Posts Tagged ‘asset’

J6 Pinned on Proud Boy Who Was Not in DC, After FBI Asset Ray Epps Admitted He “Orchestrated it,” And Antifa John Sullivan Bragged “We Did This Sh*t”

Above image: Ray Epps exhorting crowd on night of Jan. 5, 2021 “Tomorrow we need to go INTO the Capitol” Keeping faithful to the gruesome, Kafkaesque black comedy that America has become under the Biden administration, a Proud Boy who were never in the Capitol, nor even in DC, has been sentenced to 22 years […]

Consumers Got Whacked by Inflation, High Interest Rates, Layoff News, Asset Prices Falling from Lofty Peaks… And They’re Still Not Slowing Down

Consumer spending, adjusted for inflation and adjusted for seasonal factors ticked down by 0.3% in February, after a huge spike in January that had followed drops in December and November, and a big jump in October, according to data by the Bureau of Economic Analysis today. Source

Trump is an Asset of KGB/Mossad Part IV

By Timothy Fitzpatrick How Trump fits in the global neocon-Likud-Chabad organized crime syndicate The Talmudic-Zionist illegal state of Israel is Source

Boston Police Use Asset Forfeiture Funds to Secretly Purchase Stingray Spy Device

By Michael Maharrey Civil asset forfeiture is a pernicious policy in its own right. It is nothing more than legalized, institutionalized, government-sanctioned theft. Forfeiture laws flip due process on its head and create perverse “policing for profit” incentives. It’s bad enough that police can take people’s stuff, oftentimes without even charging them with a crime. But the […]

Canada Moves to Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent & Their Justice Minister Says Trump Supporters Should Worry About Having Their Bank Accounts Frozen

Canada has moved to make the asset freezing part of its Emergencies Act, which was used to target supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests, a permanent fixture. PATRICK DOYLE via Getty Images Wow, who saw that one coming? In order to stop what the Trudeau regime referred to as “illegal blockades,” the government threatened to […]

Natural Asset Companies and the plan to financialize the commons

“The rise of capitalist practice and morality brought with it a radical revision of how the commons are treated, and also of how they are conceived.” -Noam Chomsky Following the COP 26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, which seems at times like an exercise in public relations for the leaders of richer nations who mostly […]

Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class

Last month, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) announced it had developed a new asset class and accompanying listing vehicle meant “to preserve and restore the natural assets that ultimately underpin the ability for there to be life on Earth.” Called a natural asset company, or NAC, the vehicle will allow for the formation of […]

How Washington Is Positioning Syrian Al-Qaeda’s Founder As Its ‘Asset’

A PBS Frontline special is the latest vehicle in a PR campaign to legitimize rebranded Syrian al-Qaeda, HTS, and market its leader Mohammad Jolani as a competent American “asset.” March 2021 – marked the 10th anniversary of the Western regime-change war on Syria. And after a decade of grueling conflict, Washington is still maneuvering to […]


Was the Cuban Missile crisis a false flag? Fidel Castro was the son of a wealthy Spanish farmer. The name Castro was adopted by some Spanish Jews.  Fidel Castro. Apparently, Fidel Castro was gay, Jewish, very wealthy and an agent of the CIA. According to Michel Lafon and Axel Gyldén in The Hidden Life Of Fidel Castro: The […]

Erik Prince and the Failed Plot to Arm a CIA Asset-Turned-Warlord in Libya

In 2019, Erik Prince, the founder of the notorious mercenary firm Blackwater and a prominent Donald Trump supporter, aided a plot to move U.S.-made attack helicopters, weapons, and other military equipment from Jordan to a renegade commander fighting for control of war-torn Libya. A team of mercenaries planned to use the aircraft to help the commander, […]

KGB groomed Trump as an asset for 40 years, former Russian spy says

Former US president Donald Trump was nurtured as a Russian asset for decades, starting in 1980, a new book claims, with Moscow actively encouraging the businessman to enter politics many years before he won the presidency and supporting him through numerous failed business ventures as it built a “deep” relationship with the mogul. “He was […]

Japan’s Mitsubishi appeals asset seizure ruling by South Korean court aimed at compensating forced laborers during WWII

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has lodged an appeal to stop South Korea from seizing its assets in order to compensate people who were drafted into forced labor during WWII, when Korea was Japan’s colony. The legal process to compensate the victims of Japan’s wartime forced labor took effect last week, after Mitsubishi failed to carry out […]

Amash Sponsors Law to END Civil Asset Forfeiture

TOPICS:Civil ForfeitureCongressConstitutionMatt AgoristPoliceProperty DECEMBER 18, 2020 By Matt Agorist For decades now, federal government and their cohorts in law enforcement have been carrying out theft of the citizenry on a massive scale. We’re not talking about taxes, but an insidious power known as Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF). The 1980s-era laws were designed to drain resources from […]

If Biden and Democrats win, Netanyahu morphs from asset to liability

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Alex Houston, CIA ASSET “Having Anal Sex With a Small, Very Young, Frightened Black Boy”

Cathy O’Brien says that she and her daughter, Kelly, escaped from Project Monarch when Mark Phillips came on the scene. He says he worked with Alex Houston on a big business deal involving Hong Kong and China. However, he was subsequently told by a representative of the Chinese Ministry of Defence about Houston’s background and […]

How Civil Asset Forfeiture Could Undermine Efforts to Defund Police

Shadowproof —Between 2001 and 2017, the federal government seized $40 billion from ordinary people and high profile criminal defendants, including major corporations, through asset forfeiture. The money was funneled into the Assets Forfeiture Fund (AFF), a trust founded in 1984 through the Comprehensive Crime Control Act as part of the War on Drugs. Asset forfeiture is […]

Is Tulsi Gabbard a Russian Asset?

Babchenko–An Israeli Secret Asset?

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New Colorado Law Expands Asset Forfeiture Reforms

By Michael Maharrey On Tuesday, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed a bill into law expanding asset forfeiture reporting requirements instituted last year.  Rep. Leslie Herod (D-Denver) introduced House Bill 1020 (HB1020) on Jan. 10. The legislation expands asset forfeiture reporting requirements by redefining the agencies required to submit reports. Last year, Hickenlooper signed a bill […]

Missouri Police Using Federal Loophole to Skim Millions in Asset Forfeiture Proceeds

By Michael Maharrey Missouri police departments do an end-run around strict state asset forfeiture requirements and skim millions of dollars from Missouri schools using a federal loophole to circumvent state law. Missouri has some of the most strict asset forfeiture laws in the country. Prosecutors must get a conviction or a guilty plea […]

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