasons why proposed amendments to International Health Regulations are UNACCEPTABLE The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) are a real doozy, threatening to unleash a medical martial law nightmare on the world. James Roguski says he obtained what appears to be an unofficial updated version of IHR that threatens to destroy […]

Governments Must Reject New Amendments to International Health Regulations

Remember when we were subjected to a surreal barrage of orders from our governments to stay home, not entertain more than X guests for dinner, not open bars and restaurants to unvaccinated customers, stay away from places of worship, wear pieces of cloth on our faces while walking to our seats in bars, etc etc., […]

These Amendments Would Open the Door to a Dangerous Global Health Bureaucracy

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The Covid pandemic gave the World Health Organisation and its partners unprecedented visibility and a tremendous amount of “soft” power to shape public health law and policies across the world. Over the past year or so, the WHO has been pushing hard to consolidate and expand its power to declare […]

The @ WHO are trying to reinterpret their own rules to pass the IHR amendments in May of 2024 — WITHOUT the public knowing what is in them

oct 9 2023 The @ WHO are trying to reinterpret their own rules to pass the IHR amendments in May of 2024 — WITHOUT the public knowing what is in them. “We have to get the word out about this. This is incredibly important, world-shaking stuff that is going on right now,” emphasized James Corbett […]

The WHO’s Proposed Amendments Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics 

This report is designed to help readers think about some big topics: how to really prevent pandemics and biological warfare, how to assess proposals by the WHO and its members for preventing and responding to pandemics, and whether we can rely on our health officials to navigate these areas in ways that make sense and […]

State legislatures are sneakily introducing amendments to laws that would pave the way for CBDC domination

(Natural News) Legislatures in 23 states and the District of Columbia are currently deliberating bills that would introduce central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) into their jurisdictions. This is due to the appearance of bills introducing the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). These bills would standardize state laws and regulations for transacting business. Theoretically, the UCC would make it […]

Amendments to IHR will enable totalitarianism on a global scale

BY RHODA WILSON ON FEBRUARY 28, 2023 • ( 11 COMMENTS ) Last week the Working Group for the Amendments to the International Health Regulations met in Geneva. The imposition of authoritarian rules on a global scale would normally attract attention but there has been a near-complete absence of interest from corporate media perhaps giving the impression that concerns surrounding these amendments […]

The WHO is now proposing amendments to the Pandemic Treaty that will affect your basic human rights

From James Roguski @ substackvia Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea They are meeting again shortly in secret to discuss a further thinning down of your basic human rights …this is very important info to share as widely as possible … as indicated below with this short opening excerpt… EWR READ MORE AT THE LINK ALTERNATE LINK […]

Who benefits from UNIFIL’s new amendments to its mission in Lebanon?

Argentinian Judge Federico Vilena has ordered that only 12 of the 19 seized Venezuelan plane crew members can leave the country while the other seven have been ordered to remain there. An Emtrasur Cargo Boeing 747 Washington asked Argentina, on Tuesday, to seize a Venezuelan cargo plane that has been parked since June on its soil and […]

Who benefits from UNIFIL’s new amendments to its mission in Lebanon?

Argentinian Judge Federico Vilena has ordered that only 12 of the 19 seized Venezuelan plane crew members can leave the country while the other seven have been ordered to remain there. An Emtrasur Cargo Boeing 747 Washington asked Argentina, on Tuesday, to seize a Venezuelan cargo plane that has been parked since June on its soil and […]

The Monkeypox Test, Texas Shooting, ISIS Plot & WHO International Health Regulation Amendments

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/26/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

A routine wrong & 2 Constitutional amendments

The States are primarily responsible for the welfare of the residents in their limits. The 105th Constitution Amendment that has been notified on August 19, 2021 aims at giving States back their authority to specify socially and educationally backward classes (OBCs). The 102nd amendment gave constitutional status to the National Commission for Backward Communities (NCBC) […]

‘So utterly disingenuous’: Republicans file slew of unrelated amendments as Dems push ahead with Covid relief

Senate Republicans on Wednesday filed more than 400 amendments to a budget resolution that Democrats must pass in order to move forward with their coronavirus relief package through the reconciliation process, a procedural tool that—while immune to the filibuster—comes with its own hurdles that the GOP is eager to exploit. Commonly referred to as “vote-a-rama,” the marathon […]

UAE Adopts Amendments to Grant Citizenship to Investors and Other Professionals

A general view of the Business Bay area, after a curfew was imposed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, March 28, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Satish Kumar / File. The United Arab Emirates has adopted amendments that would allow the Gulf state to grant citizenship to investors […]

Proposed Amendments Would Further Tighten Religious Activities of Foreigners in China

Photo Credit: Tumisu/Pixabay (ChinaAid) — On Nov. 18, China’s State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) released two documents delineating rules governing religious personnel and the religious activities of foreigners within China’s jurisdiction. The proposed regulations also cover residents of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. Officials report they will amass opinions regarding drafts of the proposed […]

‘Such a state is not a democracy’: Israeli citizens respond on proposed amendments to Anti-Boycott Law

In 2011, Israel passed the ‘Boycott Law’. The law makes Israeli citizens legally liable if they boycott, or encourage a boycott of an Israeli product, company, or institution, if that boycott “harms the state”. Since then, Israel has been piling up amendments to the original law, and additional legislation that aims to silence opposition to […]

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